Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1575: Longtan Tiger Cave

"Three sisters, this is the Sifangyuan where my grandfather lived. I usually can't come over without a warrant." Ye Mulan walked out of the yard with Ye Hao, and the beautiful face had a gentle smile. "I heard that you used to live." In the forest?"

Ye Hao didn't know what Ye Mulan was like. He didn't dare to say a word.

"Yeah." She nodded. To be honest, she didn't want to see the Ye family. If he saw that she was from the mainland.

Ye Mulan looked back at Ye Hao and regarded her as nervous. "No need to be afraid. Besides me, there are still a few sisters in the family. However, there are only three of our family. I am the biggest one. If your second sister is now retreating, she will go to participate in a new generation of disciples who are compared with Shengzongmen. My mother personally supervises it. It will take some days to get out."

"Compared with Shengzongmen... Can anyone do it?" Ye Hao suspiciously asked, she wants to inquire about the whereabouts of Mingxi, first of all, she has to be close to the holy gate, she certainly does not feel that she can To participate in the contest, she just wants to see it.

Ye Mulan is a little surprised. This cousin is actually interested in the test of Shengzongmen. She looked at Ye Hao and looked at it for so long. She did not feel any spiritual power from the cousin, even what realm I can't see it. I heard that when she was born, she didn't have any spiritual roots. Otherwise, she would not be abandoned for so many years.

However, I think that Ye Hao’s arrival is because she, the smile on Ye Mulan’s face is more moderate. “That’s not the case. Dashengzong learns new disciples every year in the world, only to become a sect of disciples of the Great Holy Family. Can go to the test of St. Zongmen, do you want to participate?"

She just wants to go to St. Zongmen to find her son!

"No, I am curious." Ye Hao gently shook his head.

Ye Mulan heard a smile. "Actually, I want to go to the Shengzongmen. I understand that the second uncle is defeated by the people of Shengzongmen. If you can avenge the second uncle, your grandfather will be very pleased." ""

Because the second uncle was seriously injured in the process of the test, his grandfather asked for revenge, he could not find a junior out of the air, and heard that the man was the son of the elder of the saint.

"I have not cultivated any exercises." Ye Hao said.

Ye Mulan looked at her differently. "How did you survive?"

After asking this sentence, Ye Mulan probably thought that this was too abrupt. She smiled embarrassedly. "You don't misunderstand me. I see you still look like a 17-year-old. I thought you were at least already The first time."

So, how old should she be?

"How old are you?" Ye Hao asked, blurting out.

Ye Mulan said with a smile, "After this year, it is 60. Our Yejia girls, 60 years old and before they need to cultivate to the first place, even if they can't reach three layers, at least one level."

"..." Ye Hao was completely stunned. She was wrong, 60 years old? Are you kidding?

"What's wrong?" Ye Mulan asked with a smile.

"No..." Ye Hao hurriedly shook his head. He couldn't see the people of this Xuantian continent on the age of the human world. According to Ye Mulan, the girl was sixty years old and that it was just an adult.

How old is she?

"This is the yard where you live in the future." Ye Mulan pointed to a small courtyard not far away. "This is where the former two uncles and two squats live. Your brother has moved to the front. It was not repaired until recently. Yes, just when you come back, you can live."

Yes, I heard that the original owner had a biological brother. Why didn’t he come back and see him?

"That... my brother?" Ye Hao whispered.

Ye Mulan laughed. "I still study in the clan. I haven't come back so late. Maybe I will be detained by the elders today."

"Oh." After all, it is not his own brother, Ye Hao’s feelings are not strong.

"Right, after talking for so long, I haven't asked the third sister, can you have a name?" asked Ye Mulan.

Ye Hao said, "My name is Ye Hao, Tao Zhi, and her leaves."

"Peach 夭夭, its leaf 蓁蓁? This is interesting, the name is also very good, is your face brought to you by your mother?" Ye Mulan asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Ye Hao smiled and nodded. Except for the so-called milkmaid, she did not know who else could give her a name.

Ye Mulan nodded with a smile. "Well, you are tired. Go back to the house and wait a few days to go to the school. I will introduce you to other sisters."

"Thank you." Ye Hao looked at Ye Mulan, although after returning, everyone here was not too bad for her, she would not be treated coldly, but as a famous family, how could she not feel them? Cold to her.

The coldness of leaving no trace is the most dangerous. I don't know what to face next. She can feel their disdain and contempt for her. It seems that it is a last resort and she must not act.

Even if Ye Jia is a Longtan Tiger Cave, she will stay here, otherwise she does not know how to find Mingxi.

Ye Hao walked into the small yard and found that there was no one in the yard.

She looked back and Ye Mulan had left.

This Ye Mulan... looks at the gentle and affectionate, as if she is very good to her cousin, but the high-profile gesture always inadvertently reveals. In her heart, she should not see her practice. No sister.

Ye Hao entered the house, the furnishings here are not shabby, but definitely not the treatment of a big family.

She walked over to the octagonal table and wanted to pour a glass of water, but found that there was no drop of water inside.

After waiting for a long time, I finally had a small ring and gasped and ran over.

"I'm sorry, sorry, the three girls, the slaves lost their way." Xiaoxuan slammed down and asked for mercy.

Ye Haofu calmly looked at this ring, which was very thin and thin, and the skin was dark and his hands were rough. At first glance, he was doing rough work. He should be temporarily ordered to serve her. Although the yard is not big, just give her Such a small ring, this Ye family is really good for her.

"Get up." Ye Hao said softly, she wouldn't be embarrassed, but she is not the real Yejia girl, she just wants to find Mingxi, "What is your name?"

Xiao Yanhuan stood up and looked up and couldn't look at Ye Hao. "The slaves still have no name. Everyone calls me a big sister."

"Oh, then I will give you a name, ok?" Ye Hao asked.

"Really?" Xiao Yanhuan raised his head violently, looked at Ye Hao with an incredulous look, then turned his red face and shook his head. "Three girls, slaves... slaves are afraid..."

Ye Hao laughed. "Just call you."

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