Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1636: It’s good to be around.

This bandit can be said to be the most powerful opponent of Ye Hao, and she and Xiao Huohuang are not necessarily their opponents.

"This dead goat, if Laozi is a fire, it is not enough for the old man to sew the teeth!" The small fire phoenix can not use the phoenix fire, the ability to deal with the bandits is not strong enough, and every time you must avoid the attack, the ancient beast Self-esteem has been greatly hit, and it has to be complained while attacking.

"This time I went to St. Zongmen, I will take you to find the fire." Ye Hao appease it, the fire whip in his hand did not dare to relax, and now she can barely protect herself.

The little fire phoenix stunned. "Would you like to go to Tianzhu City?"

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded. "What weaknesses does this bandit have?"

"It's afraid of thunder." Cried the little fire phoenix. It avoided the claws of the bandits. "Be careful, he has three spaces for himself. It is very difficult to get out by it."

Ye Hao certainly knows to be careful, but she is already unable to stand up. Her fire can be upgraded into lightning, but she has not yet learned that step.

"Is there any other way?" Ye Hao's fire whip was torn by the bandits' claws, and the power was too strong. She was shocked and fell to the ground.

The little fire phoenix screamed and went forward to block the bandits.

This bandit is at least five-order, and this high-order monster will appear in the mountains of the Great Sacred. Didn't anyone find it?

"Smelly bird, roll away." The bandit smashed the small fire phoenix with the corner on the head. Its target was obviously leafhopper.

Ye Xie’s body lost control and turned to the bandits.

The little fire phoenix is ​​in a hurry, the bandit is not trying to eat leafhopper, it is to take her away!

Ye Hao can't get rid of the bandit's restraint. The fire whip in her hand doesn't respond to how to fight it. Is she going to die here?

"Ye Ye!" The little fire phoenix yelled, and the feathers of his body suddenly burned up, like a fire rushing over.

The bandits screamed and the light appeared at the tip of the four corners of the head. The four rays formed a little and turned quickly.

Xiao Huohuang was shocked in the heart. He knew that this was the bandit who wanted to create space. It must first save the leaves.


The space of the bandits has not yet formed, and it has been smashed by the small fire phoenix.

Ye Hao was thus out of its bondage, she was hit by a powerful thrust, and her eyes turned black.

As she fainted, she seemed to hear a familiar voice.

"District beasts, dare to let go in the Xuantian continent!"

"The city owner!" Xiao Huo Huang screamed in surprise, its wings were injured, originally thought that this time is dead, I did not expect the city owner to appear.

Modi faintly stunned the little fire phoenix, as if it was disgusted by it.

"Where is the stinky boy?" The bandits did not recognize the identity of the Emperor, and thought it was a warrior who did not know how to be good.

"Well?" Modi raised his eyebrows slightly, his body was slightly moving, and the bandits were kicked out. It was too late to react. Modi had stepped on his head and stepped on the ground." Who allows you to enter the mainland?"

The bandits’ eyes are full of fear, this warrior... is too strong, it is not an opponent at all.

"Let me go, I will leave soon." The bandits begged for mercy.

"It seems that your inflammatory field is a matter of forgetting the past." Modi said coldly, "Go back and tell the singer, and then dare to appear on the mainland, I will level the entire field."

The bandits already know who this person is, and they are scared to pick up the whole body.

"I don't understand what you are talking about, it doesn't matter to the big man..." the bandits shuddered.

Modi smiled and smiled, and the twilight was cold. "Is it?"

The bandits felt the pressure of the topping off, and spit out a blood in the mouth. There was a crack in Nei Dan. It was even more fearful. I didn’t expect that Modi could only ruin hundreds of years of cultivation.

"Bring my words to you." Modi loosened it. "If there are monsters in this mountain, it is best to leave today."

The bandits nodded and nodded, and even fled and fled.

The wings of Xiaohuohuang were injured and limped to the side of Modi. "The city owner, I did not protect my wife."

Modi faintly glanced at the unconscious leafhopper, and the cold and handsome face was covered with a layer of frost. "After the injury, go to Tianzhu City to take your phoenix fire."

The small fire phoenix can only truly show the power of the first of the beasts.

"Yes, the city owner." The little fire phoenix whispered, and the small eyes looked at Ye Hao. "What about the lady?"

"Go back to heal." Modi said coldly. For Ye Hao, his mood was complicated. He wanted to ignore her, but this time she was in danger. He was able to sense it in Tianzhu City.

He is very clear that it is dangerous to feel that Ye Hao is in danger of being integrated into his heart. He can't ignore Ye Hao.

Modi walked to Ye Hao's side, coveted her for a long time, and his mind flashed several times intermittently, his heart seemed to be picked up.

This woman...how is it so that his avatar cares about her?

Modi’s eyebrows were crumpled, and he bent down and hugged the leaves.

Ye Hao's soft body lingered in his arms, and the white face like jade seemed to be still graceful, and his eyebrows were scornful, as if there were a lot of thoughts.

She is so petite...

Modi unconsciously remembered the softness of his grasp in his dreams. He took a deep breath and pressed all the thoughts down, and his heart was filled with inexplicable irritability.

"The city owner." White thirteen, holding Ye Muxin came over and saw that Modi was focused on Ye Hao, and he did not come back.

"Bring people back." Modi said coldly, he left Ye Hao to leave, today's monster, he felt it necessary to talk to her once.

White thirteen eyes watched as Mo Di left, and he looked down at Ye Muxin with a low eye. He could only bring her to the Great Shengzong.

Ye Hao was not seriously injured, but was shocked and fainted. In the middle of the battle, she seemed to see the face of the ink and Zhan Junyi.

"Azhan, it's you..." She screamed in surprise, but she was just used up, and she looked weak.

Modi looked down at her and planned to put her down.

"You came to me, you finally came to me." Ye Hao hugged the neck of Modi, and missed the flooding of the sea.

"Is there any injury?" Mo Di forbearing and forbearing did not push her away, her body was soft, and even the fragrance made him feel good, he could bear her for a while.

Ye Hao did not hear the words of Mo Di, she regarded him as Mo Rong Zhan, and finally can rely on him with confidence, and can release all the grievances and thoughts of these days.

"I didn't get hurt, Azhan, I miss you." Ye Hao buried his face in his arms. His arms were so familiar, and his breath was her Azhan...

Modi's eyebrows are getting tighter and tighter, and she is about to push her away.

The leaves are tiptoe, and the pink lips are gently attached to his tight thin lips, exhaling like a blue, "Azhan, you are very good at your side."

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