Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1613: Scorpio City Lord

Ye Hao and the elated leaf of the wood heart are admiring the embroidered sword, but they did not find someone staring at them in the corner.

"You see no? That woman... that spiritual power is what I saw strong." Two people in the corner wore blue-rolled black robes, clearly the people who had just been holy.

"Blackwater City has black warriors. If the black warriors know that they will not let her go," another person said.

"Go back and tell Du brother."


The figure of these two people quietly left, and the small head of Xiaohuohuang looked in their direction.

After Ye Mu’s thought of embroidering the female sword, she was in a good mood. Even the wound on her body was faster than usual. She didn’t notice it. When she returned to the fifth floor, she reacted. The wound on her body seemed to be very fast. Even before she even had There is no such speed in treating injuries.

She remembered that she had just eaten a pill given by Ye Hao.

Is Ye Hao already... learning to heal and cure?

No, the cure rate of this medicine is almost three products, how can Ye Hao learn so fast!

"Auntie, what did you just give me?" Ye Muxin could not help but ask.

"Oh, I used pills made of herbs, what happened?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked.

Ye Muxin shook his head. "My wound recovered quickly..."

"You are back." Mrs. Ye San came out of the room and saw the two of them. She looked at Ye Hao. "Auntie, come over, I have something to tell you."

"Sancha, when do we leave?" Ye Muxin asked.

Mrs. Ye San looked at Ye Muxin and wrinkled her eyebrows. "Are you injured?"

"Du Dongrong, who just met Shengzongmen, he wants to grab the soul of Tang Shimei, we just played with him, but we won." Ye Muxin said with a smile, did not dare to let Mrs. Ye San know that she was The injury is not small.

"Go back to change clothes first. After I said a few words to my aunt, I set off." Mrs. Ye San said helplessly that the Great Shengzong had been grievous with the Shengzongmen for a long time. It is inevitable that there will be contradictions when people on both sides meet outside.

Ye Hao saw that Mrs. Ye San’s look seemed to be a bit heavy, and she did not know what was going on.

"Three, what's wrong?" Ye Hao asked with Mrs. Ye San into the room and whispered.

"I just received the news from Xizhou City." Mrs. Ye San was surrounded by a sound-insecting method. She told Ye Hao that she had just received the news. "The city of Tianzhu City sent people to see the country today." Lord, I have already agreed to the marriage of Zhou Guo and Tianzhu City, but ... not marry him, but marry him.

Ye Hao raised his eyebrows faintly. "Does this have anything to do with me?"

"Before the lord of the king of the country sealed you as a princess, and now the entire Xizhou City thinks that you will marry the city of Tianzhu in the future." Mrs. Ye San said coldly, "Mu Di deceives too much!"

“Who?” Ye Hao’s face changed slightly. “Three 婶, who is the owner of Tianzhu City?”

"Modi!" Mrs. Ye San snorted. "Even if his cultivation is higher, there is no such bullying!"

Ye Hao black and clear eyes are cold and calm, Mo Di! The city owner of Tianzhu City is actually Modi!

Evil has said that Murong Cham is the avatar of Mo Di.

She wondered who the Modi would be, but did not expect that it would be the owner of the city of Tianzhu. Does he look like Murong Cham? Still already old?

"What does it mean that Modi wants the girl of Ye Family to marry him?" Ye Hao frowned and asked, she always thought that she would not have a relationship with the city of Tianzhu. Now she knows that he is Mo Di, she The mood has changed subtly.

She really wants to see him and see what he looks like.

"What is meant by insulting people. Does he think that the girl of our family is not worthy of him?" said Mrs. Ye, screaming, "Auntie, you don't need to be angry. Anyway, the old man doesn't look like he will marry you." In the city of Scorpio, re-select a girl to marry the Dafa method for you."

Ye Hao did not feel angry, and Mo Di did not want to marry a stranger for granted.

"Have you seen Mo Di?" Ye Hao asked.

"No." said Mrs. Ye San. "However, I heard that he looks good, that is... too cold and ruthless, such a person is not worthy of you."

Ye Hao smiled a bit, she already has a husband and child, no one can match her.

"Sancha, I am not angry. Whether it is marrying Modi or what kind of law, I will not agree." Ye Hao said, therefore, no matter what changes in this marriage, she will not be in the heart, anyway, She never intended to marry anyone.

Mrs. Ye San is pleased to nod. "You can see the best."

What if I don't see it? She didn't intend to marry anyone. As long as she found Ming Xi, she immediately tried to get out of here.

"Three, then I am going to prepare for the departure." Ye Hao said.

"Okay, let's go." Mrs. Ye San nodded with a smile, and did not ask much about what happened to them in the market today.

Ye Hao left the room and saw white thirteen outside.

"What happened to Xizhou City, have you heard?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

"I just heard about it." White thirteen bowed his head, and the lady really knew it.

Ye Hao said, "The city owner of Tianzhu City... What kind of person is that Modi?"

White thirteen raised his head violently, horrible! The lady knows that the city owner is Modi. If he sees the city owner in the future, he may recognize that he is Murong Cham.

"He is a..." Bai Xie thought carefully, but hesitated and did not know how to describe the city owner. If he said it was too careful, it would cause the lady's suspicion. It is unclear. The lady must not believe it. He is now I feel that it is better to go to the Yan domain than to face the lady. "A very powerful person is a little indifferent."

"I can see that it is a cold and ruthless person." Ye Hao said faintly, "He wants Ye Jia girl to marry him with a big law, do you know who his big law is?"

"..." White 13 is simply trying to cry, "I have never seen it."

"Then go inquire and ask." Ye Hao nodded and said.

"Yes, girl." Bai Xie sighed in his heart. He really didn't know what the city owner was thinking.

Ye Hao will hold the small fire phoenix in his arms. "Go to the Great Saints."

On the other hand, Mo Di asked Shen Ying to go to the palace to see the king of Zhou Guo. It was decided that the Ye Jia girl would marry the Dafa method. He had the idea of ​​finally cutting off the soft ribs. However, when he thought that the woman would face the white thirteen Spoiled smile, he is not good for the whole person.

"The news of the city owner, Bai Xie sent back." Yin Siyue came in, her cold and glamorous face with a rare smile, knowing that the city owner did not want to marry the housewife, her mood became very happy.

Modi calmly passed the sound and passed through the sound. After the pinch was broken, the voice of Bai XIII passed to the ear.

"The city owner, the lady knows that the city owner is you."

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