Modi's body is stiff, all his feelings are on his lips, her lips are soft and sweet, he is just like instinct, can't help but respond to her kiss, even more intense than her.

She is even sweeter than the holy fruit he has tasted! Modi had wanted to push her hand away and hold her back on her head, and the anti-customer deepened the kiss.

He pressed her on the trunk and his breathing gradually thickened.

The memory locked by him almost broke through the seal, and the emotion of the avatar filled his whole heart. He became an ink-filled man in an instant, "Hey..."

Hearing his familiar voice, Ye Hao’s tears came out.

Modi tasted a bitter bitterness. He instantly came to the clear, pressed the memory and emotions of the avatar again, and restored the essence of his cold and coldness. He slammed Ye Hao away.

"Azhan?" Ye Hao looked at him differently, what happened to him?

"You have mistaken people." Modi said coldly.

Ye Hao’s face is unbelievable. How can she admit the wrong person? The man in front... just had a fierce kiss with her. His breath is the temperature she is most familiar with. She loved him for so many years. They have already had two children between them. How can she admit her mistake?

"Impossible!" Ye Hao shook his head and took a step forward. "You are Murong Cham, how could it be? You just... you just told me to call you."

Modi coveted her pale face, and the twilight was even more indifferent. "Mo Rong Zhan is just a detachment I had many years ago. He is exactly the same as me. It is not surprising. You have hallucinations."

Illusion? Ye Hao's fingertips touched her lips gently, and his feeling of kissing her was so clear, just like when Murong Zhan kissed her before, she clearly felt that he wanted her.

"I don't believe it." Ye Hao whispered, "If you are not him, why did you just kiss me?"

Modi smiled faintly. "Since it is the beauty that I sent myself, I have no reason to refuse."


When Ye Hao hit the palm of his hand, he was able to say so shamelessly.

"You bastard!"

"I told you that if you don't have the ability to protect yourself, don't come out and get into trouble. If it's not me, you are already dead." Her strength is not small, he doesn't feel pain, but his heart is huddled, he More indifferent, I want to hide my feelings.

Ye Hao still refuses to believe that this person has nothing to do with her. He is obviously Murong Zhan. "If you don't know me, then you are just a stranger. Why are you saving me?"

"The bandits are monsters, they don't belong to the mainland, they come from the Yan domain. I am here to hunt down the scorpion, and it is just a matter of saving you." Modi said faintly.

Ye Xie’s heart seems to be gripped by something, and it hurts and feels uncomfortable. He obviously seems to be the person she is most familiar with, but she talks to her in a strange and indifferent tone. What makes her feel angry is that He just kissed her, she thought he was Murong Cham, and she couldn’t help herself...

"You lied!" Ye Hao didn't want to believe, "Are you Murong Zhan?"

Modi’s thin lips smirked with a mocking smile. “Do you think I am him?”

"You are not." Ye Hao looked up at him, his eyes were black and red, cold and indifferent... just like her soul was seen in the palace, he was not her. Cham.

Modi is very satisfied that Ye Hao finally recognizes this fact. "This is not what you should stay. Go back to the mainland, or you will be killed sooner or later."

"After finding me...the person I am looking for, I will naturally leave." Ye Hao bit his teeth and said to himself silently in his heart, just when he was just shit.

Modi frowned and said, "It is better to let others find someone for you."

"I will not get rid of the evil, how is my cultivation, what is the relationship with you?" Ye Hao said faintly, she felt that the spiritual power of the sea has not recovered, but it is much better than just now.

She didn't want to get along with this person for a long time.

Modi said with a deep voice, "I don't want to save you every time I appear, wasting my time."

He couldn't see her hurt at all. Every time she was in danger, he could clearly sense that she couldn't help but save her. This kind of impulse that he couldn't grasp, he wanted to get rid of his body.

This woman will definitely become his weakness and weakness.

"You don't have to waste time." Ye Hao didn't look at him. She looked around. It was still in the mountains. If she wanted to leave, she had to go to the location where Ling Shuangfei was separated, so that he could come to him. she was.

"Where do you want to go?" Modi saw that she was very weak, but she still didn't sit down and rest, what she was thinking.

Ye Hao shouted, "Can you stay away from me, I don't want to see you."

She didn't want to see him as much as Murong Cham, but she was so indignant at her. She seemed to be back to the beginning, and this mood was too uncomfortable.

He is not Murong Cham! No!

Murong Zhan is still on the mainland, if he is, how can he be willing to say such words hurt her, how can she be so sad to see her?

“Is it so important to you?” Modi asked with a frown.

"In my heart, Murong Zhan is not the avatar of him. He is him." Ye Hao said coldly, she would not associate Murong Cham with the **** in front of her eyes.

Modi scorned, "He is me, my appearance and disposition, the avatar will be like me."

"He is not you!" Ye Hao glanced at him coldly, his voice cold like ice scum.

It seems that she can't let her know that he has merged with the avatar, otherwise she will not return to the mainland. "Who do you want to find, I can let people find it for you."

"Thank you, don't need it." Ye Hao continued to walk forward, damn, she was just in a coma, and she didn't know where it was brought by the Emperor. Now, the way to find it is not known from which direction.

Modi is so cold, so stubborn, how does the avatar look at her?

"If I say something, you'd better remember it." Modi grabbed her arm and let her face him. "Your physical condition is special, and it is poor and poor. As long as you go out, men across the continent want to get you." If you don't want to be taken care of, you will have to go out and get into trouble."

Ye Hao’s anger is painful. “Even if it is, it doesn’t matter to you, you roll!”

"I don't know how to be good!" Modi sighed softly. "You don't love yourself. If it is because of you, let Xuantian mainland face the threat of inflammation, I will personally send you back to the mainland, when, no matter what you I don't want to find anyone who wants to find it."

"You..." Ye Hao was so angry that she couldn't wait to use the fire to whip him up, but now she has no magical power to morph the fire.

Skills are not as good as people, she can only endure!

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