The little fire phoenix screamed and landed on Ye Hao’s shoulder. After looking at Ye Mulan with pride, he bowed his head and sorted out his feathers. As Ye Hao’s cultivation improved, his feathers became fuller. Although the color has improved, it is still far from its flame feathers.

"Xiaoqing, what are you doing!" Ye Mulan screamed in anger, her ostrich is of the nature of the beast, and is absolutely a leader among the beasts, but now it is actually... scared to hide in the tree ?

Ye Xiao smiled. "It seems that your ostrich does not dare to come down."

"Impossible!" Ye Mulan glanced at Ye Hao, it must have been an accident, she was finally able to conquer the ostrich, very clear the strength of the ostrich.

She looked at the two emperors who were still fighting, and was surprised to find that the second emperor did not seem to be the opponent of the man.

"Who is that person?" Ye Mulan pointed to Bai Xie and asked Ye Hao. "Do you dare to bring strangers home?"

"Oh, he is my guard, Sanchao said to let him be by my side, protect me." Fortunately, there are white thirteen, otherwise she will be able to cope with the ostrich, just can not guard against the electric lion's sneak attack.

Ye Mulan’s eyes flashed a bit of surprise, “Sancha actually...”

If it is Sancha to Ye Hao, even if her father came out, it would be useless.

"Two emperors!" Seeing that the second emperor was beaten, Ye Mulan screamed and hurried forward to check.

Bai Shiqi decided to return to Ye Hao's side leisurely. He was still merciful to the two emperors, but the electric lion was beaten a bit horrible.

"Who are you?" asked the second emperor, pointing to the white thirteen anger. He wanted to exhale Ye Mulan today, but he was beaten by a guard. He couldn’t swallow this breath. He was never so embarrassed. .

"Two emperors, he is my guard." Ye Yan said with a smile. "Sorry, he is a rough man. He is not light or heavy, hurts you?"

"Ye, I won't let you go." Ye Mulan cried.

"Oh." Ye Hao waved his hand. "I can't help it."

The second emperor knows that today is not good here, "Laner, let's go, this account is slowly counted."

Ye Mulan held the arm of the second emperor and looked back at Ye Hao with a gloomy look.

"Girl, are you okay?" asked White Thirteen.

"Nothing." Ye Hao smiled and glanced at him. "He is the second emperor, can you play?"

White Thirteen said with an eyebrow, "The responsibility is to protect you, no matter who is going to hurt the girl."

Don't say that it is the second emperor, even if it is the king of Zhou Guo, there is a city owner, what is it?

"Auntie, what happened? How did Mulan and the two emperors suddenly shoot at you?" Ye Hao was still immersed in shock. He just thought that he would be seriously injured by the second emperor. After all, he and his sister’s cultivation are both Can't compare with them.

For the first time, Ye Hao carefully looked at the so-called brother. She knew that Ye Xie’s temper was a little weak and inferior. Just now he was able to stand in front of her and protect her. She was still very moved. He reminded her of Ye Yinan. And Lu Xiangzhi, they are two of them, even if they know that the strength of the other side is above themselves, they will definitely stand in front of her.

"Today, the little bird accidentally soiled the leaf magnolia, and the second emperor probably wanted to vent her." Ye Hao explained, "You know that you can't beat them, you still ran out to do it?"

Ye Hao frowned and said, "Auntie, don't offend Mulan in the future, we... it is not easy to survive in Ye Family."

"I know." Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "But it can't stand still and be beaten. Brother, you have to practice to protect me."

"Cultivating..." Ye Hao showed a bitter smile. "I also want to practice well, but I have no talent."

Ye Hao took out the jade gourd from his arms. "This is for you."

"This is..." Ye Haoyi, he has never been valued in Yejia, and he has no chance to see Lingbao. However, the jasper and gourd in the hands of Ye Hao are bright and sleek.

"There is ten spirits in the king's reward. It seems that you can improve your cultivation. You take it, use it well, improve your cultivation, and protect me later." Ye said, of course, anyway, she There are Lingquan and Xiaohuohuang, these Lingdan are not very useful for her.

Ye Hao rounded his eyes. "The Lord actually gave you the jade gourd... I... I can't, you keep yourself, you can cultivate, you are the root of heaven, more useful than me."

"Hold!" Ye Hao put the jasper gourd into his hand. "I still have a jade heart ring."

"Auntie..." Ye Hao clenched the jasper gourd. "I will definitely cultivate it with my heart."

Ye Hao chuckles, "Okay, yes, this is white thirteen. It is the guard given to me by Sancha. He is built on top of you. If you don't understand anything in the future, you can ask him."

White 13: "..."

How is he still responsible for pointing out Ye Hao’s cultivation?

"Brother, can the guard be able to enter the backyard?" asked Ye Hao.

"Why not?" Ye Hao asked, not understanding how Ye Hao would ask this question. Since it is a guard, how can he not enter the backyard.

It seems that the rules of this Xuantian continent are still relatively loose.

"Okay, I know." Ye Hao smiled. "Then I will go back first."

White thirteen followed Ye Xun. "Girl, you have offended Ye Mulan and the two emperors today. They are all narrow-minded and will not give up."

"I know..." She is in a weak position in Ye Jiazhen. Ye Mulan and her father's brother have heard that her mother and sister are very powerful. She is offended by Ye Family today.

"So I want you to find my father's previous confidants." Ye Hao said, "Ye Ye also needs guards around him."

The expression on the face of White Thirteen is a bit stiff. "Yes, girl."

Back to the small yard, Ye Hao asked Yan to give up a room to white, and she entered the house with a small fire phoenix.

"Little bird, what did you do today, how can the ostrich be afraid of it?" Ye Hao held the little fire phoenix in his hand, and today it really gave her a long face.

"What is the ostrich, this great **** is the first of all beasts!" The small fire phoenix snorted, obviously it was very imposing, and looked at it black and autumn, but it felt quite funny.

Ye Hao clicked on his little head. "You, don't go and provoke the leaf magnolia, she can't wait to stew you."

"I just can't understand her arrogance. When the great **** restores his spiritual power, she must kneel down." The little fire phoenix said coldly.

"Tonight we will go to the space to practice." Ye Hao whispered.

Xiao Huo Huang looked at her and said, "Okay."

With Ye Hao’s cultivation speed, I believe they will be able to leave here soon.

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