The carriages are flying fast, they have entered a snow and ice, the branches and the roof are all ice, shining in the sunlight, Ye Hao has not seen the snow before, but like this between heaven and earth It’s all ice and snow or the first time I saw it.

"The front is inside the city of Xizhou." Ye Wei, who had been silent for a long time, finally said.

finally reached!

Ye Hao is inexplicably nervous. She has to face a new world she has never touched. To be honest, she is really scared. The more she is afraid of her, the more she misses Murong Cham, and she does not know what happened to him.

She gently pushed the window open and looked over at the front.

"That is... the city wall?" Ye Hao asked in amazement.

Not far away, the white walls are majestic and sacred, and the two sides still can't see the end. How big is this Xizhou City?

As the carriage approached, she became more and more aware of a strong momentum.

"The city wall is guarded by a defensive array. It will be uncomfortable to enter the city for the first time. However, you are a girl of Ye Family and it is easy to enter the city." Ye Wei said faintly.

"Do you want to see the identity in the city?" Ye Hao asked in surprise, how she would enter the city.

Ye Wei chuckled. "Only the defensive array is added to the wall. The wall is dead. The person who checks the identity is a stone. If the person is in the holy gate or other places, the beast will immediately know the origin of the other person. You It’s Ye’s girl who doesn’t have to go through the inspection of the beast.”

Although she did not know what a beast was, she heard a sigh of relief when she heard that she did not need to check her identity.

The speed of the carriage slowed down. I don’t know if the carriage has a status symbol. When entering the gate, the soldiers wearing black armor on both sides of the left and right sides took the initiative to open the road. Ye Hao saw that there was a strange one on the side of the gate. Mirror, is that mirror a shape stone?

Ye Hao has not seen it clearly. The carriage has passed through the gate. What she can see is the scenery in Xizhou City.

"Why the city seems to be different from the climate outside the city." After entering the city, she could not feel the cold outside the city, and the trees on the roadside in the city were green and strong, unlike the trees with ice outside.

"There is a cold weather in the city, don't you feel hot?" Ye Wei asked.

He was so reminded that Ye Hao really felt so hot, she hurriedly took off the onion skin, this Xuantian continent... is really magical everywhere.

"Come on, get off."

The carriage didn't know when to stop, the door next to it was opened, and Ye Wei easily got off the carriage. Ye Hao clenched his fist and took a deep breath and walked down the carriage.

The eye-catching thing is the powerful Yefu word. Although the door is not as powerful as the city gate, it is much more majestic than the Ye Hao once seen the palace gate. She is already the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty. The empress of the kingdom of the country, the insights have all seen, but after coming to the Xuantian mainland, she found that only more shocking, a Zhou Guo's prime minister... This Ye family looks like the palace of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Go in, my grandfather is waiting to see you." Ye Wei has already lifted his foot and walked in.

Ye Hao lowered her head and kept up. Since she was replacing the original owner, she would treat herself as a wild donkey just coming out of the mountain. Fortunately, she was also a wild **** in Lujia, and she did not do it. Feel strange.

This mansion is really big. Ye Hao walked up and gasped. He found that he had not yet reached the backyard, even in the palace, it was not so big.

"I have forgotten that you have no practice. You have to go to your grandfather's yard to go at least for a long time." Ye Wei said, at the foot of Ye Hao, "Go, let's go."

Ye Hao found that walking this time seemed to be a lot easier, but it took him half an hour before he walked to a remote and quiet courtyard.

"Everyone is waiting to see you." Ye Wei said, indicating that Ye Hao was behind him.

Was the original Lord just a girl who was forgotten by everyone? Everyone is waiting to see her.

She also thought that Ye Wei took her back to her home, and just throwing her in a corner would be fine.

"Old Master, the young master returned with the three girls."

I haven't walked into the hall yet, and I have heard the next person shouting inside.

Ye Hao continued to walk behind Ye Wei's eyes with low eyebrows. Just after entering the hall, she felt that several lines of sight fell on her body.

"Grandfather, the grandson brought back the daughter of the second uncle." Ye Wei's voice passed to Ye Hao's ear.

Ye Jia’s old man... I heard that it is the law enforcement elder of the Great Shengzong, then he should know the hate!

Ye Hao quietly looked up, sitting in the top of the top is a man who looks like about forty or fifty years old, his eyes are sharp, his face is serious and indifferent, he slammed into Ye Hao.

A strong momentum! Ye Hao was shocked and hurriedly bowed his head, fearing that she was seen through the world from the human world.

If it is discovered, she will definitely be killed directly.

"He lifted his head." Ye Boshu's voice was low and hoarse, with an unquestionable momentum.

Ye Hao does not understand the exercises. If she understands, she will know that this is just a kind of external power of the peaks of the spirits. The higher the realm, the more powerful the release.

"Yes." Ye Hao replied in a low voice and slowly raised his head.

She finally saw that in addition to the Ye Family, sitting in the hall, there was a 30-year-old man and a woman of the same age as her, and they were watching her.

"Father, it seems that it is indeed the daughter of the second brother. It looks too similar to the two younger siblings." The man who spoke was the great master of Ye Family, that is, Ye Wei’s biological father, Ye Shizhong, and the realm has been cultivated to Cingjing III. Layer, so it doesn't look old.

Ye Boshu looked at Ye Hao indifferently. "Since I came back, I lived at home. Later, you are the three girls of Ye Family, no longer the wild beggars outside."

"Grandfather, I will bring my three sisters to know the family." The girl who looked like a peach girl said with a smile.

Ye Boshu looked at Ye Hao with a stern look. "No matter what kind of life you used to be outside, since you have already returned to Ye Family, you must learn how to be a girl of Ye Family, and a few days to learn." Start selecting students, and you should try them. If you can be selected, then you should take classes in the family."

"Yes." Ye Hao coveted, his posture looked weak, but his voice was calm.

"Mulan, she will give it to you." Ye Boshu said.

It turned out that this girl is called Ye Mulan.

Ye Mulan responded briskly and bowed his body. "Yes, Grandfather, Laner will not let you down."

Then she turned around again. "Three sisters, I don't know what your name is."

Yes, she entered the door until now, the person who claimed to be her grandfather, had not asked her name, and another man, did not say what identity, but it seems to be the father of Ye Mulan.

Oh, it seems that her days at Ye Family will not be better.

Just look at how they plan to arrange her... with the chess pieces of Ye Jia's niece.

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