Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1612: Embroidered female sword

After saying goodbye to Ling Shuangfei, Xiao Huohuang took Ye Hao and went to the other side of the city.

"Auntie, let us go too." Ye Muxin said, she had just been wounded by Du Dongrong. Although she was not very seriously injured, she worried that the people of Shengzongmen would go back and return. How she did it, She didn't want to be tired of Ye Hao.

"Do you have a serious injury?" Ye Hao had the remaining pills, but he didn't know if he had any help for Ye Muxin's injury. She used Lingquan and elixir before.

Ye Muxin shook his head. "Nothing, just go back and raise a few days."

"You know that the person is being built on top of you. Why do you still have to fight with him?" Ye Hao took out a porcelain bottle from his arms and poured out a medicine. "You eat one and see if you have a wound." Didn't help."

"I don't talk to him today, how do I know his depth? Anyway, I have to fight with him in two months." Ye Muxin took the pill in the hand of Ye Hao and threw it into his mouth. "Du Dongrong's cultivation is in the same generation. The disciple is considered to be in the upper middle level, but the practice is solid and too impetuous. It seems that it is not difficult to win him in the future."

Ye Hao heard what she said. "Who are you, go to Shengzongmen later, are you going to fight with him?"

"Yes, it’s one thing to help you today. In fact, I also want to know what Du Dongrong is doing." Ye Muxin said, she looked up and looked at the white thirteen. "You are the guard... What is it?" ”

It was so easy to make Du Dongrong seriously injured.

Ye Hao was trying to answer, but saw the small fire phoenix in front stopped.

The small fire phoenix was parked on a sword covered with rust, about two feet long. Because it was covered with rust, it was impossible to see the true appearance of the sword.

"..." Ye Hao looked up and looked at the small fire phoenix. "This is the sword it is looking for?"

"Don't underestimate this sword, it is a spiritual treasure above the Chinese product." Xiaohuohuang and Ye Hao have telepathy and can pass their words to each other's hearts.

Ye Hao used to pick up the rusty sword and turned back to Ye Muxin. "You just got the sword broken and buy another one."

"Girl, want to buy a sword? We have a better sword, can you look at it?" The boss in the shop saw Ye Hao, they dressed well, and immediately wanted to introduce a better sword to them.

"I think this is good." Ye Hao said, said to Ye Muxin, "What do you think?"

Ye Muxin can't see that this is a good rust sword. I thought it might be that Ye Hao didn't know how to pick a sword. "It's good, but going back to Master will give a new sword, we don't waste gold coins."

The boss thinks that Ye Hao is definitely a girl who is not a two-door girl. She is interested in a rusty sword. If she sees other swords, it is not a favorite. So, I want to work harder to see Ye Hao. Sword.

"I want this." Ye Hao said firmly, "How to sell it?"

Is this girl a fool? The boss thought in his heart, "I want fifty gold coins."

Ye Muxin cried, "Why don't you go grab it, is this scrap iron worth fifty gold coins?"

"Good." Ye Hao did not want to agree, she was not very clear about the concept of gold coins, but there are many gold coins in her space, fifty is really nothing.

"Auntie!" Ye Mu hearted her, and there are gold coins that are not so flowers.

Ye Hao has given fifty gold coins to the boss and left Ye Muxin to leave.

"This sword... is really worth 50 gold coins!" Ye Muxin said helplessly to Ye Hao, "I can't spend so much money next time."

"Give it to you." Ye Xiao smiled, she looked at the sword in confusion. "How does this rust get rid of it?"

Ye Muxin sighed. "It seems that you still need to learn to distinguish Lingbao."

"This sword needs to be infused with spiritual power. However, with the spiritual power of Ye Muxin, I am afraid that there is no way to completely remove the rust." Xiao Huohuang said.

"How to instill?" Ye Hao asked.

Xiao Huohuang said, "You can hold the sword and transfer the spiritual power from the sea to the sword."

"Leave the city and try again." Ye Hao said that she feels that there are too many people here, or don't be too eye-catching.

"White Thirteen, how do you seem to be absent-minded today?" Ye Hao looked at the white thirteen and felt that he seemed to be very worried.

"It's something..." He was pitted by the city owner, and he still wonders how to explain it to his wife.

He is now a man or a woman. He said the truth. The city owner will not let him go. He will marry his wife. His future will not be better. After the memory of the city owner returns, the city owner will not let him go.

Hey, his big law is too depressed.

Nowadays, people come and go in the city, Ye Hao is not good to ask the details of the 13th, had to leave and say.

Out of the city, Ye Hao saw Li Daren at the corner of the street. His eyes were staring straight at her, as if he wanted to remember her appearance in the future.

Ye Hao suddenly sinks in her heart. She is not the real Ye Jiasan girl. Will the square market show her true identity?

Xiao Huo Huang stopped on her shoulder and glared at the Li Daren, and said to Ye Hao, "You can rest assured that he still has no ability to know who you are."

"You cover me for it?" Ye Hao asked in surprise.

"This little problem is also worth worrying about." The tail of Xiaohuohuang has to be tilted up.

Ye Qiu mouth slightly tilted up, picking up the sword that is rusted. She has been practicing for a while, knowing how to use the spiritual power, she closes her eyes and passes the spiritual power of the sea to the palm of her hand.

"Auntie..." Ye Muxin originally wanted to go back and urge her to go faster. When she turned around, she saw the sword of Ye Hao’s rust-covered sword glowing with golden light.

what happened? Is this broken sword really a spiritual treasure?

When she started to have a spring from Ye Hao, her sea of ​​air has already formed. Over the years, her spiritual power has reached a peak that no one knows, and a steady stream of spiritual power is instilled into the hilt. Strong, the rust fell off piece by piece.

"Embroidery female sword!" White thirteen openings.

The look on Ye Muxin’s face has been stunned. “This... is this the embroidered sword that has been lost for many years?”

The embroidered female sword is famous for its long and thin. It is said that there is a swordman who is called an embroidered woman. She has a set of swordsmanship. This sword is what she has, but since the woman’s death, The sword also disappeared.

I did not expect it to be in the city.

Embroidered female swords are all silver, it seems that the blade is not very sharp, but the power is not comparable to the general sword.

There is also a sword on the sword, which is the most precious place for embroidered swords.

"This sword is for you." Ye Hao said with a smile, handing the sword in his hand to Ye Muxin.

"Give me a message to me?" Ye Muxin stunned again. This sword is the top quality Lingbao in the mainland. Is Ye Hao giving her this?

Ye Xiao smiled. "I don't use a sword. What is the use? I bought it for you."

"Auntie, you are so good!" Ye Muxin cried.

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