Tianlingen? Ye Boshu stunned. He looked at Ye Hao with amazement. When the girl was born, he personally held her to measure the Lingling's roots. It is obvious that there is no Linggen. How could it be Tianlingen?

He has three sons, and the best talent is the second son, but the second son is counted in the holy sect. He thought that the child of the second son must be very talented. Although Ye Hao has a spiritual root, it is not pure. The talent for cultivation is not high. All his hopes are in the children born later, but there is no spiritual root, so he will ignore them, even if she is taken away by the mother.

A few months ago, the eldest son said that he would pick up the girl, because the emperor wanted to choose from the Ye family to marry the prostitute and the city of Tianzhu.

No one has ever seen the Emperor of the Scorpio City. He only knows that he is an inscrutable person. He has survived in the Xuantian continent for many years. No one dares to provoke him. There was once a sect who wanted to make a name for Tianzhu City. In less than three days, the entire sect was disappeared from the mainland.

He also heard that before the Tang State Qiguo had a princess married with Tianzhu City, but the bride had just entered the Tianzhu City and sent a death message. Even so, many countries and sects wanted to marry the city of Tianzhu, Zhou Guoguo. The Lord also has this idea.

Let Ye Hao marry into Tianzhu City, no matter who has no loss, a prostitute who grew up outside, not to mention feelings, have never seen each other, who will be reluctant?

Ye Boshu did not think that the girl who was abandoned by him in the past actually had a spiritual root.

"Do you have a spiritual root?" Ye Boshu asked again. He went out early this morning and only saw Ye Shizhong. He has not seen other people in the ethnic school, so he did not know what it was like when he was tested in the ethnology.

"Grandfather, my sister not only has the spirit root, but also the body of the phoenix and chalcedony." Ye Hao ran in from the outside and gasped in, saying loudly to Ye Boshu.

Ye Boshu looked at Ye Shizhong severely, but he did not mention this.

"Father, today I forgot to tell you about it." Ye Shizhong whispered.

“Is it possible to bully my own sister because of the spiritual roots?” Ye Mulan asked reluctantly. She did not expect Ye Hao to be so hard in front of her grandfather. She still wanted to marry her grandfather without knowing her spiritual roots. Let my grandfather punish her.

If the spirit of the spirit can break her gas sea, it will be fine!

Ye Hao looks at Ye Mulan like a smile, isn't they because she doesn't have a spiritual root to find her back as a ghost?

"Grandfather, the second prince's electric lion first attacked his sister, and... Mulan always asked her sister to take her spirits out to challenge, not the sister picking things first." Ye Hao said.

"If you have a spiritual root, can you have a class in the ethnography?" Ye Boshu asked, no longer asking Ye Hao to pay for the second emperor.

Ye Hao said calmly, "The uncle said that the rules of study are important, there is no need to go to the school."

"I just don't want her to marry the city of Tianzhu in the future and lose her rituals. It is our Ye family." Ye Shizhong whispered.

"I haven't nodded yet on this marriage. Why do you want to be the master?" Ye Boshu whispered to Ye Shizhong.

Ye Shizhong’s face became awkward. “Father... is the decree of the kingdom. You are retreating, I have not bothered you.”

"I will re-consult with the king of the country." Ye Boshu whispered, and looked at Ye Hao again. "You will go to the school tomorrow."

"What the old man said is that the marriage with Tianzhu City is not a trivial matter. You can decide it rashly." Mrs. Ye Da, who had never spoken, smiled and stood up. She did not look at Ye Hao, but the voice gently said to Ye Boshu. "Our girl of Ye Family has always been famous. Since Tianzhu City has proposed to be the prostitute of Ye Family, it is inevitable that we believe that our girl is dignified and noble, and virtueful. As I see it, now time is tight, let the three girls It’s too late to learn so many rules, so this marriage really has to be decided again.”

Ye Mulan was shocked to see her mother, "Mother..."

The person she wants to marry is not the old man of Tianzhu City, she wants to marry the second emperor.

"That's so decided." Ye Boshu said.

Ye Hao looked at Mrs. Ye’s wife with some surprise. The meaning of her words was that she was not good enough to be dignified and noble. If she was married to Tianzhu City, she would make her family lose face. So, Ye Da The lady wants her daughter to marry to the city of Tianzhu.

"The three girls have a natural spirit. It is indeed unexpected. With her age, it is too slow to repair it now. When the school is not a new disciple at this time, she is afraid that she will not be able to keep up." The lady said with a smile that she knew that the country was mainly married to Tianzhu City before she took her little daughter to retreat. She is very fond of this marriage, who knows that it will become like this after the customs clearance.

Actually, an unidentified girl wants to replace her daughter as the wife of the city!

Ye Boshu looked at Mrs. Ye Da. "I remember that you used to teach new disciples to practice in the ethnic studies. Now that Mu Xin is also out of the customs, it is better to teach Auntie for a few days."

"The daughter-in-law listens to the instructions of the old man." Mrs. Ye’s mouth is deeper in her mouth. She hasn’t taught any students who have Tianlingen. This time, I really want to open my eyes.

"Old lady, the three ladies asked to see." Xiao Yan said outside the door.

The smile of Mrs. Ye’s mouth is getting weaker.

"Let the three ladies come in." Ye Boshu said faintly.

Mrs. Ye San’s gesture came out from the outside and gave Ye Boshu a ritual. “My daughter-in-law asked my father for peace.”

"When is it coming back?" Ye Boshu asked the temperature and the earth, "What about Shihua?"

"Sanye is here to give you peace with the daughter-in-law. Just after I went out, the stone brother of the Great Saints came. The daughter-in-law had to come to tell the father because there was a big happy event. I didn't wait for the third master." Said.

Ye Boshu gently daggers, as the law enforcement elder of the Great Shengzong, he knows who is the stone brother in Ye Sanfu's population. "Shi Xiaoren will not go downhill easily, and it is urgent to think of it."

"Father, do you remember that you are too supreme?" asked Mrs. Ye.

"The supreme sage has been closed for many years, what? The old man has gone out?" Among the great sacred sects, the highest prestige is the three esteems. This supreme singer rarely appeared decades ago, the younger generation. Many have only heard of his reputation and have never seen a real person.

Mrs. Ye San smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I just heard that there is a girl with a lingering root in our family. I specially asked me to go to the Great Holy See to see him with my aunt."

"What?" Everyone was shocked, and Ye Mulan was screaming out of disappointment.

"Too respect... Want to see Ye Hao?" Ye Boshu had some reactions.

Mrs. Ye San smiled and nodded. "The heavenly roots and spiritual powers that the aunts showed in the school of the aunts have already alarmed many people in the Great Sacred, and they have gone out in advance."

"Good! Good!" Ye Boshu laughed. "It is the blessing of Ye Jia and Ye Hao to be able to get too respectful."

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