If Ye Hao knows that the city owner of Tianzhu City is Modi, maybe she will come to see the city owner personally. When she sees the appearance of the city owner, is it not clear?

Modi's face was gloomy. Because he locked his memory, he was not sure what happened to Ye Hao in the human continent and hatred. She knew that Murong Cham was his avatar? If you don't know, you may only treat him as a similar person. If you know, she should see that he is Murong Cham.

"Try to stare at her, the news of the hatred will be passed to you, let her find her son earlier." Modi said coldly.

White thirteen thought in his heart, is not the son of the lady not the son of the city, and it seems to have nothing to do with him, "Yes, the lord, the genus will go back first."

The Emperor did not even lift the scorpion, and the room was restored to silence.

He closed his eyes on the soft couch, and there was a scene of Ye Hao in his arms in his mind. It seemed that he could hold her nephrite body as soon as he reached out. The feeling in his dream was still very real. He could not wait for it. She broke into her body...

"Damn!" Modi reopened his eyes and his eyes were cloudy. He wanted to control himself not to think about Ye Hao, but her appearance always appeared in her mind.

It must be because the feelings and memories of the avatar are affecting him.

As long as Ye Hao is not in Xuantian, he can get rid of these influences.

If she refuses to go, he would rather kill her!

Modi just moved to kill, his heart burst into tears, as if he had been pierced with thousands of needles, and it was so painful.

"Shen Ying." Modi quietly spoke.

A black shadow slowly appeared in the house, "The city owner."

"I will go to the palace tomorrow to see the king of Zhou Guo. I agree to marry Zhou Guo. However, the girl who wants to marry is the guardian of the city of Tianzhu!" He wants to cut off all the relationship with Ye Hao. In any case, he does not. Will make a woman influence his willpower.

"..." Shen Ying suspected that he had misunderstood, "What?"

Modi’s voice was cold. “In the same way, do I need to say the second time?”

"No, the next day, I will go into the palace to pass the message immediately." Shen Ying whispered, and his heart was silently white.



Ye Hao was refreshed from the space. After a night of cultivation, her cultivation was improved, and the fire was more skillful and stable.

Looking at the sky outside, it is already dawn, she can finally leave the Ye family.

"Three girls, two girls are coming."

Ye Hao was surprised, how did Ye Muxin come? She only saw Ye Muxin for the first time yesterday. She didn't know about her. However, she had no idea what Ye Mulan had in her car.

I was puzzled, and Ye Muxin had walked in with awkward attitude. "Three sisters, have you woken up?"

"I have already woken up, but what is the matter?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully.

"In fact, nothing happened. You have to go to the Great Saints today, just as I should go back. Let's go together." Ye Muxin said, "With three shackles, I can definitely save more than half of the time. I can have more time to practice." It is."

Just want to go with her to go to the Great Saints?

Ye Hao’s heart was slightly suspicious. She said quietly, “I have no problem, but you still have to ask three times, and I want to lead the way.”

"When I come over, I will ask her." Ye Mu's eyebrows opened his eyes and smiled. She sat down next to her. "Three sisters, how long have you been back? Are you still used to living?"

"A few days back, I lived well." Ye Hao said with a smile, she was still wary of Ye Muxin.

Ye Muxin said, "I really can't stand it. If I live at home for ten days and a half, I feel uncomfortable."

"..." Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows and wondered how to pick up the leaves.

"You don't care too much about what Ye Mulan said. She has no brains. She thinks about being a queen all day." Ye Muxin lowered his voice. "You have a spiritual root. It is necessary to cultivate well. What is good for married people? Nothing wasted talent."

Ye licked his lips and barely smiled. "Yeah."

"Yesterday, you are really..." Ye Muxin stood up and looked at the cousin who was too beautiful. "Let me look at it, no one in the family dares to talk to her grandfather."

"Oh, I am also trying to protect myself." If she didn't do that, she might have been ruined yesterday.

Ye Muxin patted the shoulders of Ye Hao. "You are good."

"Oh." Ye Xiaoxiao, found that this leaf heart and leaf magnolia do not seem the same, in addition to looks a little like, the character is not like two sisters.

"Well, Sancha should be coming soon. I will go to the gate to wait for her. You will pick it up quickly." Ye Muxin said, as he came, he left.

Ye Hao looked at the side of the cockroach. "You two girls have always been like this?"

He whispered, "Slaves used to sweep the floor in the yard. They have never seen two girls. However, I heard that the girls are obsessed with cultivation and rarely go out to entertain like the big girl."

"Yeah." Ye Hao nodded, wondering if Mrs. Ye San would agree to bring Ye Muxin.

After a while, there were people coming to pass the message. Mrs. Ye San had already picked her up, and the old lady asked her to go to Sifangyuan.

Ye Hao thought about what happened in Sifangyuan yesterday. She didn't really want to see Ye Boshu.

Yesterday was not White Thirteen, her sea of ​​air may have been shattered by Ye Boshu’s spiritual pressure. Later, Ye Boshu knew that she had a spiritual root and immediately refused to ask her to pay for the second emperor. Where did he take her? As a granddaughter, it is clearly a chess piece to be used.

Not to mention her, it is estimated that this is true for Ye Mulan.

Ye Hao walked slowly to Sifangyuan.

Mrs. Ye San is already in the square garden, seeing Ye Hao come over and her face has a gentle smile.

"I have seen my grandfather." Ye Hao coveted and acted in a proper manner. She is not an opponent of Ye Boshu, so she still has to bow her head.

"Yeah." Ye Boshu looks very kind today. He looks at Ye Hao gently. "The Great Shengzong is not the same as Ye Family. He went to the Great Saints. He must be more cautious and secure, and he can't blame anyone."

"Yes." Ye Hao whispered.

Ye Boshu said, "For the first time, Ye Family has such a spiritual root, you have to cherish it."

"I will practice well and will not let you down." In the future, she must be above him, and will not let him arbitrarily destroy her arrogance.

"Very good." Ye Boshu was satisfied with the nod, looking at Mrs. Ye San, "Mu Xin just wants to go to the Great Shengzong, you will take her with you."

Mrs. Ye San smiled and said, "I just saw the wooden heart outside, and the daughter-in-law will take care of them."

"It’s hard for you." Ye Boshu said, it is also an indication that they can leave.

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