Ye Hao coveted him. She couldn't remember how long she hadn't seen Lu Tingzhi. When she was in Lujia, he was just a young man who had just grown up. He was with Lu Xiang every day, and now he sees him again. I remembered that she used to have such a second brother.

"Flat body." Ye Hao faintly opened, no matter who she looked at, she could not give up on Lu Tingzhi. He is Lu Xiaozhi's younger brother and Lu Shuanger's brother, and does not say whether Lu Yizhi is land or not. The children of the family, their love from small to large is enough to alert her.

Lu Tingzhi stood up and looked at her from a distance. It was difficult to calm down. Now she dares not to look up again. She is afraid that she will see her excitement.

He looked at his daughter and looked at Lu Tingzhi. She originally wanted to say that the family did not need to be cautious, but she did not say anything about the relationship between Lu Tingzhi and Lu Yizhi. "You first said, I went outside to see. ""

There are only Ye Hao and Lu Tingzhi in the hall.

"Why come back?" Ye Hao looked at Lu Tingzhi faintly.

"Ye Ye always has to return to the roots. It is never my wish to go to Qi." Lu Ting's bitter smile shook his head.

Ye Hao picked up her eyebrows. She didn't think that Lu Tingzhi would be so in love with her hometown. "I want to hear the truth."

"This is my truth." Lu Tingzhi whispered, "The goddess, the grass people came back for nothing else, the grandmother... the old lady died, everything was caused by my big brother, I just want to do something for the big house. ""

“What to do?” Ye Hao asked softly. “Abandoning the reading at the Hanlin Academy in Qi State, Huijin is a civilian, is this what you want?”

Lu Tingzhi said, "I will go to the examination in the next year."

This answer gave Ye a sigh. She looked at him and couldn't understand what he was in the picture. "Is it worth it?"

"The value is not worth seeing what the individual mind is thinking." Lu Tingzhi said.

Ye Hao sat down and looked at him again. "What about the pill?"

"I don't know..." Lu Ting's face flashed a sigh of relief. "I don't know what happened on the rivers and lakes. It was Duanmu Ya who gave me the pills. Someone sent the pills to Yao Wanggu."

"What about others?" Ye Hao asked.

"Outside." Lu Tingzhi looked at Ye Hao quickly. He saw Lu Yizhi yesterday. He knew that he had given Lu Hao a house. Although it looked nothing, he knew very well what it meant.

Since she is willing to give Lu Hao a chance, will she also give him a chance? There is an illusion in Lu Ting's heart. He really wants to stay and do something for her.

"Let people go to call Duanmu, this palace wants to see him." Ye Hao said softly, she came to Lujia today, in addition to want to see Lu Tingzhi is to see the end of the world, and not to mention the pills that Duan Muya handed over, and him He once saved Lu Yuzhi, and he knows Lu’s situation more clearly than Duanmu.

"Queen Empress." Lu Tingzhi looked at Ye Hao. The chance that he could see her may only be this time. Even if she can't let her believe him, at least... know that he is different. "I am coming back, there is nothing else." Intention, please believe me."

Ye Hao looked at him, his eyes flashed a strange, his eyes...

"This palace knows." Ye Hao said faintly, she thought that there was not much overlap with Lu Ting in the past. Every time I saw him, he was with Lu Xiang. Later, she was not a Lujia girl. She seems to have never seen Lu Tingzhi.

Lu Tingzhi heard her cold tone, and she stopped talking, but she did not know what to say.

"Go and call in the end of the wood." Ye Hao said softly, no matter what kind of mind Lu Tingzhi is about her, it is not important to her. If he really does not have other bad thoughts, she will not let people Deliberately suppressing him is like treating Lu Yi.

Du Muya was soon called, his handsome face with a hint of excitement, in fact, do not blame his excitement, about the empress of the king of the country, he has heard from the mouth of Lu Hao's brother for a long time, Especially about the Queen's medical skills, it is even more magical than his father, he wants to know, what kind of legendary woman, can learn a young age at a young age.

I heard that it is still the first beauty in the world.

When he walked into the hall, he saw the woman sitting on the chair of the Taishi at a glance. It really was... Qiongzi Huanhua, Yao Ruchunhua!

It is no wonder that Lu Yi’s brothers are both fascinated.

"The grass people have seen the Queen Empress." Duanmu Ya smiled and bowed, eyes looked at Ye Hao unceremoniously, and my heart sighed, God is really unfair, such a beautiful woman is enough to surprise the world, but also give her so much Medical skills, this makes other women how to live.

"Get up." Ye Hao's voice is very cold, and he doesn't like to look at the end of the wood.

Du Muya took back his sight and stood honestly beside Lu Tingzhi.

“Why should I hand over the pill to the palace?” Ye Hao asked, Duanmu Ya did not hand the pill to Zhao Wei, but gave it to her. She couldn’t figure out what he was for. If not mistaken, Wang Yao It belongs to Qi State, and does his father still stay with Zhao Wei?

"Because the grass people can't find a recipe, if the world can't even do the drug Wang Gu, then only the Queen Empress can try it." Duanmu Ya told the truth, he looked at Ye Hao and smiled and asked, " Goddess, have you found out the formula of the pills?"

Ye Hao glanced at him coldly. "Who is the person who gave you the medicine?"

Duan Muya waved his hand. "This grass-roots really doesn't know. The grass-roots people haven't returned to the drug king valley for a long time. It was sent to me by the drug boy, saying that someone sent it to Yao Wang."

"I have heard that you have saved Lu Yizhi?" Ye Hao did not ask if Duan Muya knew the formula, just as he said, even she could not find it, others were even more impossible.

"Ah, I saved him once a few years ago." Duanmu said with a smile. "However, his body has long been dying. If he meets a maiden at the time, he may be cured."

Ye Wei asked, "What is wrong with his body?"

Duan Muya smiled. "Mother, let's be a doctor with medical ethics. We can't just disclose the patient's situation."

“Is it?” Ye Hao’s lips smirked. “There is nothing to ask about this palace.”

But he still has problems! Duanmuya hurriedly asked, "Mother, you haven't told me, that... what is the formula?"

"Why should I tell you this palace?" Ye Hao glanced at him sarcastically, "Retreat!"

that's it? Duan Muya took a sigh of relief. "Mother, I only have one pill, you... can you tell me the recipe?"

“No.” Ye Hao refused coldly. “Tell you the recipe, let you make such a pill to harm others?”

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