Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1599: Don't worry too much

After the 13th Ye Hao entered the space to practice, he quietly left Ye Family and went to a large house in Xizhou City.

"The city owner, White is coming."

Outside the study, a man dressed in black clothes was seen. When he saw White Thirteen, he quietly spoke to the study.

Not long after, the study door opened.

A beautiful woman appeared in front of them, and her eyes looked blankly at White Thirteen. "Thirteen, where have you been?"

White 13 went inside the study, "The city owner asked me to do something."

Yin Siyue has a slight eyebrow, because the city owner is also there, she is not too much to ask.

"The city owner." White thirteen entered the study and gave a ceremony to the tall man leaning on the soft couch. "The family is back."

"Is things done?" Modi's narrow eyes narrowly looked at him with a faint look.

White Thirteen laughed a few times. "The city owner, the wife's cultivation has already reached the third floor."

Modi blinked slightly, "A day?"

"Yeah, the subordinates are also very surprised. Lu Hanyan also intends to bring his wife to the Great Shengzong." Bai XIII said, "The city owner, do you want to let the lady go to the Great Saints?"

"What lady?" Yin Siyue, who was on the side, couldn't help but blurt out and asked, the city owner never married, where is the wife?

White 13 smacked her and did not answer her. "Today, my wife also went to the palace to meet the country of Zhou Guoguo. She already knows that she wants to be with you. If the wife sees you in the future, what should I do?"

If Ye Xi’s cultivation continues to improve, she will see that the city owner is her husband on the mainland, and how can she go back?

Modi was silent and did not speak. He did not want Ye Hao to see himself. She would have seen that he was Murong Cham. This is the Xuantian continent, not the human continent. If she stays, it is not a for him. A good thing.

He never tempted any woman, and he would fall in love with Ye Hao. It has already made him very surprised. Now his memories and emotions are affecting him. He even has the urge to kill Ye Hao. I hope to use this. Broken the influence of the avatar in his mind and heart.

"She went to the Great Saints to find her son and let her go." Modi said faintly, he would let Huo Huang persuade her to find her son and return to the mainland.

As for his absence from the mainland, it is no longer important.

Bai XIII said, "Yes, the city owner."

"Go on." Modi waved, perhaps, he should go see the country of Zhou Guoguo tomorrow.

He is not willing to have any tie with Ye Hao. He is the master of Xuantian mainland and will not let a woman influence his emotions and any decisions.

Standing next to Yin Siyue, he looked at Modi and followed the white 13 to withdraw from the study.

After leaving a certain distance, she blocked the road of Bai XIII. "What do you mean when you just said to the city owner? What lady? The city owner has never been married for so many years. Those women are dead in the city, we are scorpio. Where is the city where the lady comes."

"Why don't you ask the city owner yourself?" Bai Xie squinted at Yin Siyue, and said with a smile, "You chase me and ask what is the use?"

Yin Siyue’s eyes flashed a bit of annoyance. If she dared to ask the city owner such a thing, she would not have to follow the white thirteen. “What is the city owner going to do?”

White thirteen smiled. "Isn't that just said? The city owner asked me to protect my wife."

"Who? Which lady?" Yin Siyue asked urgently.

"Ye Ye, the three girls of Ye Family." Bai XIII said with a smile, Yin Siyue is very clear to the heart of the city. They have no other women around the city for so many years, so Yin Siyue thinks that he is the only one. Close to the city owner, now there is a lady, no wonder she will be so nervous.

Yin Siyue heard a sneer, "Is that the wild donkey who lived in the mountain forest since childhood, she is also married to the city owner?"

"Without the match is not what you said." Bai XIII said, "You haven’t been to the city for less than a hundred years, so you don’t know that the city owner once let his avatar go to the human continent. The city owner fell in love with a woman on the mainland. And still have children."

"What?" Yin Siyue’s face changed. "Even if it is, it is a avatar."

Bai 13 does not want to fight against Yin Siyue. After all, everyone is the guardian of Tianzhu City, but as a small partner who fights side by side, if he does not wake her up, she is afraid that she will get deeper and deeper. "The human body has already been separated." Come back, you should be very clear, although it is a avatar, but in addition to cultivation, everything is the same as the city owner. His thoughts and memories are all the city, the avatar and the city master, then everything he has experienced is actually The city owner has experienced it, so the wife of the city owner who is separated from the mainland is our wife. Even if you don't want to admit it, this is also true."

"How can a woman on the mainland be a wife of the city of Scorpio!" Yin Siyue frowned.

White Thirteen smiled. "Without the match, it’s not that you have the final say. It’s the city owner who has the final say."

"If the city owner likes the woman, she will have picked it up." Yin Siyue was cold, and she comforted herself. The city owner was still indifferent to all women. It was impossible to surprise anyone.

"What do you think about how you love, I will go first." White 13 said with a smile.

Yin Siyue refused to let the road open. "Are you going to protect that woman?"

White thirteen raised her eyebrows to see her. "I advise you one thing. Some things are best not to worry too much, it is not good for you."

"The fire phoenix you just said is the spiritual spoil of the city owner?" Yin Siyue asked, and did not put the warning of Bai XIII on his mind.

"Yes." White nodded 13 points.

Yin Siyue’s face changed. “The city owner gave the fire phoenix to the human woman?”

White Thirteen looked at her. "You have passed your duty, and the three guards."

"I just care about the city owner." Yin Siyue said in a heart.

“Is it?” Bai 13 smiled and stopped talking to Yin Siyue. Some things need her to understand.

Looking at the back of Bai Shi left, Yin Siyue clenched his fists. She wanted to know what kind of woman the city owner fell in love with on the mainland.

However, that is the feeling of being separated... Is the city owner affected?

"It's time to go back." In the darkness, a figure appeared in the corner.

"Chen Ying, did you know that the city owner had come back?" Yin Siyue looked at the man and asked.

"Know." Shen Ying nodded his face.

Yin Siyue said with anger, "Why don't you tell me? Who is the lady of the city?"

"The city owner will not like any woman." Shen Ying said, "You better listen to the white thirteen, don't worry too much, or you will be irritated by the city owner."

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