After feeding the herbs to other people, they finally wake up one after another and learn that the red raccoon has been subdued, so that they can rest assured.

"Ling brother, don't you feel weird? We are not the deep mountain of the high-order beast. Didn't you say that the division is not a low-order beast? Is it a low-level beast?" Someone raised an objection. Today, if it is not just that Ye Hao knows how to solve the poison for them, they still don't know what will happen.

Ling Shuangfei's face is heavy. If you say this, it seems that it is a bit embarrassing. The red raccoon is not a low-order beast. It generally does not leave the mountains. Moreover, the mountain they came from is not suitable for the red raccoon to survive.

"Or, let's go back." Tang Xiao whispered, she was a little scared.

Ling Shuangfei looked at Ye Hao, if he said back at this time, it is not very useless?

"The red raccoon may be just an accident, everyone does not need to be nervous." Ling Shuangfei advised, "We continue to look into the mountains, maybe..."

"We are going to Sanzongmen soon. If it is injured here, it will be bad. When will it affect the trial?" Someone said.

Ye Muxin said, "That's it, if you don't want to continue, you can go back first."

"We are not afraid, just...taking into account the test." Tang Xiao whispered that he did not want to be afraid of being weak and afraid to continue.

"I know." Ye Muxin nodded with a smile. "It’s a voluntary thing to go into the mountains. Don’t be reluctant."

Ling Shuangfei beheaded, "Who do you want to leave? I will use the formation method to send you out of the mountain."

This time they entered the mountain with a total of twelve people. Ling Shuangfei said that immediately nine people said that they would leave. Only Ye Hao and Ye Muxin stood still and the other one was Ling Shuangfei.

Tang Yan advised, "Ye Shijie, Ye girl, only you two are too dangerous to enter the mountain, it is better to go back with us."

"Auntie?" Ye Muxin looked at Ye Hao. She didn't feel scared, but she didn't know what Ye Hao thought.

"I still want to see it again." Ye Hao now has a preliminary understanding of his own strength, do not want to leave like this, even if there is a strong beast, she still has space and small fire phoenix.

The small fire phoenix is ​​the head of the beast, and even the green eagle is afraid of it, let alone other beasts.

Ling Shuangfei frowned at them and looked at them. "Ye Shimei, Ye girl, I want to send them out of the mountain. Only two of you are too dangerous in the mountains. It is better to go back together and wait for the next day."

"Brother, don't be so troublesome, my aunt and I don't go into the mountains, just waiting for you nearby." Ye Muxin said.

Ling Shuangfei couldn't persuade Ye Muxin, but he had to decide this first. He was going to go back soon.

Looking at other people disappearing in the formation, Ye Muxin turned to look at Ye Hao, "Auntie, then what do we do next?"

"Since I have to wait for Ling brother, I will wait in the same place. There are a lot of herbs here. I will pick some seeds first." Ye Hao said, "I don't think there are so many exotic grasses in this mountain, although I have not started to learn alchemy. However, I have seen a lot of prescriptions for alchemy. These medicines are not easy to find outside, and they are saved first."

Ye Muxin rolled her eyes at her. "Can you still notice this?"

"Yeah, I have lived in the mountains since I was a child, and I am more sensitive to herbs." Ye Hao smiled.

"Hey, what's over there?" Ye Muxin accompanied Ye Hao in picking seeds, and suddenly found that there was something wrong with the lake not far away.

Ye Hao glanced at it. "What a strange thing about a small lake?"

"I have been here before, this lake is not like this." Ye Muxin said, clenching the embroidered sword to the lake.

The small lake is not big, the lake is plain and clear, and occasionally there are beasts drinking water by the lake. There are water plants around. Now the lake is muddy and red, and the plants on the lake are all withered, even a fish has not seen it.

"Second sister, where is wrong?" Ye Hao put the seeds in the space and followed Ye Muxin to the lake.

"I have been here before, this small lake is not the same as before." Ye Muxin frowned, said that she took out a piece of jade in her arms, and the original jade stone immediately had a black light.

"Auntie, let's get out of here." Ye Muxin grabbed Ye Hao's hand and said.

Although Ye Hao did not know what happened, he felt the danger here.

Just as they turned around, the lake suddenly swayed, and even the places where they stood were shaking.

There was a sound coming out of the water behind him.

Ye Hao looked back and looked at the behemoth behind her, and she was so worried that she rounded her eyes.

"Turts... Bandits?" Ye Muxin's voice is sharp, the beast in front of his eyes is like a sheep, his head is four corners, his eyes are red like a gem, and there are drops of water in his mouth, and they look at them in gloom.

Ye Hao asked in surprise, "What is the bandit?"

"This is the monster of the Yan domain, it should not appear here." Ye Mu Xin shouted, she did not have time to explain so much with Ye Hao, "This bandit's eyes are red, let's go."

They are about to escape, but there is a barrier in front of them, and the bandits behind them are rough. "Whenever there is food to be delivered to the door, no one wants to leave."

Will you speak people? That is to open the wisdom! Ye Hao’s heart is tight, she and Ye Muxin are not the opponents of this monster.

"Auntie, I cover you, you leave first." Ye Muxin said.

Ye Hao had no time to talk, Ye Muxin had already rushed toward the bandits with the embroidered sword. The bandit jumped out of the small lake agilely, and turned a blind eye to the attack of Ye Muxin. His body suddenly narrowed several times, and the front paws would be leafy. The embroidered female sword of the heart grabbed and screamed at the heart of the leaf.

The snoring sounded earth and the surrounding land shook.

"Second sister!" Ye Hao saw the bandits and ate the leaves of the wooden heart. The heart was shocked. The fire whip in his hand forced the neck of the bandit and summoned the small fire phoenix from the space.

"Oh..." The scream of the little fire phoenix resounded through the air.

The bandits heard its voice, and suddenly they paused. They looked at the little fire phoenix in horror and suddenly sneered. "A stinky bird that hasn’t been reborn, dare to lie in front of me."

"Then you will try." The small fire phoenix proudly glared at it. "Humble and timid, dare to invade the mainland. It seems that you have forgotten the lesson!"

The bandits slammed and let go of the leaf wood heart and chased it toward the small fire phoenix.

"Second sister, you are fine." Ye Hao hurried to see Ye Muxin.

Ye Muxin’s shoulder was scratched by the bandit’s claws, and half of his body was stained with blood. At this time, it was already unconscious.

Ye Hao hurriedly stuffed a medicine into her mouth, and washed the wound with Lingquan, while nervously looking at the small fire phoenix.

She is very worried that the small fire phoenix is ​​not an opponent.

"Girl, are you okay?" White thirteen gasped and ran over.

"Take care of her." Ye Hao did not think about why White 13 appeared here, holding a fire whip to help the little fire phoenix.

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