Also want to find Lu Yizhi is also the end of the world.

Although he would like to stay in guarding Don Juan, he does not know why, he always feels that the Queen Empress can cure Tang Yan, but he has more important things to do, he has to find out Lu Yizhi.

When he changed his face for Lu Yi, he thought that Lu Yizhi could not accept his disastrous body. He intended to hide his name and not let people know that he became like that. Even if he knew that he wanted revenge, to tell the truth, Duan Muya did not think that Lu Yuzhi What kind of things can the body do, and now that he wants to come, he simply underestimates Lu Hao.

If he really wants revenge, then he can really make something shocking.

"Duanmu, the maiden called you into the palace to do it?" Lu Tingzhi was waiting for him outside the palace door after he knew that Du Muya was invited to the palace. He saw him coming out and immediately came over.

"Don't have an accident." Duan Muya has no intention of squatting at Lu Ting, even if he is angry with himself, he has to tell Lu Ting the facts. "Ting, I have to find out Lu Yizhi, now people on the rivers and lakes The savage poisonous pill is definitely related to him."

Lu Tingzhi stunned. "What do you say? How is it related to him?"

Duanmu had swallowed his throat. "I haven't told you that there is something. You should go with me first, I will tell you slowly."

"Are you doing something with me?" Lu Ting looked at him with trepidation. As long as he had a relationship with Lu Hao, he felt that it would not be a good thing.

"Get on the bus first, it's not good to talk here." Duan Muya took Lu Tingzhi's hand.

The two got on the bus and waited for the carriage to leave the palace gate. Duanmuya whispered to Lu Tingzhi about what he had done.

"...I really thought that your big brother just didn't want people to know that he became an eunuch. Just because of his body, he couldn't breathe a few steps. The martial arts were all gone. In winter, he would definitely not be holding the stove. Frozen to death, I really don't think he can avenge, and still find an emperor, but today I went to the palace to see the poison of Tang Yin, I heard that your big brother has a relationship with the thousand hand spiders on the rivers and lakes, I know, I am Underestimate him." Duan Muya looked down at Lu Tingzhi.

Lu Tingzhi couldn't find any words to describe the anger in his heart. He has already left his anger. For a long time, he thought that Lu Yizhi was dead. Their family could live a peaceful life. He discovered the seriousness.

He thought that the dead people might have changed their faces and lived beside them, doing things they didn't know. This made him feel scared more than what Lu Hao had done before. At least know where he is, now where is Lu Yi? doing what? They all don't know.

What kind of person is Lu Yizhi? The heart is hot, cold and bloodless, and since he wants to take revenge, then surely... he will use all his strength to do the most damaging things.

"You... know that this is helping you to abuse?" Lu Tingzhi looked at Du Muya, his mood was surprisingly calm.

Du Muya is very clear, the more calm and angry, Lu Tingzhi.

"I really don't know that he will have a relationship with a thousand spiders. When I helped him, I still look at your share." Duan Muya whispered.

Lu Tingzhi reached out and grabbed his clothes. "For my sake, you should not save him! You don't know who he is? Will he be willing to hide his name? Duanmu, you know that you made for a evil spirit." What?"

Duanmu, a bitter smile, "I didn't know it before, but now I know, but I think Lu Yuzhi can't do poisonous pills, he doesn't have that."

"He can't make poisonous pills, but he will use that poison to harm people." Lu Ting yelled.

"So I am going to find Lu Yizhi now, although I don't know what he will eventually become, but as long as I see him, I will definitely recognize it." Duan Muya said.

"Where are you going to find him?" asked Lu Tingzhi.

Du Muya said, "If he wants revenge, he will definitely stay in Kyoto."

Lu Tingzhi took a deep breath. "You'd better find out quickly."



Because of the departure of Murong Cham, Ye Hao was busy in the palace. Originally, she planned to let Hong Ling and Hung Hom go out of the palace after the New Year, but if they don’t let Hong Ling go out of the palace at this time, I don’t know in the future. How long will it take?

"Mother, how can the slaves go out of the palace at this time?" Hong Ling heard Ye Hao want her to go to the hospital, and immediately opposed it. "Hung Hom is about to become a pro, let her go to the hospital first, I still stay in the palace." Serving you."

The emperor suddenly left the palace to leave Kyoto City, and Jing Ninghou was poisoned. Although they did not know what happened, they knew clearly what happened. How could they leave the palace at this time.

"The goddess, the slaves do not want to go out of the palace." Hung Hom immediately said.

Ye Hao sighed and said with helplessness, "Let you go out of the palace, it is not like sending you out, you are no longer in the hospital, Hou Shizi is not in Kyoto City, this palace can only give you the medical workshop, and, Kyoto The outside of the city is not calm, you are outside, you will know more things."

People in the medical workshop come and go, people are mixed, they will hear a lot of news she can't hear in the hospital.

Hong Ling and Hong Ling look at each other, "Anniling..."

They don't want to leave Ye Hao at this time.

"There are red buds and green buds around the palace. Xiaoran is also in the palace for a few years. They are all taught by you. Do you still believe them? Red 缨 is going to be a relative, and there are still many things to prepare. The idea that I wanted you to leave the palace before the end of the year is that the palace is reluctant." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Tomorrow you will go to the medical clinic, and the day after tomorrow, the clinic will open the door to see the doctor. There are many things that you have to do." ”

"The slaves listen to the goddess." Hong Ling listened to Ye Hao, so she had to promise it. She had been in the hospital for a few months, and many things could be easily started, as the Queen Empress said, they stayed in the palace. In fact, nothing can be done, and more can be done outside the palace.

In fact, Hung Hom also wanted to prepare her own marriage earlier. When she heard the Queen’s Empress, she did not refuse any more. She just thought silently in her heart. After she became a relative, she was going back to the girl’s side to do things. In the hospital or in the palace.

Ye Hao heard them say so, nodded with a smile. "Okay, you will go out tomorrow."

"The niece, Jing Ninghou woke up, want to see you." Lu and the door outside came in to Ye Hao.

"Okay, this is the way to go to this palace." Ye Hao was a sigh, Tang Yan said to see her, is it already awake?

She used the spirits and elixir to detoxify him. Even if he could not completely force his poison, he could at least solve half of it.

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