In addition to the gold and silver treasures, Zhou Guoguo also rewarded Ye Hao with two high-grade Lingbao, one is the jasper gourd, which has ten spirits, which can enhance the spiritual power and is very helpful for cultivation. One is the jade heart ring, this is not only Can improve the repair, but also help to break through the bottleneck period, these two are top quality Lingbao, not only Ye Hao was shocked, even Ye Sansi is somewhat unexpected.

From the royal study room, Ye Hao still holds the jasper gourd and the jade heart ring in her hand. She looks up at Mrs. Ye San, "Sancha, this..."

"Since it is the Lord of the Lord, you will accept it." Mrs. Ye San sighed. "This is also that he is compensating you."

"Compensation?" Ye Hao couldn't understand. "The Lord did not owe me."

Mrs. Ye San is cold-hearted. "The princess is the biggest owe. Do you have no daughter? How can you not let your daughter marry in Scorpio?"

Although it is said that, in the end, it is still related to the late Tang Xuezhi.

It seems that the mother of Zhou Guo is unusual about the mother of the original owner.

"Since the nationality did not let you go to the harem to ask for security, then we will go back." Mrs. Ye San said, "Put these two Lingbao well, don't let people take it away."

"Good." Ye Hao smiled and put away both pieces of Lingbao.

They have not left the palace gate, they were stopped by two palace people.

"Mrs. Ye San, the noble lady, I heard that you are going back to Xizhou City. I want to invite you to gather together. I also heard that Ye Jiasan’s girl is going to the palace today and wants to meet." Gong Man smiled and said to Mrs. Ye San. .

"The news of your noble lady is really good." Mrs. Ye San said sarcastically.

The palace man bowed his head, "Mrs. Ye San, please."

Ye Hao heard that the most favored part of the palace was Zhang Guifei, and the second emperor seemed to be the nobleman.

It seems that it is impossible to not ask for security.

"It's not too early today. Let's go to the noble lady to ask for another day." Mrs. Ye San obviously did not put Zhang Guifei in her eyes, and she did not intend to see her.

A palace glimpse, "Mrs. Ye San, the noble lady is waiting for you, I hope you will not be a slave."

"How? If I don't want to see your goddess, don't you let me go?" Mrs. Ye San's face sank, she and Zhang Guifei were not talking about it. She had a relationship with her from the Great Holy Family and thought she was I don’t know if I want to see Ye Hao?

"Mrs. Ye San, slaves are also ordered to act, please don't be a slave." Gong Ren said helplessly.

"Don't I even have a slave?" Mrs. Ye sneered and asked.

"The three ladies who are in the house of Ye Family, it is too bad to be a slave."

Suddenly, a laughter came over.

When Ye Hao turned her head and saw it, she saw a gorgeous and luxurious woman being surrounded by her arms. It was not difficult to guess her identity when she saw her dress.

“I have seen Zhang Guifei.” Mrs. Ye San’s face was a faint sigh. “Zhang Guizhen will not come here to see us.”

"This is the three girls of Ye Family." Zhang Guifei turned his eyes to Ye Hao. When she saw the appearance of Ye Hao, she flashed a smog in the depths of her eyes. "I saw it, I thought I saw Tang Xuezhi." ”

Mrs. Ye San smiled. "Zhang Guizhen still remembers the snow, and thought that you couldn't think of snow."

"Cold smoke, do you think too much, why can't this palace think of Tang Xuezhi?" Zhang Guifei said with a smile, his eyes have been staring at Ye Hao.

"Zhang Guifei, if there is nothing else, then we will retire first." Mrs. Ye San said that she did not want to stay with Zhang Guifei to cope, she looked at Ye Hao's expression and knew what was thinking.

Zhang Guizhen personally came here, how could they let them leave like this.

“I heard that Ye San girl grew up in the mountain forest since she was a child?” Zhang Guizhen looked at Ye Hao and thought that he would see a black sly hoe. I didn’t expect it to look like Tang Xuezhi, especially the one that can The face of the water can raise such a good skin in the mountain forest?

Ye Hao whispered back, "Yes."

Mrs. Ye San pulled Ye Hao behind her and frowned at Zhang Guifei. "Zhang Guifei, I don't know what you are told?"

"It’s just that I want to reward some of the Princess’s things.” Zhang Guizhen said with a smile: "After all, in the future, I will marry from the palace, as a mother..."

"You think too much, the princess's mother-in-law will only be the Queen's Empress, Zhang Guifei. The king of the country did not seem to say that Ye Hao called you a mother-in-law." Let Ye Hao call her mother-in-law, afraid of the snow to be angry She was torn from the ground up.

Zhang Guifei’s face changed slightly. “The road is cold, you should be careful.”

"I have always been very careful." Mrs. Ye San said with a smile.

Ye Hao stood silently on this side. She already felt that Zhang Guizhen was not good for her. Fortunately, there is Mrs. Ye Sanjin entering the palace today, otherwise she will deal with Zhang Guifei herself. She is definitely not willing to suffer here and suffer wrongs. At that time, Zhang Guizhen will only have a hard time, and there will be no good words for her.

Zhang Guizhen glanced at Mrs. Ye San coldly. When she heard that Ye Hao entered the palace, she thought that the emperor would let her go to ask Ann. As a result, I heard that the emperor gave this girl many rewards. It must be Ye Hao. Let him think of Tang Xuezhi.

Hehe, Tang Xuezhi knows that her daughter was married as a princess and married to Tianzhu City. I don’t know what it will be like.

Zhang Guizhen thought of Tang Xuezhi, who had become a dead man. Her mood was better. "Ye San is already a princess. She should have lived in the palace. Is it better to stay with the palace for a few days?"

"The noble lady, I am a rough person, afraid that it will make you laugh." Ye Hao said softly, she did not want to stay.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you stay in the palace for a few days." Mrs. Ye San laughed. "I haven't seen the Queen Mother after a long time. The Queen Mother used to love your mother. I still want to disturb her old man today. In this case, it is better for me to take you to the Queen Mother."

Zhang Guizhen immediately said, "The Queen Mother has been closed for many years. It is not good to rush to see nature, or wait a while."

Mrs. Ye San smiled. "If this is the case, then we will retire first."

"Good." Zhang Guizhen did not want the Queen Mother to see Ye Hao. Before the Queen Mother, she liked Tang Xuezhi so much. Did she see Ye Hao still not be her treasure?

"The noble lady, then we will retire first." Ye Hao smiled and left the palace after the ceremony.

On the carriage, Mrs. Ye San was cold and said, "I will see Zhang Guifei in the palace. You don't have to be afraid of her. She counts something."

"..." Ye Hao thought that she did not think that Zhang Guifei was terrible, but her cultivation was not enough.

Mrs. Ye San slightly blinked. "It seems that only you can go to the Great Shengzong."

"?" Ye Hao's heart moved, let her go to the Great Saints?

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