Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1621: Interested in coming to the pharmacy?

Ye Hao is more talented than anyone else in her study of medicine. After she was born again, she has had an unforgettable ability. Almost all medical books have been seen by her, although she is reading books from the mainland, giving Ye Muxin When she was treating the injury, she thought that she might not be able to heal.

"I just wrapped it up roughly..." Ye Hao whispered, is there something wrong?

The wood elders are a little surprised, and the healing needs spiritual support. Not everyone can practice healing.

"What is your root?" asked the elder Wood.

"Wood elders, she is Tianlingen, but you don't have to think about accepting her as an apprentice. Too superstitious to see her." Duan Jingshu reluctantly smiled. "What do you think their injuries are?"

"Tian Linggen?" Wood's elders' eyes are bright, but when they hear the supreme honor, it's a pity that they can't be too acclaimed. "Their recovery is good, then Just take some medicine to add spiritual power."

Duan Jingshu did not dare to leave Ye Hao for too long. "Thank you for the wood elders, then let's go first, and then I will let people take the medicine."

The wooden elders looked at Ye Hao. "Little girl, are you interested in treatment? Is it better to come to my medicine hall?"

"Supreme is too respectable!" Duan Jingshu lightly coughed a reminder.

"Let's go, let's go." Wood elders waved their hands, and the spirits root! This is Tianlingen!

Duan Jingshu hurriedly took Ye Hao out of the medicine hall. He explained, "Tian Linggen has no restrictions on cultivation, so no matter which temple elders want to be able to accept you."

“What is the difference between healing and alchemy?” Ye Hao asked suspiciously.

"Dan medicine can actually cure diseases and heal, but more is helpful for improving cultivation and breaking the situation. If you can refine the medicine, it is even more difficult in the world. The treatment is absorbed by spiritual power. The earth's gas cures, different ways, the difference is still very big, some medicinal drugs can even become weapons." Duan Jingshu patiently explained that he is still not very clear about the origin of Ye Hao, just to see her quiet but curious eyes He thinks she doesn't seem to know anything.

No, she is a person with a spiritual root. She should start practicing very early. Even if she doesn't want to practice herself, Ye Family will not be allowed.

"It turned out to be the case, I understand." Ye Hao nodded. She had already studied medicine, so she was not interested in the treatment. Learning the fire and the medicine was enough.

Duan Jingshu came to the Blade Temple with Ye Hao, and Ye Muxin was practicing here.

"Dr. Shi, thank you." Ye Muxin thanked and said goodbye to Duan Jingshu.

"Then I will go back first." He also went back to find a few elders to discuss the things that reappeared on the mainland. "Then you go back, Ye girl, so there is nothing to do with me."

Ye Hao knew that he was talking to her. She smiled and nodded. "Okay, I will."

After sending away the scriptures, Ye Muxin took Ye Hao into the Blade Temple. Because it was the time of cultivation, there were still fewer people in the temple. However, Ye Muxin introduced the past all the way, and Ye Hao also saw many people.

Finally they came to a front door, and there were two swords crossed outside the door, which looked very infiltrating.

"Master, the disciple is coming back." Ye Muxin snorted and said loudly.

Ye Hao saw her like this and had to squat down with her.

The closed door is silent and has not yet been opened.

Suddenly a heavy pressure came from the two swords on the door. Ye Hao was crushed and the sea was a little dull. She looked up at the door, and the closed door gradually opened the door.

"Auntie, let's go in." Ye Muxin stood up and walked in with Ye Hao.

The heavy pressure disappeared after they entered the gate.

"This is our Yujianshan. I am here to practice here on weekdays." Ye Muxin explained with Ye Hao as he walked. "When the next day is too good, I will take you to Xingyun Mountain."

"Have you ever seen the supreme honor?" Ye Hao asked, she was very curious about who the Taizun who made Mrs. Ye San and others respected.

Ye Muxin smiled. "Where I have the opportunity to see Taizun, not everyone can see him."

"Supreme is too respect...who is it?" Ye Hao asked curiously.

"I heard that it was the disciple of the first generation of Shengzongmen. In the same year, the Shengzong door could not accommodate the Great Sacred. When the Great Holy Tribe was in dire straits, it was the supreme honor that saved the Great Sacred, and because of him now. Also sitting in the Great Shengzong, Sheng Zongmen did not dare to treat us." Ye Muxin said that when it comes to supreme, the face is full of empathy.

In this way, the supreme sacredness is highly respected in the Great Saints.

"However, the supreme esteem was hurt by the sorcerer..." Ye Muxin frowned. "It has been closed for many years, and now I don't know how it hurts."

"Supreme is too strong or is the ink of the Emperor?" Ye Hao suddenly asked.

Ye Muxin did not want to open his mouth. "Of course it is... too respectful."

White thirteen took her a look. "It was the Emperor Modi who saved from the hands of the evil spirits."

"That is because Taizun wants to protect the entire Great Sacred, only to make the evil spirits organic." Ye Muxin cried, even if the Emperor Mou looked good again and then young, she still felt too respectful.

"The Emperor Modi protects the entire Xuantian continent." Bai XIII said faintly.

Ye Muxin said, "Are you familiar with Modi? Just help him."

"I am just telling the truth." Bai San looked at Ye Hao and said coldly.

"Where are we going now?" Ye Hao prevented them from continuing to argue. They have been around for so long, as if they did not see a person appear.

Ye Muxin said, "Let's go see my master first..."

"This sword door... seems to be no one." Ye Haodao, some worried that Ye Muxin’s master did not welcome outsiders.

When she had just finished speaking, she saw a square in front of him. At least dozens of people wearing white rollers and green edges were practicing swords.

"That is my brothers and sisters." Ye Muxin laughed.

"Wu Xin?" Standing in front of a woman, her dress is different from others, wearing a light green robe, looks beautiful and beautiful, she saw Ye Muxin, immediately took the sword and came over, "What are you? When is it coming back?"

Ye Muxin smiled. "Master sister, I just came back and I am going to see Master."

"Master is in the hall, I am going with you." The woman whispered, her eyes looked at the leaves behind Ye Mu's heart, frowning slightly, waiting for Ye Muxin to introduce.

"Oh, yes, Master Sister, this is my third sister, and I went to the Great Holy Family..." Ye Muxin quickly introduced Ye Hao to the woman.

This woman is Xu Xiayin, a disciple of Yu Jianshan’s elders, and a master sister of Ye Muxin. She interrupted Ye Muxin’s words. “Don’t you tell me? Don’t bring people to the Great Sacred, not everyone. Can come."

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