"Ming Xi, Ming Yu!" Ye Hao woke up from her sleep. She looked around in horror, and there seemed to be two children crying in her ear. She gasped and gasped, only to find that she was still in the space.

"What happened to you?" The small fire phoenix flew over and stopped on her knees.

Ye Hao gasped and looked at it and looked at it. "I dreamed of Ming Xi and Ming Yu."

I dreamed that Mingxi didn't know where it was taken, and there was darkness around. She seemed to be able to feel that he was calling herself, and dreamed that Mingyu couldn't see her, crying all day to go out, crying that she was dreaming. I have to be heartbroken.

"What did you think at the beginning, actually came to Xuantian mainland together, if you can't go back in the future?" Xiaohuo Huang whispered, and she was pity for Ye Hao, she still didn't know the way to the world. The gap has been closed, and if you want to open it again, you don't know when to wait.

Ye Qiuzui pulled out a bitter smile. "I watched as Ming Xi was taken away by hatred. Can I still be indifferent?"

"What about Mingyu?" asked Xiaohuohuang.

"Azhan... will take care of her." Ye Hao said that she only comforted herself so that she could restrain herself from missing Mingyu.

The small fire phoenix blurted out. "If Murong Chan also followed the Xuantian continent? There is only one person in Mingyu."

Ye Hao looked at the little fire phoenix. "How did he come to Xuantian mainland? I didn't see him in the space..."

"I... I mean, if you haven't thought about this possibility?" Little Fire Phoenix would rather not come over on the mainland, so that she would not be hurt by the Emperor.

"No!" Ye Hao had never thought that Murong Chong would come here. He must still find ways to find her.

Xiao Huo Huang sighed in her heart, and sure enough, as she guessed, so she did not think that Mo Di was Murong Cham.

"I have seen Murong Cham in the world when I was in the world." Ye Hao whispered, "He said that Murong Zhan is the avatar of Modi. If Azhan comes here, what will happen when he meets with Modi? ”

The avatar will merge with the original master. The feelings and memories of Murong Cham in the world will be absorbed by Modi. It is not that Modi wants to lock and refuse.

Xiaohuohuang wants to tell the truth, but the threat of Modi is still floating in his mind. It does not want to spend another long time to regenerate it.

"I don't know." Xiaohuohuang bowed his head and did not dare to look at Ye Hao's eyes.

"As long as it doesn't become a person..." Ye Hao smiled, but it should be impossible. After all, it is two different people.

Xiao Huo Huang did not dare to talk about it, fluttering to the other side, and said with a sullen, "You go out quickly, it is already dark outside."

Ye Hao looked at her own hands. I didn’t know how long I practiced yesterday. She felt a lot of lightness in her body. She slept in unconsciously. She woke up today and seemed to be different from yesterday. Her sea of ​​air became sinking again. Really.

It’s already dawning outside, and a touch of Chaoyang is rising across the mountain, and the air is clear and airy.

"Ye girl." Duan Jingshu came over from the other side, looking at Ye Hao with a smile.

"Duan Shishu." Ye Hao went to a ceremony, only the Duan Jingshu came to look for her, it seems that Ye Muxin is a retreat.

"Wooden heart is hurt, good elders let her retreat to cure and practice. If there is any need for Ye girl, I can come to me." Duan Jingshu handed a wooden sign to Ye Hao. "This is the pass for Dashengzong. This is free to come in and come to me."

Ye Haozheng needs this, "Thank you, Duan Shishu."

"Tang Shijie sent the news back, she should have arrived in these two days, let me send you to Xingyun Mountain first." Duan Jingshu said.

Supremely, I live in the Xingyun Mountain.

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded lightly. Now she is very quick to practice reading, but she has not practiced the exercises substantially. The most important thing is that she has Dan Ding, but there is no fire.

Xiaohuohuang can't refine her fire now.

"That... you come with me, here is a long way to the Xingyun Mountain." Duan Jingshu said.

"Well, please wait a moment, I will clean up." Ye Hao nodded. She hoped that someone could teach her. She wanted to go to Shengzongmen. If she returned to Xuantian, he would definitely go to Sheng. Zongmen's.

"Dr. Big Brother, how are you here?" Xu Xiayin's voice was a surprise. She didn't expect to see the classics in the early morning.

Duan Jingshu reluctantly said, "You should call my uncle."

"You didn't have a big age, and... I used to be used to it." Xu Xiyin whispered that she had known the scriptures since she was a child, so even if the two of them are now poor, she still hasn't changed her mouth.

She is also unwilling to change her mind.

Duan Jingshu smiled helplessly, and he saw Ye Hao coming out of the room.

The sun that had just worn the clouds fell on her body, and a faint glow was shining on her, which made her skin look like jade, especially her clear eyes, which made me unforgettable.

"Duan Shishu, I can go." Ye Hao came over and whispered to the passage of the book.

Duan Jingshu returned from the stunning, "Oh, let's go."

Xu Xiayin has already noticed the loss of the scriptures, and he is even more annoyed by Ye Hao. "Dr. Big Brother, where are you going?"

"Take a girl out of the leaf." Duan Jingshu understands Xu Xiayin and does not say where they are going.

"Then I will go too." Xu Xiayin immediately said, thinking that Ye Hao can only be a great saint with only one face, she must not be a good person, she is worried that the scriptures are deceived.

Duan Jingshu frowned. "You still have to practice, not suitable for going out with us."

"It doesn't matter if you don't practice today." Xu Xiyin called, and he stunned Ye Hao.

Ye Hao has already experienced a lot of things. How can she not see where Xu Xiyin’s hostility towards her came from? I was confused yesterday and I understand it today.

Duan Jingshu’s face was serious, “Xu Shizhen, no fun.”

Hearing that he called her teacher, Xu Xiayin felt more aggrieved in her heart, and Duan Jingshu was never so strict with her.

"Duan Shishu, let's go." Ye Hao whispered, no time to understand the mentality of this little girl Xu Xiaying.

She only wants to hurry to practice the self-protection of the self-protection. Any other person and thing is not related to her. She is not a person of Xuantian mainland. Here, she is just a passer-by.

"Xingyun Mountain is far away from here, you will not fly, or I will take you in the past." Duan Jingshu whispered, I don't know why, when talking about this, he seems to have her stay with him when he was next to him. The fragrant fragrance.

Ye Hao hadn’t said anything yet, and Bai San, who hadn’t talked behind her, said faintly, “No, I’ll take the girl with me.”

Duan Jingshu discovered that the spiritual power of Bai XIII seems to have recovered a lot, completely different from yesterday.

It is actually recovering so fast!

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