Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1625: Xingyun Mountain

Although Ye Hao did not care about Xu Xiayin's hostility, she felt that if she needed to live in the Great Sacred, she would not want to get into trouble.

"Duan Shishu, let Bai 13 send me in the past." Ye Hao said.

"Well, come with me." Duan Jingshu looked at Bai XIII, I don't know how the repair of this guard is really powerful. Is it just the guard around Ye Hao?

From Jianmen to Xingyun Mountain to pass through several peaks, Bai Xie took out a piece of jade, driven by spiritual power, that jade quickly became bigger and could accommodate two people standing on it.

"Girl, please." Bai XIII said, in fact, his spiritual power has not fully recovered. Without this jade, he may not be able to fly with Ye Hao to the Xingyun Mountain.

This was last night when Modi suddenly sent the spirit beast to him.

It seems that the city owner does not want his wife to go too close to the scriptures...

Is the city owner jealous?

"What is this?" Ye Hao curiously looked at the jade under his feet, even if it was flat, could it be necessary to have a strong spiritual power to do it?

In the heart of the section of the scriptures, I was also very surprised. Why didn’t the white jade come out with this flying jade yesterday? "This is a flying jade. It has its own spiritual power. It only needs a little spiritual power to drive it. However, flying jade is very rare. There are not many in the world. How did the white guard get it?"

White Thirteen said faintly, "Ye Jia Erye left us to the girl before."

"..." Ye Yiwei, she had never heard of this before.

Duan Jingshu did not feel surprised, and Ye Erye did have many treasures.

"Let's go." Duan Jingshu took the lead in front, and looked back at Ye Hao from time to time.

White thirteen stood up, blocking the line of sight of the scriptures, and followed him behind him.

Ye Hao’s second flight was calmer than yesterday. Finally, I was able to appreciate everything around me. When I first arrived at the Great Sacred House, she only saw the majestic peaks that towered into the clouds. Now they have discovered through these peaks. There are temples on each mountain, and there are some differences between the temple buildings and the sword gates.

"Have you seen Modi before?" Ye Hao suddenly asked.

White thirteen was shocked, how did you mention the city owner? "Girl, I have heard of Modi long time ago."

"He...what is it?" Ye Haoxiu's eyebrows were slightly stunned. I imagined that a Modi, who was exactly the same as Murong Zhan, was together with another woman. She felt very awkward in her heart.

"I have never heard of Mo Di's marriage." Bai XIII said, "Girl, everyone knows that Mo Di is not close to female color."

This aspect is somewhat similar to Murong Cham, who knows that Murong Cham is clean.

Ye Hao smiled a little and didn't ask any more.

White 13 looked at Ye Hao, "Is the girl very interested in Mo Di?"

"No." Ye Hao immediately shook his head. "Just... he looks a bit like a person."

It’s a bit like it! It looks exactly the same.

White thirteen hearts silently replied, in fact, is the same person.

"Girl, do you really want to stay in the Great Shengzong?" Bai XIII asked. He knew that the lady was going to find Master Mingxi, but could he find it when he stayed in the Great Shengzong?

"In addition to staying to cultivate, is there any way to let me go to the holy gates? I am like this... can you protect yourself on this continent?" Ye Hao asked seriously.

White thirteen is speechless, with the wife’s current cultivation, not to mention the young Master Ming Xi, it is really impossible to protect themselves. If she is just an ordinary person, she still has Tianlingen, and there are Through the phoenix chalcedony, the news has not yet fully spread, and so on, it is sure that many people want to get her.

If there is a Modi to protect her, even if the Emperor Modi does not intend to have a relationship with her, all she can do is learn to protect herself.

"The girl has a spiritual root, and cultivation will be faster than ordinary people." Bai XIII said.

Ye Hao gently nodded, so she must stay here with the supreme honor of the practice, this too respect seems to be very powerful, others are surprised to hear his name.

"This is too supreme... I haven’t been out for decades. Everyone thought that he was dead. Now he is going to benefit the girl, and the girl will benefit a lot." Bai XIII said, Tianzhu City and any The sects don't have much to do with each other. Therefore, he is not very familiar with the supreme esteem. Perhaps it is up to people to inquire.

"Yeah." Ye Hao smiled slightly. Since Mrs. Ye San made her a supreme disciple, it should be for her.

Duan Jingshu couldn’t hear what Ye Hao said, and looked back. "Ye girl, it’s coming soon."

Ye Hao turned to look at the past, only to find that they came to a different place, there are few peaks around, only six large mountains form a star shape, several peaks and the highest one in the middle form a straight line, The middle of the Xingyun Mountain was surrounded by the fog, and it was impossible to see the true picture.

"This is the Xingyun Mountain that is too retreat." Duan Jingshu said that without the consent of the supreme, they could not get close to the middle of the mountain.

Duan Jingshu stopped in the same place, took out a black bamboo card in his hand, and sent it out after injecting spiritual power. The bamboo card flew like a meteor to the main peak of Xingyun Mountain. In a short while, a fireworks spread out on the mountain side. Glorious.

The nebula that was originally foggy gradually became clear, and Ye Hao saw the appearance of the main mountain.

This nebula mountain is actually the color of the five light streams.

"Very beautiful, the rocks of the Xingyun Mountain are different from the rocks of other peaks." Duan Jingshu said with a smile.

"It's really different. I have never seen such a mountain." Ye Hao said, she really has never seen such a beautiful rock.

Duan Jingshu said, "Ye girl, please come with me."

Ye Hao nodded to the 13th and flew to the Xingyun Mountain with the passage of the scriptures.

The closer she was to the Xingyun Mountain, the more she felt that the mountain was very strange, not to mention the difference she had seen before, as if it were... very cold, even though she now has no spiritual support.

"Girl, you are holding this." White Thirteen handed a red gourd to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao took the gourd and instantly felt the whole body warm.

"These rocks in the Xingyun Mountain are all made of cold ice, even if there is a spirit, it is useless." Bai 13 whispered.

"Isn't it the rock that the mountain has?" Ye Hao asked.

White thirteen shook his head. "This star cloud mountain...the girl is careful about everything. These ices are not easy to use."

"Yeah." Ye Hao nodded. She didn't like to do anything, just let her practice the exercises.

"Supreme is too respectable!" In front of the sound of the passage of the scriptures.

Ye Hao did not continue with Bai XIII. She looked up and looked at the past. In the mist, she only saw a figure of white clothing wins the snow.

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