Ye Hao didn't believe that Duan Muya didn't know anything, especially the pill. She thought that he must know who sent it to Yao Wang. He didn't say it, just didn't want her to know.

She sent him and Lu Ting's capital.

Duan Muya, like a rogue, refused to leave with a pillar, and told Ye Hao to tell him the formula of the pill, which was pulled out by Lu Tingzhi.

Ye Hao went to the study room to find Lu Shiming.

"Hey, Lu Tingzhi said that he wants to take the examination in the next year. Do you know this?" Ye Hao entered the study and immediately asked Lu Shiming about Lu Tingzhi.

"He told me that I don't agree." Lu Shiming stood up and told Ye Hao to sit down and say, "He told you?"

Ye Hao did not intend to tell Lu Shiming about the things on the rivers and lakes today. She sighed. "Hey, do you think he can believe it?"

"I know that you have not had a good impression of their big house because of the delay to the two children. Although I did not look up to the court, I checked what he had done in Qi State over the years. He extended it to It is different. If I can, I hope that you can give him a chance." Lu Shiming whispered.

He never asked his daughter anything. This time, for Lu Tingzhi, he still spoke.

"Hey, I know you want to promote him, but I don't trust..." Ye Hao frowned, not that she didn't want to give Lu Ting a chance. She was afraid that this opportunity would be given to Lu Yizhi.

"Do you believe me?" Lu Shiming asked.

Ye Hao smiled helplessly. "Hey, what do you say, how can I not believe you?"

"Let Lu Tingzhi do things around me, I will look at him, how?" Lu Shiming said.

"I went back to the emperor and said." Since Lu Shiming said this, she naturally couldn't say anything to refuse.

Lu Shiming smiled and nodded. "Good."

"Then I will go to find my mother first." Ye Hao said, "Don't take your book with Mingxi. You are a lonely one, don't be broken by him."

"I am going to take him to the old side." Lu Shiming said with a smile, "Ming Xi said that he wants to learn to play chess."

Ye Hao raised an eyebrow. "Is there a Mr. Huangfu who taught him?"

"Mr. Huangfu is teaching him. Isn't he looking for an opponent?" Lu Shiming said, laughing and laughing.

"Really..." Ye Hao smiled and shook his head. "I think he wants to play chess is fake. It is true to want to go out to play."

“Is it not normal for children to like to play?” Lu Shiming laughed.

Ye Hao left the study and went to the house. When she didn't enter the room, she heard a woman's voice looming from elsewhere. Listening carefully, they are all talking about Lu Shiming's couple. You don't have to ask if you know Liu.

"Go, gossip twenty, if she still wants to continue to squat, pull her teeth out." Ye Hao coldly told the red dragonfly, she would have hated Liu, not grateful that they took her here, still The complaint is that they are hurting her.

Who is who is tired?

Hung Hom whispered, turned and looked for the past along the sound.

Ye Hao entered the room without any trouble, "Mother, Ming Yu has not come back yet?"

"Just the Su family made the next person, indicating that Yu wants to stay in the Su family meal." He said helplessly, "Ming Yu can not be small."

"It seems that this Su girl is very childish, maybe you can hold your grandson next year." Ye Hao said with a smile.

He smiled and nodded. "Then I can't ask for it."

"Where, when did you move away?" Ye Hao sat down beside Yu.

"After the end of the year, I left, and on the fourth day, people will go to clean up the house."

Ye Hao nodded with satisfaction and it was almost the same.

It was not until the lunch time that Lu Xiangzhi came back with Mingyu. It was probably too tired. The little girl’s round face was also covered with two blushes, lined with two purses, and it looked like a powder. Like the corps, Yu’s seeing such a lovely granddaughter, a heart must be crisped.

"How can I go back to Xiao's mother's house and refuse to come back? Can't the grandmother be able to accompany you to play, so I have to be a little aunt to accompany you." He asked me if he was jealous.

Ming Yu licked the eyes of a pair of deer, thinking about it, "Xiao Xiao told me to go to the little aunt, in fact, I like my grandmother most."

"..." Lu Xiangzhi, who was betrayed, rounded his eyes. "When did I say that?"

"Yesterday!" Ming Yu said softly. "You said you want to miss the little aunt, take me to find."

When he looked at the son who had made a big red face, he couldn’t help but laugh. "Children don't lie, we are the most embarrassed."

Not long after, Ming Xi and Yan Xiaoliu also came back, watching Ming Xi with a smile, it seems that the Xu family is a lot of gains.

“What did you do at Xu’s home?” Ye Hao said with a smile.

"New Year." Mingxi replied, "I still play chess with Xu Jinbei. After the mother, when will Xu Jinbei enter the palace?"

Ye Hao thought for a while before he realized that Xu Jinbei was the grandson of Xu Lao, and that Ming Xi was only picked up before.

"When I finish school, I will be able to enter the palace." Ye Hao smiled.

Mingxi smiled and smiled, very satisfied.

Ye Hao chuckled in her heart. Her son, who was a little lover who loved him before he was three years old, somehow became the appearance of this old man, if it wasn’t for Murong Cham, when he was young, she I suspect that I am being stimulated.

Originally, I wanted to stay in Lujia more. After a short time in the afternoon, Xue Lin rushed to tell Ye Hao that the emperor left Kyoto City and let her hurry back to the palace.

Going back to the palace, Ye Hao knew that it was Tang Zhen’s accident, and the person who sent Tang Yan back was Song Wei.

"Where did the emperor go?" Ye Hao asked Xue Lin.

Xue Lin whispered back. "After seeing Jing Ninghou, the emperor left with General Ye and Shen Daren, saying that it is going to be out of town for a few days."

A big deal!

Ye Hao took a deep breath, she was not the little girl who had never experienced the storm. No matter what happened, she should calm down first.

"Song Yiren?" Ye Haodao, Song Yu has always been with Murong Yu, if he has already returned, it is said that Murong Yu has also returned, why not come to see her since returning?

Xue Lindao, "The Niangniang, Song Yu in the Royal Hospital, Jing Ning Hou is also there."

Ye Hao remembered Tang Yan, "What happened to Jing Ninghou? Was it hurt?"

"It seems to be poisoned, and now the royal doctors of the Royal Hospital are helpless." Xue Lin frowned.

Poisoning? Ye Hao’s face changed slightly. I remembered that Murong Chong left Kyoto at this time. I was afraid that Tang Yan was not a general poison. She remembered the poison that was still in the pharmacy. Don’t be...

"With the palace to the Royal Hospital!" Ye Yan said with a calm face.

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