What is the most annoying thing for Yin Siyue is the lady of the city.

"This white thirteen is getting less and less, what a lady!" Yin Siyue sighed coldly.

Modi’s thin lips were not talking. He knew that Ye Hao would know sooner or later. If she knew that he was Murong Cham, what would she do?

"There have been more and more black martial artists recently." Modi did not pay attention to the words of Bai XIII. He looked at Shen Ying with a cold look.

"The city owner is the news from the Blackwater City." Shen Ying whispered, "The Dafa and the lady are also in Blackwater City."

When Modi did not hear Shen Ying mention Ye Hao, "Who is it?"

Since the inflammation of the inflammatory field was seen in the Xuantian continent, the black martial artists basically did not dare to appear again. There are Mo Di here, they do not dare to light up the aura of the martial artists, otherwise there is really no room for them to survive.

"The breath is very strong, it seems to be... 缭 出现 appears."

Modi’s thin lips sneered a little and sneered. “It’s good.”

"The city owner, he went down and killed him!" said Yin Siyue.

"No," Modi stood up. "I went to see him personally!"

Blackwater City? Isn't that white thirteen also where?

Yin Siyue feels that if the city owner goes, maybe he will see the so-called wife.

"City Lord!" Yin Siyue stood up to catch up.

"Don't make your own ideas!" Shen Ying stopped Yin Siyue and frowned at her. "You should know that the city owner does not like subordinates."

Yin Siyue slammed his feet. "Don't you look at the woman who is really a woman on the mainland?"

"She is already married to the city owner." Shen Ying said.

"The city owner will not admit it." Yin Siyue said coldly, and did not look at the shadows and went out.

Yin Siyue frowned and looked at her back and went up.



Ye Hao, they have left Blackwater City. However, I don’t know why, she always feels that someone is staring behind her. Every time she wants to look back, she feels that she is too hearty.

"Girl, what's wrong?" Bai XIII asked.

"It seems that someone is following the follow-up. Is it a Saint Zongmen?" Ye Hao asked, wondering if Du Dongrong would not be willing to give up and want to come to trouble.

White Thirteen looked back and looked at it.

Ye Hao thinks that it should not be Du Dongrong. He has already been labeled like this. He dares to continue to follow them, unless there is a helper. However, even if there is a helper, it should not be hiding behind, but coming up to provoke. .

"What's wrong?" Ye Muxin, who has been learning the sword on the embroidered sword, looked up. She seemed to hear Ye Hao talking.

"Nothing." Ye Hao smiled. "I was asking why Sanchao still can't come."

Ye Muxin said, "Don't worry about Sancha, she will come soon."

"How did you learn this sword?" Ye Hao asked, she always felt that something was going on. The look of seeing Sancha today is very heavy, not just because of her affairs.

"This embroidered female sword seems to be simple and soft, but it is not easy to learn. After waiting for the Great Sacred, I will retreat to practice this sword." Ye Muxin said happily.

Ye Hao said, "When you next time you go out, you will be able to win Du Dongrong."

"I can win him now!" Ye Muxin said decisively. "It’s just a bit of a miserable thing. If you forget it, don’t say this person. I will let him know when I try it next time in Shengzongmen. This girl is not very irritating."

"At the time... Can you take me to the holy gates?" asked Ye Hao.

Ye Muxin looked up and looked at her strangely. "If you become the supreme apprentice of the supreme, you need me to take you, you have to replace the supreme and respectful comparison with the other side, but you have not practiced for a long time. It is estimated that it may not be out of the way."

Ye Hao was the first to hear about this. "I just want to go to Taizong as a teacher, can he let me go to the holy gate?"

"How do you like to go to the holy Zongmen?" Ye Muxin asked puzzledly. "If you want to go anyway, you will definitely be able to go."

"My father..." Ye Hao bowed his head. "I want to know where he was killed, and that hatred..."

Ye Muxin immediately said, "Where is your cultivation better than the hatred, even the hateful apprentice Liu Ruo if you are not an opponent."

"Is there a disciple in the hate?" Ye Hao looked tight. She first heard that there was an apprenticeship in the hate. It was so many years later, will his apprentice wait for him to come back?

"After the death of the second uncle, the enemy became the most outstanding disciple of the new generation. Later, he climbed step by step and became a law enforcement brother. He soon became the sovereign. This Liu Ruo was like him, young, Has become the most talented law enforcement brother among many people, hateful and sorrowful, has been retreating for so many years, regardless of Liu Shangruo regardless, he can go to today, relying on himself." Ye Muxin explained.

Ye Hao frowned and asked, "Have you seen that Liu Ruo Ruo? What kind of person?"

"After being hated and raised, I can still go wherever I go. I know that Du Dongrong is hurting you. I will definitely come to you to settle accounts." Ye Muxin said, she is not worried that Ye Hao will be hurt, I am afraid The other party will play tricks.

"Du Dongrong is his apprentice. He is famous for his short-term protection." Ye Muxin said, "We must be careful anyway."

Ye Hao nodded. "I know."

It is that feeling!

Someone is staring at her! Ye Hao took out the curtains and saw that she wanted to be stared at by the snake.

"Girl?" Bai Xie whispered inquisitively, but his eyes looked in a certain direction accurately. He followed the black water city and began to follow him. At first he thought he was coming to himself, so he couldn’t resist it. It seems that it is coming to the lady.

Ye Hao whispered, "I still think someone is tracking, you are careful."

White nodded at 13 and said, "Yes, the girl, the subordinate will not let anyone hurt you."

His hand is placed on the hilt of the waist. Xuantian mainland has not seen the black warriors for a long time. Even if it appears, some of them are not high. Today, the black water city appeared... Above him.

And his breath is too familiar, like a sly...

If it is really a meditation, the city owner should appear.

Does the lady have a chance to see the city owner? White Thirteen suddenly looked a little badly. He felt that after the city owner really met with his wife, everything would be different.

“When are we going to the Great Saints?” Ye Hao asked curiously.

Ye Muxin looked out, "it seems like it is going to rain."

Just a sunny day, how suddenly has it changed?

White 13 looked gloomyly at the dark clouds in the sky. "Girl, we have to hurry and find a place to hide from the rain."

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