The news brought by Mrs. Ye San was shocked by the Ye family. Some people envied the envy of others. However, what other people think is not about Ye Hao. She only thought that she could go to the Great Shengzong, and she would have the opportunity to go to Shengzongmen. This is the best news.

From the Sifang Garden, Ye Hao and Mrs. Ye San went together with a smile.

"Mother, Sancha What does this mean? Is it necessary to bring Ye Hao to the Great Saint?" Ye Mulan was not willing to ask.

"How long have I been with the wooden heart to retreat, you have made so many things." Mrs. Ye’s wife looked helplessly at her eldest daughter. "What are you going to do with Ye Wei, she is just a girl who grew up from the forest." Which point is comparable to you."

Ye Mulan said aggrieved, "I don't want to marry in Tianzhu City. If she didn't marry me, I wouldn't bother to talk to her."

"What's wrong with Scorpio City? Have you seen Modi?" Mrs. Ye yelled at her daughter.

"Even if the Emperor is the supernatural sanctuary, then how can I not marry an old man." Ye Mulan cried, not to mention that there are so many terrible rumors in Tianzhu City, she should not send to death.

Mrs. Ye Da said, "Who told you that Mo Di is an old man? I was fortunate enough to have seen Modi in the past. He is the best-looking man in the world. Even if he has some years, he will not be able to influence him."

"That years ago." Ye Mulan whispered, "Mother, I don't want to marry into the city of Tianzhu anyway. The Lord has already given the gift, and will not change."

"You!" Mrs. Yeh ordered some of Mulan's forehead. "Compared with Ye Wei, you are just too..."


"Mother, my grandfather did not say that the three sisters have no spiritual roots?" Standing next to Ye Mulan is Ye Muxin, she looks a bit similar to Ye Mulan, but it looks more heroic and less beautiful. Don't have a charm.

Mrs. Ye Day frowned and shook her head. "I also felt strange about this incident. However, at that time, Ye Hao was born, and Tianlingen was too special. It is possible to be inaccurate."

"What do you mean by Sancha? Take Ye Hao to see the supreme, do you still want to be too respectful to accept Ye Hao as a disciple?" Ye Mulan said, "Sanchai has always been faint to them, how to Ye Hao Just look at it differently.

Ye Muxin frowned. "If the Taizong really accepts the leaves as an apprentice, then is she not even higher than her grandfather in the generation of the Great Shengzong?"

"That's how it works!" Ye Mulan cried, and Ye Hao wasn't going to be more arrogant.

"If you can marry the Emperor, even if Ye Hao becomes a disciple of the Taizun, she will respect you when she meets." Mrs. Ye said softly.

Ye Mulan shook her head resolutely. She and the two emperors, who are young and beautiful, will probably become queens. She does not want to marry Mo Di.

"Mother, don't you want Ye Hao to marry Mo Di?" Ye Muxin whispered, if Ye Mulan refused to marry Tianzhu City, the mother might have to marry her.

"I once told you that when your grandfather valued his uncle, he almost handed over the entire Ye family. If it wasn't for your second uncle, the people who enjoy Ye Jiarong's wealth today are not you, but the leaves. Hey and Ye Hao are stunned." Mrs. Ye whispered, "Do you want to lose such a day?"

Ye Mulan shook his head and said, "Mother, it is different now."

"It's not the same." Mrs. Ye sneered. "Even if you don't want to marry Modi, you can't let Ye Lan marry into Tianzhu City."

"Mother, there are still two months to compare with Shengzongmen. I want to go back to the Great Sacred." Ye Muxin said that she was chosen as a disciple to test with Shengzongmen. Go back and tell Master.

Mrs. Ye Daxiao nodded to Ye Muxin. "You are now at the peak of the beginning. You are going to find your master, or you can help you break through before the big."

"Is the heart so fast to the peak?" Ye Mulan looked at her sister in surprise. She remembered that her sister's cultivation was comparable to her before she retired. Now she has surpassed her.

"If the sister is willing to retreat with her mother, she must have been in the clear." Ye Muxin smiled.

Ye Mulan took a look at her sister, she just can't eat hard, so the repair is only slow.

"I don't know what my grandfather left to say what he and his brother left." Ye Mulan said with concern.



On the other side, Ye Hao sent Mrs. Ye San to the gate.

"You don't have to send it, you go back and prepare. I will pick you up to Dashengzong tomorrow." Mrs. Ye did not let Ye Hao continue to send it. She deliberately came here today, just want to let other people in Ye family know, don't Always thinking of bullying Ye Hao brothers and sisters, they also have backers in the future.

"Sancha, thank you." Ye Hao said gratefully.

Mrs. Ye San smiled and looked at her. "This is your own blessing. If you don't have a sacred root, even if I break my leg, I can't ask for it."

"No matter how much, I can see the future with more you." Ye Hao whispered that she didn't even dare to let herself go empty now, afraid to think of Mingxi and Mingyu, afraid to think of Murong Cham.

"Okay, go back." Mrs. Ye San said with a smile.

Looking at Mrs. Ye San’s departure, Ye Hao turned to return to her small courtyard.

"Auntie, great, you can go to the Great Saints." Ye Hao cried happily.

"Fortunately, you arrived in time." Ye Hao said that although she and Ye Hao are not really brothers and sisters, she has used her sister's identity and hopes to help Ye Hao.

Ye Yan sighed, "I can only do this. After that... you went to the Great Saints to learn to protect yourself."

"In the future, you will be able to go to the Great Holy Family." Ye Hao said.

"Yeah!" Ye Hao nodded hard. "I used your Ling Dan yesterday and found that there is a lot of aura. Today, the elders also let me learn the earthworms. I actually think that the aura is more comfortable, than the fire. Learn faster, and when I learn well in earth and earth, the elders will teach me the sand."

Ye Hao was reading the book these two nights, knowing that the imperial technique would be different with the improvement of cultivation.

Although she still has a lot to understand, she feels that she will know more about it someday.

"If I can train my suffocation, it would be fine." Ye sighed.

"What is suffocating?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully, she said this after hearing the hatred, but she still does not understand what it is.

Ye Hao said, "If you cultivate to a certain extent, you can convert the aura into a suffocating qi, and all kinds of martial arts will be several times stronger."

"It turns out that." Ye Hao understood the nod.

"Sister, I have to go back to practice, I will go first." Ye Hao said.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Good."

White Thirteen finally had the opportunity to talk to Ye Hao alone. "Girl, do you really want to go to the Great Holy Family?"

"I have to go to the Great Sacred." Ye Hao firmly said, "Yes, who was the city owner of the city that day? Have you seen it?"

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