Who is Modi? In the whole cognition of Xuantian mainland, he is an inscrutable and indifferent person. He is even more unfathomable. No one can beat him. His Tianzhu City does not belong to the mainland. The country, but all the countries and Zongmen are vigilant, now he is secretly hiding for a woman in Xizhou City, he thinks this point ... very unhappy!

The reason why he can cultivate to the realm of super king is because he is ruthless and loveless. All his thoughts are in cultivation. He will not let anyone become anything, and he only wants to practice. Since he came back, he found his The heart is no longer calm and attentive.

In order to restore the previous calm, he must get rid of Ye Hao and not let her exist in the Xuantian continent.

Although he blocked the memory of the avatar, all the thoughts and memories of Murong Cham were the slys of Ye Hao. He was forced to accept it. Therefore, he knew that Ye Hao had a pair of children and son for him. I came with her, and as for where he is now, he doesn't want to bother looking for it.

That is Ye Hao’s business and has nothing to do with him.

The white thirteen eyes swept to the city's face and became more and more gloomy. He dared not mention anything about the young master. "The city owner, you just said let me go to the lady's side, what does that mean?"

"I want to go to her side, when she is following." Modi ordered coldly.

He is a great guardian of the city of Scorpio, going to be a follower? White thirteen suddenly felt the mess in the wind, and looked at Modi with great grievances, "City Lord, I... I..."

"I don't want to?" Modi's voice was so heavy.

White Thirteen immediately shocked the whole body. "I will immediately find a solution."

In fact, it is not difficult to go to the lady's side. It is not difficult to go to the lady. Now the wife is struggling in the Ye family. It is surrounded by cows and ghosts. When she is most in need of confidence, the key is that he is a big man. How can he let his wife trust him? ?

Hey, is this the city owner not a strong man?

The lady is much more beautiful, it is simply a dumping of the country, and there is a Tianling root, or the body of Tongyu phoenix, it is the most suitable woman on the mainland, I really do not know why the city must send his wife back to the world. mainland.

"What are you doing?" Modi asked coldly.

"The city owner, if you leave, who will serve you?" White asked.

Modi did not look at him, and the sound was like a frost. "Shen Ying, they will arrive soon."

"..." White thirteen shoulders smashed down, and the last hope was gone. Since the other three methods of protection have come here, the city owner does not want to hide his identity.

"The city owner, the subordinates retire." White thirteen lines a ritual, down the head.

Hey, how can he get close to his wife just right? Looking at the posture of the city owner, it is obvious that the wife is put in the heart, when is it really willing to send the wife back to the mainland?



Ye Hao is holding a white egg and sleeping in the bed. She thinks that the fire phoenix should break out in the next two days. She can't wait to know the whereabouts of Mingxi from the fire phoenix.

Stupidly slept until midnight, she suddenly felt cheeks a little itchy, as if something was poked, Ye Hao suddenly opened his eyes.

The moonlight of the moon slid out of the window. With a faint moonlight, Ye Hao saw a bedside... a crow?

crow? !

She slammed up and looked at the little bird by the bed, probably only the small bird with a big palm was looking at the leafhopper with the big eyes.

What about white eggs? Ye Hao looked at her arms, her white eggs had been broken. Is this ugly and small crow a fire phoenix?

Is the variety mutated?

"You are..." Ye Hao looked at it. "You won't be a fire phoenix?"

The little black bird jumped up and happily flew to Ye Hao's shoulder and kissed her cheek intimately.

Really a fire phoenix!

Ye Hao is so dumbfounded. Although she has not seen the fire phoenix for some time, she still remembers what it looks like.

The little bird is full of flame-like feathers. It grows beautiful and beautiful. How could it be the little crow in front of you?

It’s not like being a little better?

"Impossible!" Ye Hao blurted out. "The fire phoenix grows much more beautiful than you, how is it possible!"

"Because the great **** has just broken the shell, the flame feathers have not yet formed!" The little crow was disgusted by Ye Hao and immediately screamed.

Hearing the self-proclaimedness of the great god, Ye Hao did not have the origin of this ugly bird in his arms.

"Little bird, when you didn't grow up, it looks so ugly?" Although it is very disappointing to be like the little crow, Ye Hao is happy because of its rebirth.

Seems to find the feeling of loved ones, Ye Hao feels that at least her days in Ye Family will not be lonely again.

"I grew up this way not because of you!" cried the little fire phoenix. "I confessed to you, your repair will affect me, even Dan Tian is not in the air, if not... my own skill I still don't know when I will be born again."

If the former owner had injected spiritual power into it, it is now trying to plan the eggshell in the egg.

Acknowledgment? When did the fire phoenix confess to her? "When you are on the mainland, how can you not be affected by me?"

"That was because I didn't recognize the Lord at the time. I was influenced by the original owner." Xiaohuo Huang said, "When I was born again, it happened to be when you were producing, I don't know what happened, you are It became the master of my life."

Ye Hao immediately remembered Ming Xilai. "Your Yuanshen is not in Mingxi's body? Now that you are awake, that Mingxi... Is there something going on?"

"Of course not. I just attached the Yuanshen to Mingxi when I was born again. When I was reshaped, the Yuanshen was in place. It was a long time ago." The reason why its gods Can be attached to Mingxi, it is because Mingxi has the blood of the original master, it is able to rely on, and even ahead of the moment of rebirth.

So, the abnormality of Mingxi has nothing to do with the fire phoenix?

That... is it because of Murong Cham?

However, why is there no abnormality in Mingyu?

Ye Hao was puzzled. She held the little fire phoenix in her palm. "Little bird, I want to go to Mingxi, can you help me?"

"You are doing this now, how do you go to find Mingxi?" Xiaohuo Huang said scornfully, "Cultivate first."

"I know..." Ye Hao sighed. "Little fire phoenix, who is your original owner?"

She remembered what she had said at the beginning, as if she said that her space is Modi? If Murong Cham is the avatar of Modi...

no no! Murong Cham is Murong Cham, how can it be Mo Di!

The small fire phoenix’s big eyes screamed. “I don’t have much spiritual power today, so I can’t remember who the previous owner was.”

It is not that it does not want to say, it is afraid that that person will kill it.

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