Ye Hao is worried about Murong Yu, she is not a stone heart. For many years, Murong has done too much for her. He doesn’t even care for her. She doesn’t know how to reward him. I hope that he can be safe and peaceful, and meet another beloved woman in the future to live with beauty.

Song Yu frowned. "Don't you know that after the disappearance of the owner, the South Vietnamese will not return to Kyoto from the South, and the emperor will fight one, and will also abandon the throne. Today, our owner is not the six lords. ""

She really doesn't know about this!

Ye Hao for a while, how did Murong Yu not even the throne?

"Queen Empress, now I should say everything, if nothing happens, then I will leave?" Song said.

"Your owner is telling you to stay in Kyoto City?" Ye Hao glanced at him.

Song Hao’s face was stiff, and she couldn’t make a heart-reading technique. Even this one knows?

Ye Hao smiled. "You are leaving now. You should not plan to tell your cabinet owner. It is the palace that wants you to go."

This Song Song is really not laughing, he is so planning.

"Queen Empress, I have no use for staying." Song Yu said helplessly, if he stayed useful, it doesn't matter, there is nothing he can do.

Ye Hao said faintly, "Whoever said, maybe there will be something to tell you to do soon."

"..." Song Yi was speechless for a while.

Just saying, Hong Ling came to talk, Jingning Hou wakes up.

Ye Hao stood up and walked out immediately. Song Hao also converges on his look and follows Tan Ye’s body to see Tang Yan.

There was a leaf scorpion that gave Tang dynasty acupuncture and moxibustion and ate the medicine of Lingquan. This time he woke up and did not have epilepsy. .

"The maiden, this poison will be indiscriminate, Jing Ninghou is afraid that even anyone who has forgotten it." Duan Muya gave Tang Yan the pulse, and saw Ye Hao come in, he whispered his judgment to her.

Ye Hao looked awkward and looked at Tang Yan worriedly. He went to the couch and looked at him. "Jing Ninghou, do you still remember this palace?"

Tang Yinzhong heard a sweet voice, and he looked up at the person who was talking, and the murky memory seemed to have a clear injection. "Hey..."

The person next to him heard the nickname of the Queen Empress, and his face was slightly changed.

"Don Brother, do you still remember me?" Ye Yi’s heart was a joy, and it seems that Tang Yan did not completely lose his heart.

"Oh..." Don Juan still read the name, but he couldn't say anything else.

"The niece, want to make Jingning Hou awake, have to have antidote." Duan Muya said, but they do not even know the formula of poison, how to use drugs to detoxification?

Ye Xie sees Tang Yan still unconscious, worried in his heart, "Why are you going to be poisoned by Jing Yanhou?"

"Back to the maiden, Hou Ye has always been with us. One night, Hou Ye said that he found clues and asked us to look for it separately. After we didn't see Hou Ye for two days, when I saw him again, Hou Ye... Hou Ye..."

"What happened to Jing Ninghou?" Ye Hao asked sharply.

"He slaughtered more than a hundred people in the Seven Stars Escort. There was no humanity. He couldn't recognize others. His men wanted to stop it and they were killed. If they didn't meet our owners, I was afraid that they would still kill outside. Song Song whispered.

Tang Yan’s eyes flashed a sorrow in his eyes, and he looked at the unconscious Tang Yan without speaking.

"Hou Ye is killing because of poisoning." A young guard shouted.

His voice was too loud, and he scared Tang Yan, and his pale face turned black. "Ah, ah... ah..."

Yan Han immediately guarded Ye Hao behind him.

"Hou Ye!" Several guards immediately stood by the couch.

Duanmu Ya used to give Tang Yan a pulse. Fortunately, Tang Yan just shouted loudly, and did not beat people like crazy at first.

"The pulse is too fast, so his toxicity will occur." Duan Muya said.

Ye Hao took out a pill and "he fed him in."

Duan Muya took the pill for a while and smelled a fragrant smell. But he couldn’t smell anything. He fed Tang Yan and ate it. After a while, Tang Yan calmed down.

What is this? It’s amazing.

"Let Jing Ning Hou rest." Ye Hao whispered.

"Odd girl, what do you give to Jing Ninghou?" Duanmu asked curiously.

Ye Hao looked at him and said, "Detox Pills."

Duo Muya eyes looked at Ye Hao brightly.

"Even if you tell you, you can't do it." Ye Hao said faintly.

"..." Duan Muya felt a sigh of relief.

Ye Hao returned to Yongshou Palace. She went to take the medicinal materials in the space and personally matched the prescriptions for the poison. Let Hong Ling send it to the Royal Hospital. The detoxification effect of the space medicine may be better. Now we must know how Tang Yin is poisoned. I have to wait until he is awake.

I don't know when Murong Chan will return.

"After the mother, the father does not know where to go?" Ming Yu came over and looked at Ye Hao with great grievances.

"The father has gone out and went back in two days." Ye Hao comforted her daughter. "Ming Yu, is it good?"

Ming Yu’s eyes were slightly red, “The father lie, he said that he took me to see the fireworks today.”

"Brother took you to see." Ming Xi came over and said softly to her sister.

"Really?" Ming Yu’s eyes brightened, looking at Ming Xi and Yan Xiaoliu.

"Mother is busy, my brother plays with you." Although Mingxi did not know what happened, he saw that Xue Lin and others were heavy. He could guess what was going on. As a brother, he naturally had Responsibility at this time with my sister.

Ye Hao smiled and looked at Ming Xi. He was worried that his son was too young, but now he feels that his son is very good at knowing things. "Ming Yu first plays with his brother, and there is still something to do after the mother."

"Good." There is a brother and Yan Xiaoliu accompanying her, Mingyu will soon be unable to find the father's sadness behind.

"Song Song." Ye Hao whispered. "There is one thing I want you to do."

"What is it?" Song asked.

Ye Hao’s eyes looked coldly at the direction of the Royal Hospital. “You have seen a few of the men around Lu Yi’s side. Before Zhong Lan’s chasing a thousand-handed spider came to Kyoto, but nothing was found. This palace thinks that there must be people in the city of Kyoto, you may find out, trace the whereabouts of Lu Yizhi, this matter... handed over to you, how many people do you need to help you?"

"That's not necessary, we still have someone." Song said, "I will go out to find someone."

"Be careful with yourself." Ye Hao whispered.

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