The place where Ye Hao wants to go now is the Great Shengzong. Only when she goes to the Great Shengzong, she has the opportunity to approach the Shengzongmen to find her son. I don’t know how long it will take to go to the Great Holy Family, if Mrs. Ye San Really willing to help her, then she can really save a lot of effort.

"A few months later, the disciples of the Great Shengzong went to the Shengzongmen to test. Recently, many people have closed their doors. Now they can only find the supreme honor." Mrs. Ye San whispered, "Auntie, go back." After that, I sent someone to your side to protect you. I am afraid that I will go to the Great Saints in person. You have not yet cultivated it. Several Masters of Shanmen will not accept you at this time."

Ye Hao whispered, "Sancha, I looked at the book last night and cultivated the Dantian gas sea. It has already been in the first three layers."

"What?" Mrs. Ye San screamed and immediately reached out and grasped Ye Hao's wrist. A hint of spiritual power was injected into her sea of ​​air. Her eyes were even more shocked. "A night, you cultivated?"

"The last time the elders gave me the book I got started with." Ye Hao looks very nervous. "I don't know if I have done anything wrong."

"No, no, no, your sea is very strong and pure. It is not like the air of the first place. You can continue to practice..." said Mrs. Ye, she was surprised to see Ye Hao, "I am I heard that you didn’t fix it on the road and still wondered. Your mother is the purest root. There is no reason why you don’t have a spiritual root. You just miss one person to teach you. I didn’t expect that you can practice on your own to the third floor. Someone teaches you that it is even worse."

Mrs. Ye San looks happy as if she had cultivated her own situation.

"Three sisters, but ... the uncle's family education will not let me go." Ye Hao whispered.

"You have a spiritual root, and it is a waste of family studies." Mrs. Ye San smiled. "The elders came to me and hoped to send you to the Great Saint."

Ye Hao did not ask if she went to the Great Saints to marry, but she never thought about marrying to Tianzhu City.

Back to Ye Family, Mrs. Ye San did not go in again. She pointed to a young man in gray clothes standing next to the carriage. "He is white, it is your father's former confidant. He is not convenient to come to you, afraid. Someone disagrees with leaving him, and it is my guard for you."

If her father's previous confidant came to find Ye Hao, it would definitely be rejected by Ye Shizhong, but if it was sent by Mrs. Ye San, Ye Shizhong had no reason to refuse.

"Thank you for your trip." Ye Hao said gratefully.

She has no reason to refuse, and now there is no one around her who can use it. No matter whether the person sent by Mrs. Ye San is loyal, she must stay in use.

"Come on, I will come back to you tomorrow." said Mrs. Ye San.

Ye Hao went to a ceremony and watched Mrs. Ye San leave.

"I have seen three girls under my sire." Bai Xie went up to the ceremony, but his heart was groaning. I thought that after a day, the lady actually changed so much, and went directly to the third floor of the first day. The city owner let the fire phoenix return to life in advance. To teach my wife to practice.

What does the city owner mean to his wife? It is not like the nature of the city owner that he wants to drive his wife back to the mainland and cares about it. This hesitant temper is not like the nature of the city.

"Get up." Ye Hao looked at White Thirteen with a faint look. "You are my father?"

The white thirteen faces are calm, "Yes, three girls."

"Then how did you go to find Sancha?" Ye Hao turned and walked into the door, asking like a casual question.

"The two lords had the best feelings with Sanye before. The subordinates wanted to protect the three girls. They could only go to the second lord, otherwise... even the door could not enter." Bai XIII said.

Ye Hao looked at this handsome and handsome guard. She didn't know what the previous Ye Shiqing had. Anyway, Bai Shi said what it was.

"How high is your repair?" Ye Hao curiously asked, if the repair is too bad, it is not enough for others to fight.

White thirteen said a moment, "Three girls, subordinates ... repair is not high, only the spirit."

fairy land? It seems to be quite high. "Well, it’s good to play other people in Ye Family."

"..." White Thirteen looks stiff, he is not coming to fight her family.

"My father only has one confidant?" Ye Hao asked again, as Ye Shiqing was very famous, it is impossible to have only one guard around.

Bai XIII said, "There are other people, but they were all taken away by the Grand Master. I only stayed in Xizhou City."

Ye Hao raised his smirk. "Then you will find a way to get my niece back."

"..." White thirteen hearts silently helpless, he knew that the wife is not so good to deal with, where he went to find the confidant before Ye Shiqing.

The city owner, his subordinates want to go back!

“Is it hard to find?” Ye Hao looked back at Bai XIII.

"The subordinates will definitely try to find it back." Bai XIII said with a low head.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "How many people find many people."

"Yes..." White Thirteen whispered, but my heart was awkward. The city owner wanted to send his wife back to the mainland. With her wife’s intelligent and persistent nature, I was afraid... I know how the city owner is the husband of the mainland. go away.

Not long after entering the backyard, Ye Hao didn't think about how to place White Thirteen in Ye Family. Suddenly, a fierce murderous rush came to her.

She looked up and saw a black lion running towards her like a lightning bolt.

"Girl, be careful!" White thirteen eyes, I can see that this is a three-product electric lion.

The electric lion was clearly directed at Ye Hao, and the posture was obviously intended to capture her life.

Ye Hao only had the cultivation of the initial situation. It was not the opponent of this electric lion. He could barely resist with the spiritual power.

White Thirteen has jumped up and kicked the electric lion out.

"Where are the animals, dare to hurt the princess?" Bai Thirty screamed.

"Ye, you dare to hurt the spirit of the emperor!" The figure of the second emperor appeared in front, seeing his beast was kicked out, and his face was mad.

"It turned out that this beast was the second emperor's beast." Ye Hao looked at the white thirteen eyes, thinking that the repair of this guard was definitely above the second emperor, kicking out the beast with one foot, this is not low. "I don't know if this is yours. I also thought that the beast from where I came from was killed in order to save my life."

Ye Mulan stood by the second emperor, because of the hateful hatred in the morning, she is now hateful to Ye Hao, "The electric lion has been conquered by the two emperors, how can it hurt easily, three sisters, you are also It’s too timid.”

The electric lion had already stood up again, licking his mouth against the white thirteen.

"Sister, your little crow, it is better to let it come out and make a funny electric lion." Ye Mulan laughed.

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