Song Yu was left behind by Ye Hao. Although he was unwilling, he walked around the door and found two strange faces blocking him. He measured it. He felt that he should not beat them, so he returned.

He forgot that Lu Hao is now not only the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea, but also the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty. It is normal for her to have several martial arts high-powered guards around her.

Duanmu was soon brought.

"Looking for me to do it? I am still busy." Duan Muya cried, he also wanted to study the poisoned person, how rare it is to have a ready-made study for him, maybe he can find out Formula.

Ye Hao looked at him coldly and saw the back of the woods as cold, and did not dare to say a word.

"Duan Muya, where did your poisonous pills come from?" Ye Hao whispered, as time went by, she gradually developed the momentum of not being angry and self-defeating, even if it was not the kind of ink. People's jealousy is enough to hold others.

"I was sent to Yao Wang." Duan Muya asked in confusion, did he not say it?

"Is it Lu Yizhi?" Ye Hao did not want to circle with Duanmu, and directly point out Lu Yuzhi.

At the end of the wood, I laughed softly. "Impossible! I know the most of Lu Yuzhi. If he had such a skill, he would not suffer such a serious injury in Anhe City, and he would give his own body. destroyed."

"Destroyed the body, but still alive." Ye Hao coldly said, "This poisonous pill is from a thousand hand spiders. Lu Yanzhi is the person behind the thousand hand spiders. You said that this matter has nothing to do with him. Will the palace believe?"

"What?" Lu Yizhi with a thousand hands spider? impossible! Duan Muya has heard of the evil hand of the thousand hand spiders. It is more than a thousand Luochao’s heart-wrenching existence. How can Lu Yuzhi be... “The goddess, I have never heard of Lu’s mention of a thousand hand spiders, I always thought that I I thought he was only doing things for Qi Guolu."

Yes, impossible! Can look at the face of Queen Empress, it seems that it is not kidding, it is true!

He also thought that he knew everything about Lu Hao, and he still didn't know anything.

"This palace asks you once again, where is Lu Yizhi?" Ye Hao does not believe that Duanmuya really does not know anything. Perhaps he does not know the relationship between Lu Yizhi and the thousand-handed spider. However, Lu Yizhi disappeared at the end. Before I saw Duan Muya, he must know something.

Duanmuya is almost crying. "Queen Empress, if I know Lu Hao’s early, I have already told Tingzhi that I saved him in Anhe City. His body has been run down. I have finally let him live. Down, telling him that the children will be difficult in the future. After that, Lu Yizhi left the Yaowang Valley to go to the Imperial City. They went to the court to say goodbye to them, and they never saw him again."

Ye Hao took a deep breath and looked at the end of the wood is not like lying.

"Anniling, if I know where he is, I will tell you." Duan Muya said, "I really don't know his relationship with a thousand spiders, but if that's the case... then the poisonous pills may be him. Let people send medicine Wang Gu, he... what does he want to do?"

She also wants to know what Lu Yizhi is doing!

If the poison pill is made by him, then he should know the formula. If the poison pill is sent to Yaowang, he is not afraid to develop antidote?

Or, did he want to get an antidote?

"Poisonous pills are not necessarily made by Lu Yi." Song Yu said, "The owner said that the real black hand is not a thousand hand spiders, it is just a piece of chess that is being used, but who is it, has not yet found out ""

Who is it? Ye Hao is unfamiliar with the rivers and lakes and can't guess it, but even Murong Zhan and Murong Yu don't know enough to know how deep this person is.

Ye Hao looked deeply at Du Muya, she still felt that he was concealed, but since he refused to say, she was not reluctant, he would say it sooner or later.

On the end of the wood, he was calmly looked at by Ye Hao. In fact, his heart was already turbulent. He really didn’t know that Lu Yizhi was still in contact with a thousand hand spiders. Now he will even know what he knows, and the Queen’s Empress will not I believe he does not know what Lu Yu’s looks like.

He has to find out Lu Yuzhi first.

"You go ahead." Ye Hao let the end of the end of the wood.

Duanmuya cautiously asked, "Im Man, I... can I still guard Jing Ninghou?"

He is very eager to know if he can cure the poisonous pills. I heard that no one can cure the disease.

"Go." Ye Hao knows that Duanmu's medical skills are above the Gongyuan judgment. It is natural that he is guarding Tang Yin.

"Thank Goddess." Duan Muya was overjoyed and happily quit and went out.

There are only Ye Hao and Song Yu in the house.

"What did you say to the emperor?" Ye Hao looked at Song Yu faintly, and Murong Zhan left the poisoned Tang Yan. Even when she came back, she didn't leave the city. It must have been what Song Song told him. thing.

"What can I say? The emperor asked the whereabouts of the owner. I said that the owner intends to check the truth in person. The emperor asked the poison pill, and he left the city with him. There is nothing in my side." Song He said.

"Six princes want to personally check the truth? How do he want to check the truth?" Ye Hao looked at Song Yu and asked.

Song stunned. "I don't know... the owner didn't say it."

Ye Xuan remembered that Murong Yu had been licking her body for her worms. She closed her eyes. Even if Song did not say anything, she could probably guess what Murong Yu was going to do.

She can guess, how can Murong Chong not guess? This is why he rushed out of Kyoto City overnight.

Although he knows that Murong Zhan’s martial arts is high, he can’t help but worry about him.

"This palace knows." Ye Hao said faintly, "Six princes... Is there anything else?"

"He asked me to take a look at you, you are doing well, he will be fine." Song Yu said something with resentment.

Ye Hao’s heart was sour, “Have you been at sea for a few years? Where have you been?”

"After you leave, the owner will let people inquire about your whereabouts. After we went out to sea, we only know that you are in the Atlantic Ocean in the first half of the year. When we arrive in China, we know that you are back." Song Yu said faintly, though It’s a heartache, and the owner’s infatuation is not rewarded, but to be honest, this is a resentment.

That ink is not very bad.

Ye Yiwei, "Have you been to China? Then... have you seen the family in this palace?"

"I have seen Ye Daren." Song said, "How else would you know that you have returned?"

"Since I am back, the Six Kings... Why don't you go back to Kyoto?" Ye Hao sighed, she and Murong Zhan sent people to look for him, Murong Yu informed, he should know.

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