"Auntie, be careful!"

"Mulan, stop!"

Ye Muxin and Tang Hanyan exclaimed at the same time.

Ye Hao, who was going to be merciful to Ye Mulan, slightly frowned, and the fire whip appeared again. She didn't look at it and went back.

"Ah!" Ye Mulan's hand was hit by fire, and the sword in her hand broke into two folds. The clothes on her arm were burned by the fire, and the white skin became black. "It hurts, it hurts!"

Ye Hao looked at her coldly and coldly, and did not intend to take out Lingquan to cure Ye Mulan.

"Auntie, are you okay?" Tang Hanyan came over and asked.

"Sancha, I am fine, but if the big sister's injury is not treated in time, the hand is afraid that it will be abolished." Ye Hao said faintly.

Ye Muxin used to support Ye Mulan. Looking at her blackened arm, she was angry and distressed. "Do you want to attack the aunt? Isn't this your own?"

"My hand, my hand..." Ye Mulan cried, her arm was completely unable to move, was her hand really abolished?

Duan Jingshu said quickly, "Send to the medicine hall to find the wood elders."

Ye Muxin couldn't take care of the other, and hurriedly took Ye Mulan to the pharmacy.

"Three 婶..." Ye Hao turned to look at Tang Hanyan, will she start too heavy?

"Mulan is self-picked." Tang Hanyan cold face, the person who cultivated should have been bright and upright, Ye Mulan Ming Ming has lost, but still behind the attack, this is a villain, Ye Hao did not take her life is already merciful.

She just saw the scene very clearly, if Ye Hao really wants to do his best, it hurts not only the arm of Mulan.

"Today's discussion will stop here." Duan Jingshu went over and said that his gentle voice looked at Ye Hao. "I have not seen Ye girl in two months. The cultivation of Ye girl is already leaps and bounds. For many years, I am still the first. I saw such a talented person once."

Ye Hao smiled, "Duan Shishu won the award."

"On that day in the Blackwater City, the girl was helped, and I haven't thanked the girl." Ling Shuangfei also came over and thanked Ye Hao.

It seems... everyone didn’t think she was so ruthless that she would make Ye Mulan like that?

"Ling Shi brother is polite." Ye Hao gently beheaded.

In fact, Ye Hao is still not very familiar with the rules of the Xuantian continent. Here is the survival of the fittest. It is the world of the strong. Ye Mulan has already lost, but he still has to sneak behind. This is the most unscrupulous behavior of the military. Ye Hao does not kill. She, in the eyes of others, is already merciful.

"Fortunately, there is a leaf girl, my cloud cat has not been stolen by Du Dongrong." Tang Yan said in the Blackwater City on the same day.

"Okay, today you will practice for a while." Tang Hanyan said.

Tang Yan looked forward to Ye Hao, "Ye girl, we are going to practice in the mountains, you have to go together?"

Ye Hao’s heart moved, she said before listening to Ye Muxin, they sometimes went into the mountains to practice, there would be no tamed spirit beasts in the mountains, the wildness was not destroyed, and the beasts with high ranks were like the Qingjing The warriors fight, sometimes they can get the spirit of the beast. If they can take the spirit, the repair will improve a lot.

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded and promised that she had not met her opponent who had tried her best and could not know where her own skills could be.

Tang Hanyan said, "You and they go into the mountains to practice, but after five days, they must come out."

"Yes, Sancha." Ye Hao smiled and nodded.

"Ye girl, let's go." Tang Yan said happily, there were only a few of them who came into the mountains and still had some worries about not being able to cope. Now they are accompanied by Ye Hao, and their strength has increased a lot, so they are more worried.

Ye Hao whispered, "I have to ask the second sister, she wants to go together?"

"I went to the pharmacy to see if Mulan didn't have any serious problems, I let the wooden heart go into the mountains with you." This time, I went to the Great Saints to test, Ye Muxin is still the main force, and the head is expecting her very much. Tang Hanyan naturally hopes. She can experience more.

Tang Hanyan let Ye Hao they first go to the mountain pass to wait, she went to the pharmacy to find Ye Muxin.

The wood elders are treating Ye Mulan, and they are still squatting. "Oh, this fire whip makes it good. It’s too light. If you pay a little more, you will ruin your hand. Who makes the fire whip?"

"Wood elders, can my eldest sister's hand be cured?" Ye Muxin asked.

"It will be good to take a rest for a while." Wood elder said, "Who makes the fire whip? There seems to be few people who use the whip."

"It’s Ye Hao!" said Ye Mulan, gnashing his teeth. "I won't let her go."

"On the little girl with a sacred root?" asked the elder Wood, seeing Ye Mulan's face angry, he smiled. "Then you don't think about it, you will never beat her."

Ye Muxin smiled. "Wood elders, you treat her heart by the way, you are sick, you are cured."

"Are you my sister?" Ye Mulan angrily yelled. "Ye Ye hurts me like this. Shouldn't you avenge me?"

"What kind of hate?" Tang Hanyan walked in with a cold face and gave a gift to the wood elders. "Wooden elders, Mulan's injury is not a big problem?"

Ye Mulan has always been afraid of Tang Hanyan, she bowed her head and did not dare to speak.

"It doesn't matter, it will be fine in a few days," said the wooden elder.

Tang Hanyan nodded. "That's good, don't have to hurt others, Mu Xin, you and Auntie go to the mountains, she is waiting for you."

"Okay." Ye Mu’s heart was happy. She didn’t like to work with Ye Mulan. Since her injury was not serious, she could safely leave.

"Mu Xin, I am injured, are you still going to accompany Ye Hao?" Ye Mulan cried.

Tang Hanyan said faintly, "I have to accompany you, unless you are disgusting?"

"How can Laner dislike Sancha." Ye Mulan whispered.

"There is still one thing." Tang Hanyan whispered, "Before your cultivation is not promoted, you are not allowed to appear in the call."

Ye Mulan looked at Tang Hanyan with shock, "Why?"

"If you are not enough to repair, you can't completely control the green scorpion. You can't completely show the strength of the scorpion. If you don't move, let the cricket fight for you, and you will lose your eyes." Tang Hanyan said with a loud voice.

Ye Mulan was said to be full of red faces, and he could not wait to dig a hole into it.

"Three sisters, then I will go to the aunt first." She still has something to forget to ask Ye Hao, how come this time did not see the white thirteen? Isn't he not away from Ye Hao?

Tang Hanyan nodded with a smile. "Go, be careful."

Ye Muxin glanced at Ye Mulan. "Big sister, you will be able to take care of yourself. Auntie is not something you can provoke."

"What benefits did she give you?" Ye Mulan asked angrily, how can Ye Hao have any ability, so that Sancha and Ermei are so good to her.

Ye Muxin grinned. "She gave me a female sword."

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