Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1600: Don't forget who you are

Ye Hao did not improve her cultivation in this space. She is in contact with how to refine Dan, Xiaoyan said that she has a spiritual spring, and there are medical skills in the space. There are also many elixir in the space. Therefore, alchemy is the most suitable. her.

However, she also needs self-protection exercises.

This is a bit of a headache. She has a temperament root, so she can choose any martial arts. She told Xiao Huo Huang that the exercises she has never heard of.

"You can choose the fire." Xiao Huohuang said next to him. "Alchemy originally needed to cultivate crystal fire. You choose the fire method and you can protect yourself."

Ye Hao nodded. "You are right, then I will practice the fire, but what is the crystal fire you said?"

Xiao Huohuang said, "Alchemy is required for Dan Ding and Jing Huo. You should first cultivate the fire, and then you can control the crystal fire. I remember that there is a holy Ding in the space. It seems that there is also a source of fire. I Have to find it."

“Is there any space in this space?” asked Ye Hao.

"Otherwise, what do you think is the super holy space?" Xiao Huo Huang snorted.

Ye Hao used to think that Lingquan was already a magical treasure. Now I know that this is an invaluable treasure.

She chose the book of the fire from the second space, and cultivated the primary move. After a while, time passed and she had to leave the space.

He spoke outside the house and listened carefully, as if he was looking for Ye Hao.

"Three girls, Grand Master, please go to Sifangyuan." He walked in and said to Ye Hao in a white face.

Sifangyuan? Is Ye Boshu out of customs?

"Well, I know." Ye Hao nodded faintly, but did not feel nervous, anyway, she is still a useful piece for Ye Jia, they will not be like her.

After Ye Hao had been groomed, she went to Sifangyuan. She wanted to follow her and was sent by her.

When she was received from Ye Family on the first day, she came to Sifangyuan. She also met the owner of Ye Family, her so-called grandfather. Her granddaughter should not be worth mentioning in the eyes of Ye Boshu, if it is not for Ye Mulan is married, and no one remembers that there is another Yejia prostitute outside.

The real Yejia prostitute is very poor. His parents are not dead, and they are ignored by their loved ones.

Sifangyuan looks elegant and elegant, but there is an invisible pressure. Ye Hao feels very depressed when he stepped in here on the first day. Today, he feels a lot better because she has cultivated into the original situation.

"Three girls, please here." The next person in Sifangyuan saw her, and gave her a small ceremony and invited her to the hall.

When I walked to the hall, Ye Hao discovered that there were many people present today, except for the three Ye Shizhong and his sons who had already met, and two others she had never seen before. Looking at their age, they should be the big lady and two girls of Ye Family. Let's go.

"I have seen my grandfather." Ye Hao bowed to Ye Boshu, hehe, so many people are here, it seems to be directed at her.

Ye Boshu did not speak, but his eyes watched the granddaughter with serious condensed eyes.

Early this morning, he received a will from the palace, and immediately heard about a lot of things about this granddaughter. Not only did he bully his sister, but he also raised an unknown beast. He also injured her guard yesterday. The emperor.

Such a rude and rough woman is actually from their leaf family.

Ye Hao felt as if there was substantial pressure to cover her. She looked up and looked back at Ye Boshu calmly.

"You had a dispute with the Second Emperor yesterday?" Ye Boshu asked faintly.

"Back to my grandfather, I came back from the palace yesterday. The emperor of the second emperor suddenly rushed to me. I avoided it. Fortunately, the guards sent by Sanchao blocked me..." Ye Hao explained that he was beaten before he finished. broken.

Ye Boshu shouted. "Because of this, can your guards injure the two emperors?"

"If the second emperor does not let the electric lion attack me, my guard will naturally not hurt him." Ye Hao said faintly.

"What do you mean by saying this?" Ye Mulan could not help but ask for export.

Ye Hao smiled, "Nothing else."

That is to say, the second emperor deserves it!

Mrs. Ye Da, who had not spoken, swept her daughter coldly.

Ye Mulan immediately snorted and did not dare to speak again.

Ye Boshu calmly continued to ask questions. "The second emperor is a master of the beast. His spirit beast will not hurt people easily. If you make a fuss let the guard hurt his electric lion, why bother to sin two emperors? Today you go to the palace to follow The second emperor apologized."

"So, unless his electric lion killed me, can I defend myself?" Ye Hao smiled and smiled, let her pay for the second emperor? Think beautiful!

"Even if you hurt you, you can only bear it. He is the second prince." Ye Mulan said.

Ye Hao’s mouth floated with a touch of laughter. “Although I didn’t grow up in Xizhou City, it’s a pity that when I was born, I didn’t give me the slavish instinct. Who hurt me, I will hurt it. ""

"Don't forget who you are, only to a few days in Xizhou City, you are so mad that you don't know how to measure?" Ye Shizhong said coldly.

"I have not forgotten who I am, you don't remember who I am." Ye Hao smiled. "My name is Ye Hao, not your slave, not your pawn."

"Let's relax!" Ye Boshu shouted, and a spiritual pressure pressed over to Ye Hao.

Everyone in the hall immediately rushed to protect their own sea of ​​sea, for fear of being broken by the spirit of Ye Boshu. When they looked at Ye Hao and thought that the girl was shocked by the spirit, they would never want to There are repairs.


Ye Boshu’s spiritual pressure was blocked, and a loud voice was heard, and the pressure was scattered around.

At the side of Ye Hao, I don’t know when to stand a young man.

"Girl, are you okay?" Bai Xie whispered, but fortunately he had been secretly following his wife, or else they did not know that Ye Jia had to ruin her sea.

Ye Hao had already planned to release the fire phoenix. She knew that the small fire phoenix could withstand Ye Boshu, but now there is the same as the white thirteen, "Nothing."

"Who are you?" Ye Boshu looked at Bai Xing with shock and could easily knock out his spiritual pressure. This man's cultivation is not on him, it is also comparable.

Such a young man has the spiritual peak, he could not have heard of the name, but this person seems to be strange.

"White thirteen." White thirteen faces back without expression.

Ye Xie smiled and explained, "He is my guard, my father's former confidant."

"Impossible!" Ye Shizhong blurted out. His brother's confidant was long gone. How could he have this person? He had never seen it before.

“Why not?” Ye Hao smiled and asked.

"Your father's confidant does not protect the nephew, but only protects you?" Ye Boshu asked coldly.

Ye Hao also asked this question, "Because... I have a spiritual root, and I have not cultivated it, I am afraid of being harmed."

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