When Ye Muxin arrived, Ling Shuangfei had just opened the mountain array.

There are several deep mountains in Dashengzong which are specially designed for disciples. This time they went to the forests of low-level spirit beasts. With their strength, they could not go to the mountains where high-level spirits gather.

The array method turned, and a dozen people disappeared at the same time in the formation, and went to the forest.

This time, led by Ling Shuangfei, everyone followed the rules and followed him.

"Auntie, what about your little black bird?" Ye Muxin found that Ye Hao was not only missing white thirteen, but even her beast did not know where to go.

"Don't let it come out, so as not to cause trouble." Ye Hao said that there are too many people in the Great Shengzong to be high, afraid that they will recognize the small fire phoenix, she and the small fire phoenix are not high, in case others want She grabbed a small fire with her, she is not necessarily an opponent.

Ye Muxin remembered that the small fire phoenix was a beast, and immediately understood the jealousy of Ye Hao. "That... white thirteen?"

"Well?" Ye Hao slightly squatted, looking sideways at Ye Muxin.

"That white has always been protecting you from the ground. I didn't see him this time. I just felt a little strange." Ye Muxin said with a little embarrassment.

"I don't know where he is." Ye Hao frowned. "At the time of the Xingyun Mountain, the supreme predecessor did not allow him to stay. I was brought into the mountain hall by Taizun. I could not see the white thirteen. I don't know. Where is he now, I thought...he is still in the Great Saint."

Now that she is already at the main peak for two days, she still hasn't seen Bai XIII, then he should not be here.

Where will White 13 go?

Ye Muxin didn't even know where Bai Shi was, and he couldn't help but worry. "He left the Great Shengzong? Will he encounter the sorrow?"

"Is there any news?" Ye Hao was busy asking, if Bai 13 really met him, maybe it was really dangerous.

"No." Ye Muxin said, "Since he was beaten by Mo Di, it seems that he has never heard of his news. He also sent people to inquire about it. He seems to have disappeared on the mainland."

When it comes to Modi, Ye Hao’s eyes are slightly dark.

"What are your sisters talking about? Brother Ling called for a long time without answering." Tang Yan came over and smiled and asked them.

Ye Muxin intimately held Ye Hao’s hand. “My sister and I haven’t seen each other for a long time. Naturally, there is a lot to say.”

"Then I will wait a little longer, we have already come to the mountain, and there will be beasts coming out to attack us at any time. We must be vigilant." Ling Shuangfei came over and said with a smile.

"Yes, Ling brother." Ye Muxin nodded, loosening Ye Hao's hand, holding the embroidered female sword in his hand, his eyes became sharp and vigilant.

The forest looks old and mysterious. The roots of the trunk are connected to the ground. The lush foliage is like a big umbrella covering the sunlight. The light is cut off and falls on the ground. The more you go to the mountain, the quieter you are. Only their footsteps are buzzing.

Everyone held their breath and didn't talk. Ye Hao was nervous. However, she was pleasantly surprised to find that there were many herbs in the forest that she had only seen in the book. Many of them were found in the alchemy prescription, which was missing from her space. A few can actually see here.

It seems that she can take some time to take some seeds and plant them in space.

"There is movement in front, everyone is careful." Ling Shuangfei, who walked in front, said.

Ling Shuangfei’s nervous emotions affected everyone, and Ye Hao and Ye Muxin looked at each other. They all slowed down and didn’t know what kind of danger they would face next.

The sound of the grass came, suddenly, a flash of lightning appeared.

"It's a red raccoon." Ling Shuangfei exclaimed happily. "It's a third-order red raccoon."

Ye Muxin whispered to Ye Wei, "The third-order red raccoon's inner dan can improve the spiritual power of 30%."

"Do you want it?" asked Ye Hao.

"No one here doesn't want it," said Ye Muxin.

Ling Shuangfei has already surrounded the red raccoon with others, but the third-order red raccoon is quite close to the three-layered warrior. It is not so easy for them to deal with it.

"The red raccoon is afraid of fire. I will use a fire whip to entangle it. You will take it inside." Ye Hao said to Ye Muxin.

"This is a third-order red raccoon. Your fire whips may not be able to hold it. It will release poisonous gas. The poison of the red raccoon will have hallucinations. You can't act rashly." Ye Muxin said.

Ye Xiao smiled, "I always try."

The red raccoon is on the ground, the hair of the whole body has been erected, watching Ling Shuangfei with vigilance, and the yellow smoke is released on the side of the tail. Although it is not obvious, it can still be seen.

"Hold your breath, it is releasing poison gas." Ling Shuangfei whispered.

The red raccoon saw that Ling Shuangfei was the head of everyone, and he smacked his teeth.

Ling Shuangfei vacated, the poisonous gas of the red raccoon instantly spread, and others could not avoid it. Fortunately, they had already held their breath, otherwise they must have been poisoned.

However, even so, it is still intoxicating.

Because Ye Hao and Ye Muxin are far apart, they are not affected by poison gas.

"With this medicine." Ye Hao picked two leaves from the side, so that the leaf heart contained a piece in his mouth.

"What is this?" Ye Muxin asked doubtfully, but still contained the leaves in his mouth, and instantly felt that the poisonous effect of the red raccoon seemed to be much less.

In the hands of Ye Hao, there was a fire whip, and the eyes looked at the red raccoon quietly.

The red raccoon had intended to rush over, saw the fire whip in the hand of Ye Hao, and immediately stepped back a few steps.

"I will catch it." Ye Hao said to Ye Muxin, the fire whip is like a snake and entangles the red raccoon.

The red raccoon screamed sharply, and quickly wanted Ye Hao to rush, his teeth flashing, and the murderousness in his eyes seemed to be the wish to bite the leaves of Ye Hao.

"Auntie, be careful!" Ye Muxin shouted, clenching the embroidered sword to the side of Ye Hao, and Ling Shuangfei before and after the attack and cut the head of the red raccoon.

Ye Hao put away the fire whip and looked at Ye Muxin.

"The red raccoon's inner dan has begun to pan-gold, it seems that it is about to open the wisdom." Ye Muxin dug the heart of the red raccoon to go to Nei Dan, is a red heart with red gold.

Ling Shuangfei said, "If we come here in a few days, we will not be able to kill this red raccoon."

"We can't kill, Auntie doesn't necessarily." Ye Muxin looked at Ye Wei, and this sister's cultivation was really unexpected.

"First collect the inner Dan, go back and refine, and the effect will be better." Ye Hao said.

Ling Shuangfei knows that this Nedan can't be robbed. If it isn't Ye Hao, they must not beat the red raccoon today.

"Everyone else is poisoned. How do you feel about both?" Ling Shuangfei asked.

"Put these herbs for them, and you will be able to solve the poison gas in a while." Ye Hao took the herbs and gave them to Ling Shuangfei.

Ye Muxin said, "We just had this leaf and we were not affected by the poison gas."

Ling Shuangfei looked at Ye Hao with a strange look.

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