Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1589: Going into the palace

Ye Xie was sealed as a princess and she should have been admitted to the palace. Because she grew up in the forest, Ye Shizhong deliberately folded, and asked the emperor to allow Ye Hao to enter the palace for a few days.

With the words of the great elders, Ye Hao has endured the martyrdom of his aunts for the past two days, although he has learned to learn.

"Tomorrow, let Mulan take you into the palace." Ye Shizhong called Ye Hao and told him.

"Into the palace?" Ye Hao squatted, what to do in the palace? However, she was able to leave the mansion and go outside to see the continent.

Ye Jia’s mansion is bigger than the palace of the Yuan Dynasty. I heard that there is a watcher at the gate. She has no cultivation at all. It’s not so easy to leave God without knowing it. She is forbearing and forbearing. Did not turn their faces.

"You are now Princess Dai Hui, nominally the daughter of the emperor, naturally going to the palace to go to Shane." Ye Shizhong said.

"Oh." Ye Hao nodded. "I know."

Ye Shizhong said again, "It was originally your aunt who accompanied you into the palace. She is now accompanying your second sister to practice. Just let Mulan accompany you. Mulan usually goes to the palace to accompany Zhang Guifei. She is with you, you don't have to tension."

She is not nervous at all... Well, she is the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty and the Queen of the Jin State. If she is nervous when she enters the palace, it is really the Queen of Whites for so many years.

"I... can you not enter the palace?" Ye Hao whispered.

Ye Shizhong looked at Ye Hao, always felt that this prostitute was unpredictable. At first she felt that she was weak and incompetent. She was only a young girl who was raised in the mountain forest for a few days. She stayed at Ye Family for a few days and found that she seemed to be a little clever. It is not free to be left and right. On the day of the school, the brilliance that she blooms is difficult to compare with his two daughters.

If the second brother was not framed in the past, today's Ye Hao... I am afraid that it is the most eye-catching new generation of Ye Family.

"This is the rule." Ye Shizhong said, the meaning is very obvious, that is, Ye Hao must enter the palace.

Ye Hao knew that there was no way to refuse it. "Well, I understand."

"That's good." Ye Shizhong nodded with satisfaction.

Going back to my small courtyard, I found that there was a lot more in her house.

"What is this?" Ye Hao pointed at the new clothes on the table. She had just left without this thing.

He said, "Three girls, the big girl sent someone to say, it is for you."

“Oh?” Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows, and the goose-yellow-winged embroidered bamboo leaves, the plum-necked robe and the emerald-scented scented skirts all looked like the best embroiderers. Ye Mulan was afraid that she would be rude to enter the palace tomorrow. Ye Jia?

"Three girls, this dress is beautiful." He sighed and said.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "Get it first."

I looked at Ye Hao and thought that the three girls were so strange that I was not happy with such beautiful clothes.

"You go to fetch water for me, and I will enter the palace tomorrow." Ye Hao said softly.

"Yes, three girls."

Ye Hao has not entered the space for a few days, I don’t know if the white eggs hatch.

After the retreat, she went into the space.

Still the same as before, the space is bright and warm, there is no strange black edge before, is it because it has already reached the Xuantian continent, so... so there is no such gap, then how can she go back? Can she and Ming Xi can only be here forever?

No, no, she has to go back to see Murong Cham, she thinks that he wants to have a heartache.


Suddenly, a subtle sound came to my ear, and Ye Hao lived. She ran over to Lingjing and found that the white egg inside had cracked a few seams.

"Ah, you have to break the shell!" Ye Hao exclaimed excitedly, holding the white egg in his arms. She is now not even talking on the Xuantian mainland. If there is a fire phoenix, she thinks it will definitely Help her know more about this place.

The white egg, which had only two cracks, now has a few more traces, but it seems that the little guy inside is not going to break the shell.

Ye Hao took the white egg and left the space. He planned to sleep with a white egg for a few days, maybe he could come out quickly.



"The city owner, you... let the fire phoenix reborn in advance?" Bai Xie looked at the horizon of the East in surprise, obviously it was already dark, but there was still a flame-like color over there. It is not easy to see without looking carefully. It came out, but after so many years with the city owner, how could he not know that it was a sign of rebirth of the fire phoenix.

“Is there any opinion?” Modi asked faintly.

White thirteen huh, a smile, where can he have opinions? Normally, the time of rejuvenation of fire and phoenix should be half a year?

"The city owner, is it necessary to call back the fire phoenix?" Bai XIII asked cautiously, he knew that the fire phoenix was the spiritual spoil of the city owner. At that time, he went to the human continent in the space. He was born again in a hundred years. Recently, it was the time when the rebirth came back, but it seems that ... the fire phoenix is ​​around the woman.

Modi’s deep scorpion was silent. He naturally thought about calling the fire phoenix. Today, when he entered the space, he knew that Huo Huang had already recognized the woman. It seems that it is related to the avatar. It’s important to see this woman as a life.

Yes, his super holy space is able to figure out the space with Ye Hao, let the fire phoenix come out early, also in order to want Ye Hao to leave the Xuantian continent earlier.

"No, the fire phoenix can't come back." Modi said softly.

White thirteen sighed, I don’t understand what Modi said.

"You go to that woman." Modi suddenly said.


"Help her find her son and let them leave Xuantian mainland." Modi's voice has no emotional fluctuations. The more he looks at Ye Hao in the past few days, the more he feels that the strange feeling in his heart is not right.

He knows that it is a sensation of avatar, and the feeling of avatar is too strong. Once he can't lock the memory of the avatar, the memory of the avatar will completely affect him.

White Thirteen 瞪 rounded his eyes, "Son? The city owner, you said, the lady went to Xuantian mainland to find a son, isn't it... your son?"

"My avatar has reached the human world. It is sealed by all cultivators. It is no different from mortals. The son who was born is also a mortal. It is not good for him to stay in the Xuantian continent." Modi said faintly.

"That... Where is your son?" Bai Xie couldn't describe the shock in his heart with words. He thought that the city owner was destined to be lonely and old. He didn't expect even his son to have it. Wait, the city owner is not sealing the memory? ? How do you know that you have a son?

Modi’s face was gloomy. “I don’t know, you go with Ye Hao.”

"The city owner, isn't it... your memory can't be locked, so you know there is a son?" Bai Xie tried to ask, "It's better to bring the lady of the city back directly, and the lady has a temperament." ”

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