Unfamiliar place, strange bed, there are fewer people around, Ye Hao how to sleep with a white egg, she never missed Murong Zhan, thinking that even without him, she can still live very much Ok, now she knows that she will feel at ease when he is around.

Ye Yan looked at the white egg in her arms and gently stroked it. The warmth of the palm came. She sighed in her heart. She really hoped to find her son earlier. She missed Murong Cham and her daughter on the mainland. It is.

My daughter likes to stick her, I don't know if she will cry and find her.

Ye Yiyin wants to be more sad, so she has to force herself not to think too much. I don’t know how long it took, but I fell asleep in the past, the genius is light, she has already woken up, afraid that she will see the white egg, she will rush The white eggs are put back into the space.

When I heard the movement in the room, I walked in lightly and saw that Ye Hao had already dressed my clothes. She said quickly, "Three girls, slaves don't know that you are awake."

"Nothing, I will wash my face with water." Ye Hao said faintly, it is obviously not a waiter on weekdays. It should be just doing some rough work in the yard. She would not expect this little ring to be as careful as the eyebrows. Thoughtful.

Besides, they are willing to give her a ring to call, it is already a good thing.

"I want to go out for a walk." Ye Hao's breakfast has only two buns and a bowl of clear porridge. It seems that the kitchen does not know that there is more than three girls in the house, but she is not in the eyes of her so-called three girls.

"Three girls, where do you want to go?" I asked nervously.

Ye Hao smiled. "It's just outside, it won't go too far."

He said, "The slaves will accompany you."

"Good." Ye Hao smiled lightly. The original owner seemed to have a brother. However, she has been back for so long, and her brother has not seen the figure. It seems that the so-called brother’s feelings for her sister are the same.

Speaking of it, the original owner is actually quite pitiful. He died just after he was born. He was also left by his own milkmaid for many years. It is estimated that the original owner also knows that there is no good day to return to Ye Family, otherwise he will leave without leaving her. .

When Ye Hao walked out of the small courtyard, when she was brought in yesterday, she only knew that the mansion was bigger than her Yuanguo Palace. Today, it was discovered that the architectural pattern here is actually no different from the mansion on the mainland. It is just a few more. Further.

"Three girls, can't go in front." He followed Ye Hao tightly and saw her going in the direction of the garden, and hurriedly persuaded.

"Where is it?" Ye Hao asked an eyebrow. She only listened to Ye Mulan yesterday saying that Sifangyuan could not go. I still don't know what to avoid.

Xiao whispered, "The other side... there is the Spring Garden. The big girls often practice there and don't let other people go in."

"Does it still need identity in the garden?" Ye Hao said with a funny smile, it seems that this Ye family's rules are quite a lot.

"Slaves... I heard that I need the consent of the big girl to get in. The old man will reward the Spring Garden to the big girl for a weekday practice," he said.

Ye Hao has already walked to the door of the Spring Garden. She did not go in again. "Is the girl very powerful?"

His eyes are like looking light. "Three girls, you still don't know, the big girl is still in the first place." I heard that it is still a proud disciple of the elders of the great saints, so the old man will be like this. Looking at major girls, big masters and big girls are extremely powerful."

"Oh." Ye Hao nodded. She couldn't feel the same, because she didn't know what the peak of the first time was. However, even a small ring knew that Ye Mulan had a different status in Ye Family. It seems that it should be quite powerful. of.

"Since we can't go in here, let's go somewhere else." Ye Hao said softly.

"Three sisters!"

Ye Hao was about to turn and leave, and Ye Mulan’s voice suddenly came out.

"It's a big girl." He said nervously.

Ye Mulan walked over and swayed. Today she wore a pair of bright yellow butterfly sleeves. The bottom is a skirt embroidered with green beads, which makes her more delicate and white, but she is seeing Ye Hao. At the time, the smile on my face was obviously stiff.

When Ye Hao was brought back yesterday, the traces of her face were not completely removed. Yesterday she used Lingquan to completely reveal a face like Yingyu. Even if she wore plain clothes, she would not lose color beside Ye Mulan. .

"Three sisters look very different today." Ye Mulan is proud of not only her cultivation, but also the title of her first beauty in Xizhou City. However, now her first beauty is in the leaves. There seems to be some unbearable scrutiny in front of you.

Ye Hao pretends to bow his head in shame. "Is there anything different?"

"Do you want to come in Spring Garden? I will take you in." Ye Mulan looked at Ye Wei's weak and timid look, remembering that she was a waste wood that Dan Dantian gas did not have. It looks good and looks good. On the mainland of Xuantian, it looks good again. Without a little practice, others still look down on it.

"Actually, I am..." Ye Hao wanted to refuse, and Ye Mulan had already pulled her hand into the door.

"Exactly today, the second emperor came to be a guest. He just received an ostrich. You used to live in the mountain forest. You should have no chance to see the ceremonial beast. You can open your eyes today." Ye Mulan said with a smile, not by Ye Hao. Refused, took her to the otter by the lake.

Ye Hao discovered that it was not only Ye Mulan here, except her, there are several men and women who have not seen her yesterday.

"Mulan, who are you going to bring?" The man who spoke in a red cheongsam was a man with a rounded face and looked like a noble man.

"This is the third sister who was picked up by Big Brother yesterday, called Ye Hao." Ye Mulan said with a smile, pointing to the young man standing in the middle wearing a royal blue robes. "Three sisters, this is the second emperor, I have seen two." The emperor."

Ye Hao lowered her eyes and didn't even see what the second emperor looked like. She bowed her knees and said, "I have seen two emperors."

"Get up." The second emperor's voice was indifferent, and he raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Hao. He said to Ye Mulan, "Is she married for you as a princess and a city of Tianzhu?"

"Two emperors..." Ye Mulan glanced at the second emperor. "The third sister still doesn't know about it."

"This is her privilege, I know it earlier." The second emperor said faintly.

Ye Hao blinked slightly, what? Marriage?

"Lan sister, this is the three sisters you mentioned, what was it, I don't know?" Another girl present was asked sourly.

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