Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1620: Surprised everywhere

When Ye Hao started to launch, she looked again at the direction of the emperor’s standing. She thought he was leaving, but when she looked at the past, she actually saw him, looking at him and looking into him. In the icy hustle and bustle, she snorted.

He really looks like Murong Cham...

"Auntie, what are you looking at?" Ye Muxin asked in a low voice.

"Nothing." Ye Hao smiled and shook his head, silently said to himself in his heart, he is not Murong Cham, not him...

Ye Muxin whispered, "The Emperor Modi is a good-looking person. However, he has no intention of marrying Ye Family and he does not have to pay attention to him."

"Yeah." Ye Hao looked at Ye Muxin, this Yejia two girl is the most concerned about her except Sancha, she can not treat Ye Muxin as her sister, but also as a friend.

"The head is not here today. I will come back to see you tomorrow, and today you have a few days to take a break." Duan Jingshu said.

They came to the top of the mountain in an instant, and they were surrounded by towering peaks. Each mountain has a hilltop-style building that looks sacred, just... how do you go to those peaks, each mountain? Is it so far apart that it’s so far away?

It is doubtful that Ye Hao will see two people flying from one mountain to another in the distance.

"..." This Xuantian continent is full of surprises everywhere, and she feels that nothing can be fussed.

"This is the main hall. The disciples who have just entered the ancestral hall on weekdays are practicing here. Today they have all returned to their own doors." Duan Jingshu explained.

Ye Muxin asked, "Uncle Shi, can you bring Ye Hao to see the supreme honor?"

"The supreme is still not out, but his old man knows that Ye Hao is coming. He should be going out quickly." Duan Jingshu said.

"Uncle Shi, then I will take Ye Hao to go to rest with me." Ye Muxin said.

Ye Muxin is the apprentice of the elders of the good, and lives on the higher peak in the distance.

Duan Jingshu looked down at Ye Hao. "You haven't learned to take off yet, I will send you in the past."

"Yeah, auntie, let Duan Shishu send you, my spiritual power has not fully recovered, I am afraid that you can not send you together." Ye Muxin said.

White thirteen stood up, how could he let other men send his wife, "Do not bother, I will send our girl."

"Are your spiritual power not being sucked away? If you fly halfway and fall down?" Ye Muxin asked.

Duan Jingshu’s face changed slightly. “Have you met you?”

Ye Muxin remembered that he had not told this story to the scriptures. "Yes, he wants to take away Ye Hao. Fortunately... the city owner of Tianzhu City appears, and he will leave, and we will be able to escape. Fortunately, never mind."

"Mu Di saved you?" Duan Jingshu frowned. "You are fine, what is the injury? I will let the wood elders heal you."

I didn’t expect it to happen again! Is it true that the inflammatory demon in the inflammatory field wants to re-enter the Xuantian continent?

This is a matter that must be taken seriously. It seems that he has to find a few elders to discuss.

"It feels much better, but the spiritual power has not recovered yet." Ye Muxin said.

"I will send you to the elders of wood first." Duan Jingshu said, "Then you will go to see a few deacons with me and tell them about the things that are going on."

Ye Muxin nodded. She knew that the appearance of Qi Ming was a threat to the mainland. Whether it was the Great Sacred or other denominations, we must pay attention to it. When necessary, several sects should join hands.

White thirteen faintly said, "My spiritual power has been restored to half, no need to go."

"So fast?" Ye Muxin looked at him with horror, but she saw him hurt by the shackles, how could it be so fast?

"There is a girl giving me medicine." Bai XIII said.

He didn't know that the lady's space had a potion and a spring. Just eating a potion on the road, I found out that there are spirits.

"You still have to check it out." Ye Hao was afraid that her medicine could not completely heal the white thirteen.

White Thirteen sees Ye Hao insist, I will not say more.

Duan Jingshu took Ye Hao and they went to the nearby mountain.

Ye Hao still doesn't know how to use the spiritual power to fly. He can only come close to the scriptures, and he flies with him.

For the first time, she flew in the air like this, which was completely different from the previous work of Murong Cham.

Really... magical.

"Come on." Duan Jingshu looked down at Ye Hao, and her faint scent was like a little scent.

"Thank you, Duan Shishu." Ye Hao still followed Ye Muxin's name.

What Duan Jingshu was about to say, was interrupted by a thick voice. "How are you coming to my pharmacy?"

"Mu Zhang is coming." Duan Jingshu smiled and looked at the middle-aged man who came over. He gave a ceremony. "They were both injured and asked to treat them."

"You also learned therapies, wouldn't you treat them?" The middle-aged man has a gentle face and a slap in the face. It looks very funny.

Duan Jingshu shook his head helplessly. "Xiao Yan is not good at learning, and he is afraid of losing the face of Yao Dian."

The wood elder laughed and turned to look at Ye Muxin. "Ye Shutou's skill is much better, but... what is the spiritual power of your sea?"

"It was sucked away by the cockroach." Ye Muxin groaned. "I have been practicing for a few months. I didn't expect it to be a good move."

“缭冥?” The face of the wood elder changed, and he turned back and exchanged a face with the scriptures. “What happened to you?”

Ye Hao was secretly surprised, as if everyone was shocked when he heard the name of 缭 ,, is his presence threatening everyone?

What did you do in the past?

"Wood elders, we will discuss this matter later, you should heal them first." Duan Jingshu said.

"Good." Wood elders nodded and let Ye Muxin enter the hall together.

There are still a few disciples in the hall who are practicing refining medicine. When they see Ye Hao, they can't help but look at them.

At this time, Ye Hao discovered that this mountain is full of elixir. Although it is not comparable to the medicine in her space, it is definitely better than what is seen on the human continent.

"Your injury... Who is treating you for it?" The wood elder asked Surprisingly.

"Wood elders, what happened? At this time, the three sisters wrapped the wounds for me." Ye Muxin asked, thinking that there was something wrong with her injury.

"Have your sister learned refining and healing?" asked the elder.

Ye Muxin smiled. "No, she still doesn't understand anything. She didn't do it before."

"Impossible!" Wood elders blurted out. "Do you both hurt her treatment?"

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