The words that Ye Hao said in the carriage were clearly passed to the outside of Mo Di's ear, and his face became more ugly.

He didn't want to be the same thing. When she heard her disdain, he suddenly had an unknown fire in his heart.

"The city owner..." White 13 eyes showed sorrow, because he had forgotten this thing, let him settle with the girl of Ye Family? What if the girl is a lady? Isn't that about his life?

Where can he dare to have a little relationship with his wife?

"Shut up!" Modi snorted and didn't want to hear Bai Xie say a half sentence.

White 13 grievances shut his mouth, and soon he said, "Mrs will know sooner or later."

The voice of their voice could not be passed into the carriage. Modi looked at Bai Xing coldly. "What does she know?"

"You were originally Murong Cham..." Bai Xie whispered, "With the lady's temper, she can't find you back on the mainland, she will still come back."

The city owner has two children with his wife. It can be seen that when he was on the mainland, the city owner liked his wife very much. Even if he blocked the memory now, he would think of it one day. It must be his great law of protection.

Modi chilled to the white thirteen.

"The city owner, if the wife likes other men, marry other men... you must not regret it." Bai 13 died and said something.

His words were just finished, and his body was fluttering and being beaten out.

Modi looked back at the carriage and saw that the small fire phoenix sneaked out the small head. He snorted and asked for a transmission method to send the carriage to the array.

The white thirteen that was beaten quickly rushed over. He was injured, and his face looks even worse.

The transfer array method directly sent them to the gate of the Great Saints. The Emperor did not want the people of the Great Saints to know that he was coming, so they did not send them to the mountains.

"Girl, it’s over." Bai XIII said outside the carriage.

Ye Hao lived, so soon?

"So fast?" Ye Muxin picked up the curtains in a strange way. What speed is it? She had to go at least half a month before.

Although I don't know how to move it, but Ye Hao felt that she couldn't get away with Modi. She helped Ye Muxin get off the bus and didn't go to see the man who was standing in front of him and looked indifferent.

Ye Muxin also saw Mo Di at this time, she felt that she was spent in shock today.

Modi is so young! Still look so beautiful!

"Girl, here is the mountain gate of the Great Saints. We can't rush in. Only the Shoushan people agree that we can move on." Bai XIII whispered to Ye Hao.

"I will inform Master," said Ye Muxin.

Ye Hao noticed that White Thirteen's face was not right. "You just got hurt by the shackles?"

"Just a little injury, it will be fine soon." Bai Xie said with a smile, he was sucked away by a little spiritual power, and was beaten by the Emperor, not very deadly.

"There are a few medicines here, you should eat one first." Ye Hao said, Ye Muxin had a lot of medicine for her, I believe this medicine should also have an effect on White Thirteen.

White Thirteen took the medicine from Ye Hao, "Thank you girl."

Ye Hao smiled. "You are injured to protect me. If there is any discomfort, you must tell me."

She is not the real Ye Jiasan girl. The person who wants to protect Bai 13 is not her. Now, because of her injury, she is also unwilling to go.

"Okay." White Thirteen took the medicine in his arms and stood by Ye Hao in the position of guard.

The little fire screamed, and his eyes kept glaring at the Emperor.

"You still go back to the space." Ye Hao smashed the head of the small fire phoenix. "If you are recognized by someone, I am afraid I will be troubled again."

"I am not afraid of trouble." Xiao Huo Huang said, it is a beast, how can people hide in the space because of those who are low.

Ye Hao gently bounced its small head. "You are not afraid, I am afraid."

This will forgo the lessons of the meditation, and later she will not dare to use the spiritual power outside, let alone the small fire phoenix is ​​the only ancient beast in the world.

"Okay." The little fire phoenix nodded, and looked worriedly at the back of them, and it was even more worried that the Emperor would hurt Ye Hao.

The small fire phoenix returned to the space, and Ye Muxin finally passed the voice to the great saints. The mountain door's formation was finally solved, and a young man wearing a white roller and yellow side appeared in their sight.

"Mu Xinshi, are you coming back?" The young man smiled at Ye Muxin. "What about you Tang Shishu?"

"Duan Shishu." Ye Muxin took a gift. "Tang Shishu has a delay in Heishuicheng. I will bring Ye Zi to the Great Sacred."

The Tang Shishu in their mouth is Mrs. Ye San, and the Duan Jingshu is the disciple of the Dashengzong, and also the younger brother of Tang Hanyan. He knew that Tang Hanyan would bring a girl with a Tianlingen back.

It should be Ye Hao’s leafhopper.

Ye Muxin has already brought Ye Hao to the past. "Uncle Shi, this is Ye Hao."

"You haven't encountered anything on the road?" Duan Jingshu asked, the girl who turned her eyes behind Ye Mu's heart, and when she saw Ye Haoming's beautiful face, his eyes flashed a touch of stunning, and some stunned.

"Uncle Shi, we did encounter something on the road." Ye Muxin whispered, turned his head and wanted to see the city of Tianzhu, but found that he could not see him.

Only Bai 13 knows that Modi is still here, but he is invisible, and others can't see him.

Duan Jingshu is not a person without knowledge. However, when he saw Ye Hao, he was still shocked. This girl looks like her mother. Although he was not old at the time, he looks like snow. Uncle Shi.

"Go up the mountain and talk about it." Duan Jingshu whispered.

Ye Hao looked back and didn't see Mo Di again. She had a disappointment in her eyes and followed Ye Muxin into the transmission.

Duan Jingshu looked down at her, "Your name is Ye Hao?"

"Yes." Ye Hao smiled and nodded.

"My name is Duan Jingshu, responsible for the chores of the Great Shengzong. If there is anything in the future, you can come to me." Duan Jingshu whispered.

Ye Hao continued to smile, "Thank you, Duan Shishu."

Duan Jingshu laughed. "You don't have to call me Du Shishu, maybe you will be on top of me in the future."

If the supreme is to accept her as a disciple, her generation is just like the head.

Ye Hao did not speak, just smiled and nodded.

Modi kept watching them silently, and it seemed as if a layer of frost had gradually formed.

"The city owner, then let's go first." White thirteen did not see the face of Modi, followed by Ye Hao into the portal.

He actually has the urge to grab her back! Modi was very angry and annoyed with the thoughts in his heart.

Sure enough, I should not see her!

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