The palace of Zhou Guo is different from the Jinwa red wall of Jinguo. Like the city gate, the color of the palace wall is white. Before Ye Hao thought it was an ice wall, later I realized that it was not. This is a special wall of Xizhou City. A special wall that resists attacks and is more sturdy than ordinary walls when enchanted.

Entering the palace, Ye Hao feels like entering the palace of ice sculpture, which is really different from the palace she has seen before.

However, Ye Hao did not look around. When he glanced at it, he did not continue to look at it. He did not squint at the side of Mrs. Ye San.

Mrs. Ye San saw her every move in her eyes, thinking that Ye Hao had lived in the mountains since childhood. The first time she entered the palace, she would be nervous, but she could see her calmly. Even if she was curious, she could not help but secretly nod. I saw a little higher on Ye Hao.

Some qualities are natural, and some people figure out that they are taller, their quality is not good, and their behavior is still a joke.

"We will first give thanks to the king of the country. If the king has no other instructions, then you don't have to go to see Zhang Guifei." Mrs. Ye San said that Zhou Guo did not have a queen and could not see Zhang Guifei as the head of the country.

Ye Hao nodded slightly, "Okay."

Not long after they entered the palace gate, there were palace people coming forward to greet them and bring them to the royal study.

The palace man went in to inform, and after a long time, the king of the country finally passed on to Ye Hao.

Mrs. Ye San’s face is not very good. She doesn’t like to go to the palace on weekdays. Although the head of the country is her cousin, she doesn’t have a good impression of the country. Today she waited outside for a long time, she is even worse. I like the palace.

Into the royal study, Ye Hao found that it is no different from the previous one.

"I have seen the lord." Mrs. Ye San bowed her knees.

Ye Hao slightly lowered his head and followed the ceremony.

The middle-aged man sitting behind the book faintly looked up and looked at Mrs. Ye San’s eyes. She didn’t look at the girl around her. “How did the cold smoke enter the palace today?”

"I just came back from the Great Shengzong yesterday. I heard that I had returned to my aunt. So I went back to my family and knew that Auntie was going to enter the palace today, thinking that she was a little girl who was not sensible, afraid to collide with you, so she would accompany her. I entered the palace." Mrs. Ye San is faint and smiling, and her posture is not humble.

The king of Zhou Guoguo turned his eyes to the **** the side. "You are Ye Hao?"

"Returning to the country, the woman is Ye Hao." Ye Hao whispered that she knew nothing about Zhou Guo. She had only seen the two emperors except for what Mrs. Ye San had told her.

She can't count on reading countless people, but she has experienced a lot of things, and it is quite accurate to see people. The oriental 煜 looks really honorable, but unfortunately... too proud and conceited, it is impossible to become a talented person in the future.

The voice of the king of Zhou Guo began with dignity. "Look up, you are now a princess. Don't always bow your head when you speak."

Sure enough, I have never seen the world before, and I am as timid as a mouse in front of him. When I come to Tiandi City to face Modi, isn’t it going to hide inside the cave?

Thinking of the marriage with Tianzhu City, Zhou Guoguo’s mood was a bit gloomy. This marriage was initiated by him. He originally planned to choose a girl from the ancestral hall. He did not want his daughter to marry. No one thought of Scorpio. On the other side of the city, it is actually a big princess or a prostitute of Ye Family. If you take other people to fill it up, don’t blame Tianzhu City for being an enemy of Zhou Guo.

Looking at the entire Xuantian continent, no matter which country or sect, there is no one who wants to be an enemy of Tianzhu City.

Sacrificing his beloved daughter, he is definitely not willing, so he has to sacrifice Ye Jia's niece. Ye Mulan and Ye Muxin are famous Jiaojia women in Xizhou City. He knows that Ye Family is definitely not willing. However, many people should not have thought that Ye Jia had a daughter who was thrown out.

Ye Hao slowly raised his head and looked at the Zhou Guoguo in a clear and calm manner.

I don't know if it is because the age of Xuantian mainland is different from that of the world. The Zhou Guoguo in front of him is much younger than she imagined. He is very handsome and handsome, and he has the majesty and stability of his superiors.

However, when he saw himself, he seemed to be a little misunderstood.

When Zhou Guoguo saw the appearance of Ye Hao, he was indeed stunned and couldn’t help but blurt out, "Snow?"

"The lord, she is the daughter of Xue, called Ye Hao." Mrs. Ye San smiled and opened her mouth, she knew that it would be like this, even she felt that Ye Hao was like snow, let alone the king.

"The daughter of Snow?" Zhou Guoguo stood up and actually came to Ye Hao and looked at her sharply. "You are the daughter of Snow?"

Ye Xie smiled a little stiffly. "Returning to the country, the woman is the daughter of Ye Family II, the mother... is called Snow."

what happened? The country’s owner heard the name of Snow seem to be too excited, right? Is it difficult for the original mother to know the country before?

"God, don't you know? Snow gave birth to Auntie in the same year and died. Her auntie will leave Auntie to leave Xizhou. For many years, we have been looking for aunt." The lady stood in front of Ye Hao without leaving a trace, blocking her from the attention of the king of Zhou.

Zhou Guoguo took a deep breath and he remembered it. It seems that this is the case.

When he heard that the dystocia of the snow had passed away, he only looked sad, and did not care about the child that she was difficult to produce. Later, Ye Jia did not mention it. He thought that the child was also dead.

Ye Shizhong did not say that the prostitute who was found was the daughter of Xue. He thought that he was the daughter of Ye Shizhong, but he was only a prostitute in order to hide his eyes and ears.

"This child looks like a snowy one." Zhou Guoguo whispered, he thought he saw the snow.

"Yeah, I also feel a lot like it. No wonder the emperor wants to seal her as a princess." Mrs. Ye San said with a smile, but this sentence has a three-point irony.

Zhou Guoguo’s face was gloomy. He looked up at Ye Hao and said coldly, “I know that she is the daughter of Snow today.”

"Unfortunately, there is no joke, the purpose of the Lord is that it cannot be changed." Mrs. Ye San smiled. "If the snow is in the spirit of heaven, I don't know how sad it is."

"Cold smoke!" Zhou Guoguo sighed and shouted.

Mrs. Ye San smiled. "No matter what, today, Auntie is here to give you a gratitude. Thank you, Lord, for giving me a princess."

"The women have thanked the country." Ye Hao was kind enough to give thanks.

"Since you are already a princess, that is your daughter." Zhou Guoguo whispered, "In front of you, you don't have to call yourself a woman."

"Yes..." Ye Hao whispered quietly.

Zhou Guoguo, who looked at her with a sigh of relief, finally did not say anything, but gave Ye Hao a lot of rewards, no worse than the big princess in the palace today.

Ye Hao feels that... this reward is a little soft.

What is the feeling of the mother to her mother...

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