Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1638: Don't know well

Her angry and tearful look is still like the autumn moon, and Modi only feels upset and stiff, and moves away from his gaze. "You should go back."

"I know, I don't need your reminder." Ye Hao said coldly, if she knew how to go back and find Ling Shuangfei long gone.

Modi glanced at her and reached out and pulled her over. As she struggled, she was sent to the side of the battle.

"From the top to the far point." Mo Di pushed her into the formation, and launched her to send her away.

Ye Hao looked at him blankly. "Who I walked with is far away, and I have nothing to do with you."

The face of Modi’s clear face is covered with a layer of frost, I don’t know how! He reminded her of her nosy, since he did not appreciate it, he would not help her again in the future.

Ye Hao’s figure disappeared in the formation. Modi stood in the same place and watched for a while before leaving the mountain. Next time, he must restrain himself from saving her!

Not knowing a good woman!

Ye Hao was sent back to Da Shengzong by the tactics. She just stabilized her body and saw that Tang Hanyan and the top-ranked people are here. Is this going to find her?

"Three 婶!" Ye Hao fell to the ground with some force.

"Auntie!" Tang Hanyan screamed out, and stepped forward to hold Ye Hao. "Are you okay?"

White Thirteen only sent Ye Muxin back. They also just learned that there are bandits in the mountains. This kind of monster that exists only in the inflammatory field appears to be a scourge in the Xuantian continent. All of a sudden, the elders of the entire Great Sacred are Alarmed, even to Shang Taizun are ready to go into the mountains to find Ye Hao, I did not expect her to come back.

"I'm fine." Ye Hao gently shook his head. "The bandits were beaten by...the Emperor."

The long and narrow scorpion flashed a smudge of darkness. He walked over and smashed Ye Hao, and ordered the head to "close the mountain, let people enter the mountain enchantment."

The head is busy, "Yes, too respectful."

"What about the second sister?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked.

"White 13 sent her back, he is healing in the pharmacy, you can rest assured that she is not serious." Tang Hanyan said.

Ye Hao was relieved. I don’t know if it was too tired or the reason why the spiritual power did not recover. She fainted in the past.

"Auntie, aunt!" Tang Hanyan woke up worriedly.

"She didn't really live and die, but she didn't control the spiritual power for a while, and there would be nothing." She said softly.

When Tang Hanyan heard the supremacy, she was relieved.

"I will take her back first, and come back on the day of departure." Said the supremacy.

"Good." Tang Hanyan nodded.

I looked up at Ye Hao and took her back to Xingyun Mountain.

Ye Hao was not seriously injured. She just did not control the spiritual power of the sea. After recovering the spiritual power, it would be fine.

"Take this up." Supreme put a medicinal herb on Ye Hao's mouth.

"Tai Zun." Ye Hao's face was white, and he took the supreme medicine. She put the medicinal herbs in her mouth, and a fragrant fragrance opened up at the mouth. This medicinal medicine was able to enter the mouth.

Is this the remedy of Xuantian mainland? It is not the same as the pills she refines.

A warm current spread from her chest to the sea of ​​air, her whole person is warm, and she feels a lot more comfortable.

“Is it better?” I asked in a low voice.

Ye Hao nodded gently. "It's much better, too respectful. This time I am too reckless."

"It has nothing to do with you, the demon beast should not appear in the Xuantian continent. With your cultivation, it is not dangerous to walk in the mountains." The whispering voice said that the sound of Qingrun sounds very comfortable. "You can live." It’s not easy.”

Ye Hao was silent. "Since the monster is not part of the Xuantian continent, why is it here?"

"It should be related to the shackles."

Do you want to catch her? Ye Hao frowned slightly, and if she did, she would leave the Great Saints in the future, and it would be hard to move.

"Too respect, is there any way to hide my body of phoenix and chalcedony, don't let me recognize me." Ye Hao whispered that she would only have ordinary abilities, and she should not be able to hold these martial artists. .

The supreme dagger, "I will find a way, you should rest first."

"Thank you for being too respectful." Ye Hao said gratefully.

She is not willing to think about the meaning of the last sentence of Mo Di, supreme not willing to accept her as a disciple, but willing to teach her cultivation, no matter what the reason, she will not refuse, in the Xuantian mainland for so long, she already understands One thing, this is a place where the fittest can survive, and there is a relationship of use between people.

Supreme has no relationship with her, why should she teach her to practice, and now he has not done anything that is bad for her, even if she needs to pay the price, as long as she can accept, she is willing to exchange.

Waiting to leave, Ye Hao hurriedly went inside to see the small fire phoenix.

"Little fire phoenix, are you okay?" Ye Hao huddled up in the small fire phoenix next to Lingjing, and saw his wounded wings. "You don't move, I will wrap your wounds for you."

"I just suffered a skin injury." Xiaohuohuang said with sullenness, as an ancient beast, it was actually wounded by a humble beast today, and its self-esteem was greatly hurt.

Ye Hao checked its injury, but it was not very heavy. It would be better to use Lingquan and elixir for a few days. "You haven't recovered yet, and you can easily pinch the bandit later." I have been living with Xiao Huo Huang for so long, how can I not know what it is thinking.

"Who saved you?" Xiao Huohuang knew it.

Ye Hao whispered, "It is Modi."

"Ah?" Xiaohuo Huang thought that the city owner did not intend to let Ye Hao know that it had appeared. It seems that Ye Hao and Mo Di met again.

"I ask you, will the Emperor Modi know everything about Murong Cham in the human world?" Ye Hao whispered.

what happened? Did Ye Hao begin to suspect that Modi was Murong Cham?

"This... unless Murong Cham returns to the combination of Xuantian Continent and Modi, it should not be known." Xiao Huo Huang said softly.

"Ink has been on the Xuantian continent... Will it be merged with Modi to become a person?" Ye Hao asked in surprise, if this is the case, she can only hope that Murong Zhan will remain in the human world.

The little fire phoenix nodded vaguely. "It is like this."

Ye Hao gently licked its small head. "That's fine. Azhan is still on the mainland. I don't like Modi."

Xiao Huohuang buried her head in her arms and sighed helplessly in her heart. It was distressed by Ye Hao, but she did not know how to tell the truth to her.

Sometimes the truth hurts even more.

"I will come to see you often these days. We will heal first. After a few days, we will go to Shengzongmen. We will be able to go to Tianzhu City to take your phoenix fire." Ye Hao said happily.

Xiao Huo Huang followed with excitement. "After I get a fire, I will cover you in the future."

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