Ye Jia’s journey to Dashengzong was far away. Even if he kept on the road for half a month, Ye Hao came to the front door and saw the carriage of Mrs. Ye’s carriage more surprised.

The carriage was a little different from the day before yesterday. It seemed to be bigger, and there were four horses in armor in front. There were some differences between Ye Wei and the carriage that Ye Wei had picked up. The four horses looked more handsome.

"Get on the bus." Mrs. Ye San said with a smile, indicating that Ye Hao was on the bus.

Ye Muxin has been waiting for them in the carriage.

"Three sisters, three sisters, you are coming." Ye Muxin waved at them. "I have to wait until I am suffocating."

"You, don't go farewell to the old lady, be careful that the old man will not let you follow us." Mrs. Ye San took a look at Ye Muxin and looked very kind, unlike the coldness against Ye Mulan.

Ye Muxin shook his head hard. "This time I insisted on going to Dashengzong with you. My mother and my eldest sister have been reading me for a long time. If I don't hide here, they will definitely continue to read."

"Mu Xin's master is a good disciple of the elders. The swordsmanship has already reached the peak of the beginning. You have come to the Great Holy Family. If you don't understand, you can ask her." Mrs. Ye San said to Ye Hao.

"Yes, Sancha." Ye Hao smiled and nodded.

Ye Muxin held his chin in one hand and looked at Ye Hao with his eyes black. "The three sisters look so beautiful."

"Auntie looks like her mother." Mrs. Ye San whispered.

"Sancha, my mother and I...Is it really like?" Ye Hao asked puzzledly. She knew that she was not the real Ye Jiasan girl. However, it seems that everyone thinks she looks like the dead Ye Jiaji. .

Mrs. Ye San reached out and touched Ye Hao’s eyebrows. "Yes, when I saw you, I thought I saw the snow."

"Three 婶, how did the second uncle get trapped in the end?" Ye Muxin whispered, for many years, Ye family rarely mentioned the second uncle, as if he was afraid of being heard by his grandfather, because the death of the second uncle was framed. However, there is no revenge, which has become an untouchable knot in my grandfather's heart.

"What do you know when your child knows, don't ask so much." Mrs. Ye San shook her head and did not intend to tell them about the year.

Ye Hao did not ask, she had already heard that Ye Shiqing was killed by hatred, and she now wants to find revenge for revenge and justification.

"I am curious." Ye Muxin shouted.

"Auntie, you cultivated Dantian gas sea, then there are plans to practice what exercises?" Mrs. Ye San asked Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said, "I want to learn fire and alchemy..."

"Wow, you learn two exercises at once, three sisters, you are too powerful." Ye Muxin marveled, she looked at Ye Hao with a look of envy. "There is no difference in the spirit root, even if it is a double root." It’s not easy to learn two exercises."

"I... I just think about it." Ye Hao didn't think that learning two exercises would make people so surprised and rush to make a look of fear.

Mrs. Ye San smiled and said, "You are the root of the heavens. It is normal to practice two exercises. The fire technique is closely related to the alchemy. You have chosen very well. No one can be around the top of the fire. If he can accept you as a disciple, then."

"If the third sister became the supreme disciple of the supreme, then how can I call her?" Ye Muxin suddenly asked, "Is it... I have to call her a teacher?"

"..." Ye Hao looked at Ye Muxin silently, but now I don't know what it means after seeing her.

Mrs. Ye San smiled. "This depends on whether the aunt has become a disciple who is supreme."

"The third sister is a blessed person and will definitely become the apprentice of the supreme honor." Ye Muxin said sincerely.

Ye Hao smiled at Ye Muxin.

The carriage has already been out of Xizhou City, and the speed is almost as fast as flying.

"Sancha, is this horse different from the ordinary horse?" Ye Hao could not help but ask curiously.

"The horses are all the same, the difference is their armor." Ye Muxin said with a smile. "This armor is black iron dug from the bottom of the dragon's snow mountain. In addition to being able to extend the life of the horse, it can speed up the speed. Double."

It turned out to be the reason for armor! She is really knowledgeable! Ye Hao said, "Can these armor be used only by horses?"

"This is just a low-level black iron armor. The soldiers on the battlefield wear it. The spirit beasts must be created with aura, so it is different." Ye Muxin patiently explained to Ye Hao.

"It turned out to be like this." Ye Haoran realized that it seems that there are still many things to understand about the moon and the mainland.

"Three sisters, don't you have a beast? Can you summon it for me to see it? I heard that Mulan's ostrich was scared to hide in the tree and didn't dare to come down." Ye Muxin said brightly.

Although the small fire phoenix is ​​frightening the ostrich, but it is difficult to take out the fire phoenix now looks like a crow.

"Do you have a beast?" Mrs. Ye San asked in surprise, she thought about what kind of beast to find Ye Hao.

"I used to find it in the mountains." Ye Hao said that it seems that only this reason can explain the existence of the small fire phoenix.

Ye Muxin is full of interest, "Really? It seems that this beast can sense your celestial roots, otherwise it will not recognize you with the Lord, so I am more interested, three sisters, let your beast Come out and let us know."

"I hope you don't want to be disappointed." Ye Hao said that it is not in the Ye family. It doesn't matter if the small fire phoenix comes out. It is also very tired in the space all day long.

The small fire phoenix came out of the space and screamed, flying out of the carriage and hovering in the space.

Ye Muxin picked up the curtain and looked at the little fire phoenix in surprise. "Is this your beast?"

"Yeah, it looks a bit cold, I hope you don't laugh." Ye Hao smiled.

"How can I not see what this beast is, Sancha, you know?" Ye Muxin looked for a long time, this spirit beast grows really as Ye Hao said, it is really cold, the ostrich will not be Scared by its ugly look, can't you dare to come down?

Mrs. Ye San looked at Ye Hao meaningfully. "If I didn't get it wrong, this should be the voice of the phoenix."

"Phoenix?" Ye Muxin screamed, "This is the legendary Phoenix?"

"What did you find in the mountains?" Mrs. Ye San asked Ye Hao.

Ye Xie pretended to be ignorant, "Yeah, but when it comes to it, it comes out of the shell."

"You are so lucky..." I am afraid that the whole continent can't find luck like her, and actually picks up a beast. "This phoenix has not fully opened, and the feathers will become the same color as the flames. However, The phoenix also has a purebred lineage and hybrids. If it is the phoenix of ancient gods and beasts, then... I am afraid that the whole continent cannot find a second one."

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