When Ye Hao was taken out of the forest, there was a slight change somewhere in the Xuantian continent.

A man wearing a black robes lazily leaned on the black master's chair with unicorns and phoenixes. He was suddenly closed and he opened his eyes and looked at the blue sky. It was still clear in the eyes of others. Miles, but in his eyes, there are ripples shaking.

"It's very interesting." The man sneered, but the voice was so cold that it seemed to be mixed with ice.

"The city owner, what is the best thing?" Someone smiled and asked.

"The body is back." The man whispered, and the figure suddenly disappeared in the chair.

what? Split? The people next to him were surprised. It was a matter of years ago. They thought that the avatar had already become a mortal in the human world.

After Murong Chong passed through the mountain wall, he only saw a darkness. He could not remember how long he had been in the darkness. When he saw something again, he appeared in a strange room surrounded by smoke. Spring water, looks like... like a hot spring?

Everything here seems so familiar!

I was puzzled. A tall figure appeared in the house and I saw the man who looked exactly the same as myself. In the mind of Mo Rongzhan, there were countless memories exploding like fireworks.

It turned out that he should belong here, he is not called Murong Cham, he is Mo Di.

His body floated up and merged with the black man in front of him. His memory and everything at the same time became the memory of the Emperor.

The handsome and cold face of Modi was sinking because of the memory of receiving the avatar. A pair of eyes of different colors became more chilly, and there was no difference between him and him. So, everything that Murong Chan experienced in the human world, He will feel the same, this is why he was boring and wanted to get a avatar to the world.

He just wants some memories about the world's mainland as a fun look, not to be a child with a woman!

Separated from this kind of emotion that is unforgettable to a woman, he subconsciously feels disgusted and resists.

"The city owner?" In the subordinates of the hall, seeing that Modi, who was just in a good mood, went out of the darkroom and looked as if his face was even worse, and immediately watched him carefully.

"Go to Zhou Guo." Modi said coldly.

On the other side, Ye Hao and Ye Wei are still talking.

Ye Wei heard Ye Hao’s question and finally looked at her. It seems that this cousin who has never met before is smarter than he imagined.

"What do you think is looking for you to go back?" asked Ye Wei.

"This question is what I asked." Ye Hao said that although she is willing to replace the three girls who become Ye Jia, she does not want to be used.

Although Ye Wei didn't want to talk too much with Ye Hao, he thought of the reason for looking for her to go back. He barely showed a gentle smile. "Over the years, my grandfather has been thinking about you for a long time, and I have been looking for you for a long time. You can't let a girl fall outside. In this family, you can learn to improve the realm, otherwise you can only live for decades."

"How can you learn to live for a long time?" Ye Hao asked.

Still really do not understand anything! Such a person returns to Ye Family, but I am afraid that it is also the waste wood in everyone’s eyes.

"If you can cultivate the Dantian gas sea, then you can stay in the face. If you break through the initial situation, you can at least be 150 years old. When you practice in Cingjing, you can live to at least three hundred years old." Ye Wei Said.

"..." Ye Hao had always thought that the practice of hatred was similar to the martial arts on the human continent. I did not expect that the difference seems to be quite big.

The people here can still live so long.

"How can we cultivate the Dantian gas sea?" Ye Hao asked curiously.

Ye Wei gave her a look. "When you return to your home, you will naturally test which kind of spiritual root you belong to, and there will be a practice that suits you."

"That... if there is no spiritual root?" Ye Hao said with a smile, she is not a real Yejia girl, just a normal mortal who can no longer be ordinary, certainly no so-called spiritual root.

"That's the same as firewood." It can only replace his sister to marry.

You only waste wood, your whole family is firewood!

Ye Hao took a deep breath, even if she was a waste wood, she still has space Lingquan, and she said that her space is a super holy space. It is definitely a rare thing in Xuantian mainland. She also has a flamingo. It!

She didn't know where the forest was in the past, but she felt that the journey to Xizhou was quite far, and the weather seemed to be getting colder and colder. She had already begun to smash.

This Ye Wei does not seem to feel cold at all! He was wearing a dark blue robes, still sitting in a position away from her, and she was almost cold.

Ye Hao turned his head and looked outside. It turned out to be snowing. No wonder it would be so cold.

No, when in the mountains, she felt that it should be in the spring climate, how can it change so much in a day.

"You don't feel cold?" Ye Hao couldn't help but ask.

Ye Wei looked at her in confusion and was "will it be cold?"

"..." Ye Hao pointed out the window, "It's snowing outside."

“Xizhou is snowing all year round.” Ye Wei said, “You have not practiced Dantian gas sea, you will feel cold is normal, and when you start to practice, you will feel what the climate is the same.”

Wood can sense hot and cold...

"I am afraid I have not returned to my home, I am already cold on the road." Ye Hao whispered.

Ye Wei was speechless for a while. He did forget this question. This cousin is like an ordinary mortal. If he only wears a thin shirt and enters Xizhou City, he may really freeze.

"There is a treasure chest under your chair. There should be a scallions on the inside. You put it out and put it on." Ye Wei said.

“Onion 茏 裘?” Ye Hao felt that the name was strange, but she opened the cupboard under the chair, and she saw the red skin, and she felt a warmth when she didn’t wear it.

Ye Wei smiled and knew that Ye Hao had certainly not touched many treasures.

"The onion is the beast on the mountain, the color is red, it can be fire, and its fur can keep warm." Ye Wei said softly.

"Oh." Ye Hao nodded. She heard about the green onion in the book she got back from China. However, she thought that this beast only lived in the book.

When Ye Wei saw her so cold, she knew that she certainly did not know the preciousness of this skin.

Sure enough, I don’t know the goods.

"There is another hour, we will arrive." Ye Wei said with an eyebrow.

Ye Hao grabbed the skin, she was about to face an unfamiliar environment and strangers...

Hope, I can find Mingxi as soon as possible.

I don't know what Murong Chan is doing now. If he knows that she and Ming Xi come to Xuantian mainland, they will be very worried.

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