In this small yard for a long time, in addition to this little ring, I have not seen other people, Ye Hao feels so good, she does not want to face too many people, in case it is not good to see the flaws.

"Three girls, slaves go to give you dinner." He came in and saw Ye Hao standing at the bed and not talking, she whispered.

Ye Hao also feels hungry. "Well, okay, go."

He bowed his head and retired. After a long time, he sent a bowl of rice to Ye Hao and two dishes of green vegetables.

"Three girls, people in the kitchen... I don't know if you have more at home, so there are no extra meals." Xiao whispered.

"It's okay, it's already very good." Ye Yan said with a smile, she is not here to enjoy the blessing, enough food and clothing is enough, now she just wants to have a way to go to Shengzongmen, as for the other, she really does not care. .

He looked up at Ye Hao, but she didn’t tell the truth completely. When she went to the kitchen to have food, the kitchen chef said that she had never heard of three girls at home, and she smashed her, but fortunately. It’s the big girl’s ring to come over and take the meal, saying that there is indeed a girl in the house, but...

However, the latter did not say anything more, the cooks looked strange, and finally only gave her such a meal.

After Ye Hao had eaten the meal, she asked her to help her to get hot water. Fortunately, the hot water was easier.

"You go on, there is no command from me, don't come in." Ye Hao said to her, she never looked at strangers, but now she is her ring, but after all, she only meets today, let alone know who What is it?

"Yes, three girls." He bowed his head down.

Into the net room, Ye Hao only entered the space.

The space is still sunny, and the darkness she wants doesn't know where she went, even though she now wants to go back to the mainland to find Murong Cham.

Do not be discouraged! Do not be discouraged! The boat is naturally straight to the bridge, and there must be a solution.

She still has expectations, and when she finds Ming Xi, she will find a way to get out of here.

"The medicine field seems to be getting bigger and bigger." There was only a small piece of Lingtian in her space. She planted a lot of herbs on it. Because she grew faster than she used, she collected the herbs and stored them. The medicine field is free to plant something, but it seems that there are many more plants that she did not see before.

The shape looks strange, and since it can grow on Lingtian, it is always good.

What she is most looking forward to now is the white egg!

Ye Hao walked to the side of Lingjing to see the broken shell of the white egg. She fished the white egg and found that the two cracks on the eggshell seemed to be the same. I haven't hatched it yet.

"Little bird, little bird, come out soon, I still have a lot to say to you." Ye Hao said with a white egg.

Can you knock the egg directly...

I don't know if this white egg heard Ye Hao's words, but actually arched a few times in her arms.

"I have done it, I won't knock you out, but you hurry up." Ye Hao touched the white egg in her arms. She is now unfamiliar here. I really need someone to help. she was.

The white egg arched again in the arms of Ye Hao, as if he was very happy.

"Don't you hear me in it?" Ye said a little. "Then tell me, how can I get you out of the shell?"

Her words were finished, and the white eggs in her arms were cheerfully arched in her arms.

"..." Is this what she wants to hold it?

Ok! Ye Hao had no choice but to smile, put the white egg in his arms and left the space. He will sleep well tonight, and put it back to the space tomorrow.

Ye Hao returned to the clean room, and the white egg in her arms seemed to be very excited. After she had roughly bathed, she wrapped the white eggs in her clothes and quickly hid in the bed.



In Ye's quadrangle garden, before Ye Hao entered the net house, her actions were in the sight of others.

"Father, it seems that this child was raised as an ordinary mortal." Ye Shizhong whispered, they observed Ye Hao for a long time, did not find that she had any abnormalities, just a girl who did not understand anything.

Ye Boshu faintly nodded. For Ye Hao, the granddaughter, he had no feelings. He only wanted to take her back when he was a son. Of course, it was also to make her a little worth.

"Tomorrow's son will enter the palace and return to the emperor. We agree to make Ye's niece a princess and let Ye Hao marry the city of Tianzhu." Ye Shizhong said.

"Let her go to the ethnology first, learn the illusion of self-defense and self-defense." Ye Boshu is cold and cold, he does not seem to be a marriage, but Scorpio is a special existence, obviously only a city, but not In any country, the emperor wants to make a good relationship with Tianzhu City, but he wants to marry his Yejia niece, which is very unhappy.

The emperor named the niece of Ye Family, isn't that wanting Mulan? Mulan is the best of their kind in the Ye Family. It is just a good time. It is already a layer of the first day. In time, she will definitely be more refined.

It is one thing to get married with Tianzhu City to get support from the other side. For so many years, the whole continent is not a woman who has not married with Tianzhu City. It is news that it has died in three days. Now it is worthy of honor. No one dares to marry in Tianzhu City unless it is forced to...

The emperor of Zhou Guo was reluctant to send his daughter to death, so that the first prostitute of Zhou Guo’s family was married.

If it weren’t for this incident, he hadn’t thought of Ye’s other niece, and that’s Ye Hao.

"Father, if you go to the ethnic group, you must have your own spiritual power. Otherwise, you can't learn anything." He still remembers that Ye Hao is a spiritual root, and even has no attributes at all. He couldn't check it out before. Is it a time lag? Can it become a spiritual root for many years?

Ye Boshu said, "Newborn is always different from today."

The spiritual roots of the second son are very good, and why the daughter born is not even a little spiritual.

"I hope so." Ye Shizhong blinked and smiled back.

Ye Boshu glanced at him. "I know that you can't bear your daughter to go to Tianzhu City. However, if you find Ye Hao, try to hide it and don't be discovered."

Especially in the palace, it is even more low-key.

"Father, son understands." Ye Shizhong said.

"Go on." Ye Boshu waved, he should study how to break through cultivation. In the past few years, he has been hoping to make breakthroughs, but unfortunately...

If you sacrifice a Yejia girl, you can get the Emperor's rewarded Tianbao Lingdan to break through the peak of the spiritual world. He still doesn't want to be used in the palace.

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