Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1618: Nothing to do with you

Modi looked at Ye Hao lightly, he didn't want to save her! This woman is no different from a stranger to him. But as long as she thinks she will be taken away, she will become a sly person. There is an indescribable irritability in his heart. He is the fastest. The speed is coming.

Still thinking about not seeing her, I still see it now.

She saw that he would remember the avatar.

"You really have nothing to do with me." Modi said coldly. "But 缭 跟 has a relationship with me. If it is not him, I will not appear today."

The small fire phoenix flew to the shoulder of Ye Hao. It felt that Modi was hurting the leafhopper. Although Modi was its former owner, it could not hurt the leafhopper.

"You are Modi?" Ye Hao didn't want to discuss this with him. She just wanted to know more about Murong Cham.

"What is it?" Modi asked faintly.

Seeing him, Ye Hao discovered that she missed Murong Chan more than she thought. She wanted to hold him and wanted him to be around. "Do you have a avatar... on the mainland?"

Modi coveted her, I don't know why, my heartbeat suddenly accelerated, this is a strange feeling.

He doesn't like this feeling.

"The body is a avatar, I am me." Modi said coldly.

Even the sound is like him...

Ye Hao listened to his low and clear voice, and his eyes were hot. "So, can you know where he is now?"

"I don't know." Modi said coldly, "It must be dark, no longer go, and you will come back to find you again."

"Citylor, if you leave, you will come back, we are not opponents." Bai XIII whispered, he could not evaluate the attitude of the city owner to his wife. In the future, the memory of the city owner could not be locked, he will definitely regrettable.

Can a woman who is able to let the city owner fall in love with her, will the city owner not be tempted?

Modi’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, “get on the bus.”

They can only be sent back to the Great Holy Family.

"What kind of person is you?" Ye Hao asked, he came to save her, really just because of the meditation?

Why does she think that he is Murong Cham...

"It has nothing to do with you." Modi said indifferently, decided to completely use Ye Hao as a stranger.

"We got on the bus." The little fire phoenix licked the cheeks of the leaves, and it hurt her. It was obvious that this person once regarded her as a treasure, but now she is a stranger because she locks her memory.

"Yeah." Ye Hao nodded gently, and said to himself in his heart again, Modi is Modi, not Murong Cham, her Azhan will not be so indifferent to her.

Modi turned around and didn't look at Ye Hao. Compared with the memories and emotions that were previously uncontrollable in his heart, now standing in front of her, the feelings of Ye Zi are even stronger, and he can't suppress it.

"Are you okay?" Little Fire Phoenix whispered to Ye Hao.

"What will happen to me?" Ye Hao asked faintly, sitting down in the carriage, she looked up at the window, just to see the back of the Emperor, she stunned, as if to see the ink Rong Zhan.

How could he be so similar to Murong Cham...

Ye Xie’s heart was scratched hard, painful and blocked, and he felt uncomfortable crying.

"He just looks like Mo Rong Zhan." Xiao Huo Huang did not know how to comfort Ye Hao, or let her know that Mo Rong Zhan is Mo Di.

"Yeah, it's really like it." Ye Haoqiang twitched his lips. "If Murong Zhan and him stand together, I am afraid I can't recognize it."

Xiao Huohuang said, "You will not regard him as Murong Zhan?"

"Azhan will not be like this to me... indifference." If it is Murong Cham, she has long been holding her, and she will show her impatience.

"Then don't take him as a Murong Cham." The small fire phoenix put down the curtains and blocked Ye Hao's view.

Ye Hao couldn't see the figure of Mo Di, she smiled lightly. "I didn't take him as a Murong Cham."

Why not? That look looks pitiful. It never saw such an expression on her face, as if it had been abandoned by the whole world.

"Yeah, if he is Murong Cham, how can this be for you." Xiao Huohuang laughed a few times. If Ye Hao knew that Mo Di was Murong Cham, what would she do?

Ye Hao didn't want to talk about Modi again. "Where are we going now?"

Xiao Huohuang shook his head. "I will ask Bai XIII."

The Modi outside the carriage listened to their conversations in the ears, and the look in the scorpion was even colder, but the strange feeling in the heart became more and more intense. He even had the urge to untie the seal and restore the memory of the avatar. .

"The city owner..." White thirteen looked up at the Emperor, and did not know what he thought.

"Under the Great Sacred Mountain, I will leave." Modi said faintly.

White thirteen sighed in his heart, "Yes, the city owner."

Ye Muxin ate Ye Zi’s elixir and finally woke up. Her spiritual power was almost exhausted and she needed a rest for a long time to recover. However, she had a leafy Lingquan and elixir, and she now feels good. A lot.

"Auntie, are you okay?" Ye Muxin took Ye Hao's hand and looked at her up and down.

"I'm fine, it's you, I was very hurt. I wrapped the wound for you. However, if you have insufficient spiritual strength and slow recovery, you should restore your spiritual strength first." Ye Hao said.

Ye Muxin still cares about himself now. "What about it? He didn't take you anything?"

"If he wants me, can I still be here?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"That... Who saved us?" Ye Muxin hurriedly asked, "You just disappeared in the carriage, did you take you away?"

Ye Xie saw that Ye Muxin woke up and only cared about her. She didn't care about her own injuries. Her heart was warm. "Yes... that Emperor saved us, and now we are on the way to the Great Saint."

"Oh." Ye Muxin nodded and then reacted. "What? Who said who saved us?"

"Mu Di." Ye Hao licked his lips, this name is now more difficult for her to talk to her, she thought of him, and I missed Murong Zhan more.

Ye Muxin was shocked and rounded his eyes. "Mu Di? He... How did he come?"

"I don't know, it seems that he knows what he is doing." Ye Hao said faintly.

"Ah, yes, 缭 是 is the younger brother of Modi's half-brother. I heard that the mother of 缭 是 is the princess of Yan Yan." Ye Muxin whispered, "Where is that Modi? He knows who you are." ?"

Ye Hao pointed out that outside the carriage, "He knows who I am and what it has to do."

"Because of the marriage contract..." Ye Muxin did not know that Ye Jia girl had a marriage contract with the Dabao Law of Tianzhu City.

"I won't marry into Tianzhu City, let alone marry a big law." Ye Hao said coldly.

Ye Muxin blinked. "What big law? Who wants to marry the big law?"

"Mu Di wants the girl of Ye Family to marry the great law of Tianzhu City." Ye Hao sneered and smiled. "It seems like someone is very rare to marry him."

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