He had been demolished by Modi himself, so he went to the Yan domain. He would appear in Xuantian mainland not for anything else. He recently broke through the bottleneck and needed pure and abundant spiritual power to break through the sect. It has been two years, and he has not found a way to break through the clan. Until the first two days, there were black martial artists who saw Ye Hao in Heishuicheng.

This girl is the most needy Tongyu phoenix, and her spiritual power is the purest and richest, the purer spiritual power he has ever seen. The better he is to improve.

"Take the girl out, I will leave."

Modi glanced at him, "Impossible."

"You let Bai 13 be her guard. Isn't she important to you?" The guardian of Tianzhu City actually went to protect a little girl. He didn't believe that Modi had nothing to do with this girl.

"It has nothing to do with you." Modi knew where Ye Hao was hiding, and knew that she would not come out, but he still wanted to let him go faster, and he subconsciously resisted meeting with Ye Hao.

He showed a meaningful sneer. He knows Modi. He knows how cold and ruthless he is. Can a woman who can help him to come to the rescue, will it be an ordinary person?

"I must have this woman." Yan said, "If she is not important to you, why don't you give her to me?"

This is why Modi does not want Ye Hao to stay in Xuantian mainland! She stayed, that is his weakness, his former defeat will want to find his shortcomings, Ye Hao will become his shortcomings.

If it is not the emotional and memory of the avatar, he will not care about Ye Hao’s life and death, but now he can’t... His heart does not want Ye Hao to receive harm.

"Impossible!" Modi said coldly, step by step toward the meditation, "When are you going back to Xuantian mainland?"

缭 缭 哼 , , , 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭 缭

Between the electric and the flint, two tall and straight figures have already fought in midair.

Bai Xie looked at the unconscious leafy heart and looked up to the air. The cultivation of the meditation was indeed a lot of improvement. However, over the years, the cultivation of the city owner has been unfathomable. No one knows how he cultivated. To what extent.

The cultivation of the city master is obviously above the meditation.

Fortunately, my wife is not here, otherwise...

I was thinking, there was a small fire phoenix in the carriage, and then the lady appeared.

"..." White thirteen face changes slightly, terrible!

"The man is so powerful!" Ye Hao looked up and saw two figures in the fight. Although she couldn't see who was in the fight with the singer, she felt that his cultivation was obviously above the shackles.

White Thirteen looked nervously at Ye Hao. "Girl, are you okay?"

Ye Hao shook his head. "I'm fine, what about you?"

She turned her head and saw Ye Muxin lying on the ground. She hurriedly ran over. "Wooden heart, wooden heart?"

"She temporarily lost her spiritual power, no spiritual strength, and the blood of the wound could not stop." Bai XIII whispered, thinking that the lady would not know what to think when she saw the city.

Ye Hao didn't go up to see who was fighting with the singer. She quickly took the sword from the leaf, except for the wound. She took the sword stabbed on her shoulder and healed her with Lingquan.

The small fire phoenix and the white thirteen exchanged a look, and each looked up to see the Emperor.


The figure of Yan Ming was hit hard. He was in a black fog and was in the air. The corner of his mouth overflowed with red blood.

"If you dare to touch her, it is not just a waste of your repairs." Modi said.

"Ha ha ha." Yan Ming said with a big smile. "The original Emperor Modi is also a person with feelings, good, very good."

Unless Mo Di brings this woman to her side every day, he will definitely get her.

As long as he gets the body and spiritual power of this woman, his cultivation will definitely be above Modi.

Modi’s face was gloomy, and he even wanted to throw Ye Hao directly to Yu Ming, but he could not do it.

The leafhopper who wrapped the wound on the leaf heart underneath did not hear the sound of the head. She looked up and looked at it. When she saw the man standing in front of the cockroach, she stunned.

The back of this person seems to be Murong Cham...

"Mu Di, we will meet again." Xiao Ming said coldly, the figure was swept away by a black mist.

Ye Hao looked at the back, she just heard the screaming call him... Modi?

"Girl, are you okay?" White thirteen whispered Ye Hao.

"Nothing." Ye Hao returned to God, "Hold Ye Muxin in the carriage and rest."

She stood up and looked at the man who was facing her, Modi... Is it the separation of Murong Cham?

Modi did not go to chase, even if he caught up, it would not be possible to kill him at once.

He stood still and did not move. He knew that Ye Hao was watching him. If he left, she would have doubts and even know everything.

Anyway, it is necessary to meet sooner or later, let her know the truth earlier.

When Modi returned to the ground, he slowly turned his head back and glanced at Ye Hao with a cold eyes.

"Azhan..." Ye Hao blurted out.

"Is that person gone?" Xiao Huo Huang immediately interrupted her words and wanted to remind her that this man is not Murong Zhan at all.

When Ye Hao saw the indifference of Mo Rongzhan, she knew that this person was not him, it was Modi.

How can it be so similar! It’s just the same person!

Regardless of the appearance or the five senses, she thinks that he is simply Murong Zhan, and thought that... Mo Di will be older than Murong Cham.

"Since you don't have the ability to protect yourself, don't show your spiritual power in front of people." Modi stood in the same place, and the deep scorpion didn't look at Ye Hao with a little emotion, and his tone was impatient.

Although I know that this person is not Murong Cham, but seeing his indifferent handsome face, Ye Hao's apex is still stabbed.

"I didn't..." Ye Hao wanted to explain, but she remembered that when she was in Blackwater City, she used spiritual power to reproduce the glory of the embroidered sword. Was it at that time?

Modi looked at her faintly. "Don't do it yourself."

On the side of the small fire phoenix and white thirteen are hanging their heads and not talking, I feel that the city owner is too much for the lady, he knows the identity of Ye Hao, still so cold...

"I don't have to do anything about it." Ye Hao whispered, "Even if I don't do it, do you have anything to do with you?"

Modi looked at her coldly.

Ye Hao looked up and looked at the same face as Murong Chong. She married Murong Cham for so many years. His eyebrows were clearly printed in her heart. This person in front of her... she could not see what it had with Murong Cham. the difference.

Even if it is a avatar... it should be different.

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