When Ye Muxin wakes up, the first thing is to find Ye Hao.

"The girl is fine, she has been brought back to the Xingyun Mountain by the supreme." Bai 13 faintly looked at Ye Muxin, and his heart was very depressed. He also wanted to go to Xingyun Mountain with him, but he was blocked by the supreme enchantment.

"We are all saved?" Ye Muxin was still undecided. "What about the bandits... the bandits?"

"It has already left." Bai XIII said, "How come you encounter bandits?"

Ye Muxin said, "The bandits are hiding in the lake. We don't have time to run. You... How come you?"

Bai Xie lightly coughed, and can't say that he came with the city owner. "I came to find the girl. I heard that you went into the mountains. I went to see her. I didn't expect to see you."

"You...what have you been to these days?" Ye Muxin did not expect that he would be saved by Bai Xie. Looking at his handsome face, her heartbeat was somewhat inexplicable.

"Just near the Great Saints, there is no place to go." Bai XIII said, "If you are already awake, then I will go first."

Ye Muxin didn't want to pull his sleeve. "Where are you going?"

White thirteen slightly frowned, low-lying looking at Ye Muxin's little hand, "Go to the mountain and other girls, when she came out from the Xingyun Mountain, I will come to her again."

"You saved me, I haven't thank you yet," Ye Muxin said.

White thirteen smiled. "No, it is the girl who asked me to send you back first."

"But..." I don't know why, she just hopes that White Thirteen can stay. "Even if you have to wait for aunt, you don't have to go down the mountain."

"I..." White Thirteen is going to answer, and he saw Ling Shuangfei coming in from the outside.

Ye Muxin let out his hand and smiled distressedly.

"Ye Shimei, are you awake?" Ling Shuangfei looked at Ye Muxin with surprise and said, "I shouldn't leave, let you and Ye girl almost be killed by the bandits."

Ye Muxin said, "Fortunately, you were gone at the time. Otherwise, everyone must have been injured. When it was time, it really affected the trial of Shengzongmen."

"It's all like this, you still want to compare." Ling Shuangfei said helplessly, "Wooden elders say, is your injury serious?"

"Of course." Ye Muxin cried. "The wooden elders said that they can rest for two days. I am not hurt."

White thirteen said aside, "I almost got hurt."

"Is there a medicine for aunt? It has already recovered almost." Ye Muxin looked at the white thirteen eyes. How did he know that she almost hurt her bones. Did he see her injury?

Ling Shuangfei looked at Bai XIII. "I haven't asked you to name your name. Fortunately, you have sent Ye Shimei back."

"The honorable name does not dare to be, I am only the guard of our girl." White 13 said faintly, "Ye 2 girl, go first."

Ye Muxin had no time to leave him, only to see his disappearing back.

"The proud person." Ling Shuangfei said, "He is the guard of Ye Hao?"

"Yeah." Ye Muxin nodded gently. "Ling brother, how is the situation in the mountains now?"

Ling Shuangfeidao, "Don't worry, the head has personally entered the mountain to seal, I believe there will be no more monsters."

Ye Muxin couldn't feel at ease. She felt that the bandits were coming to Ye Hao at that time. It should be related to Qi Min.

"I only worry about there are higher-order monsters." Ye Muxin said.

"The demon king has been sealed by the Emperor in the same year. Nowadays, some small cockroaches are eager to move. There are many people in the Xuantian continent, and they will not allow the resurgence of the inflammatory field." Ling Shuangfei said.

"I hope so." Ye Muxin whispered, but she didn't know much about the battle between the sorcerer and the Emperor, perhaps asking for inquiries.



Ye Hao and Xiao Huo Huang recovered very quickly. They were not seriously injured. They sent a medicinal herb to Ye Hao every day. In less than a few days, she felt that the spiritual power of Qihai was restored.

"This medicinal medicine is amazing." Ye Hao holds the heart, "When can I practice medicinal herbs?"

She thought that the medicinal herbs were similar to the pills she had made before. Now I know that the difference is very big. The clear scent of the medicinal herbs is definitely not what she can make. I heard that this is not the top-grade remedy, but the rejuvenation of the Chinese medicine. Dan, if the top-grade medicinal herbs are definitely more magical.

"You have something to do with the prescription. It's just a kind of fire." Xiao Huohuang slouched on the table. In the past two days, he listened to Ye Yan and wanted to make alchemy, and his ears had to grow out.

Ye Hao said, "I know, I just can't wait."

"The supreme is said to be a seven-inner alchemy teacher. If he is willing to teach you, you will soon be able to master the secret of alchemy." Xiao Huohuang said.

“Tai Zun is so powerful?” Ye Hao asked in surprise, she was the first to hear that she was an alchemy teacher.

The small fire phoenix frowned, although he could not see its eyebrows, "The supreme person... is too mysterious, you still don't trust him too much."

"What did he do to hurt the world?" Ye Hao asked. "At the moment, I can't see what he has tried for me. It is much better than the Modi."

"Do you think he is better than Modi?" Xiaohuo Huang blinked and asked carefully.

Ye Hao snorted, "I don't know how many times to be strong!"

Modi is just a jerk! Taking advantage of her cheap, but also said a bunch of cool words, think of this, Ye Hao can not wait to take water and wash his mouth a hundred times.

"Actually... Modi should be good." Xiaohuo Huang couldn't help but talk to the former owner. After all, Modi is Mo Rongzhan. If Ye Hao hates Mo Di, if he knows the truth in the future, maybe even Murong. Zhan is no longer.

Ye Hao waved his hand. "Don't mention him again. Have you not been able to sense the whereabouts of Mingxi?"

"No." Xiao Huo Huang stood up. Now Ming Xi’s whereabouts is indeed its most headache. It does not know whether it is a problem with its spiritual power, or whether Ming Xi is really not in the human world.

If Mingxi is not here, where is he going to be?

Should Modi ask people to inquire?

Ye Hao was disappointed. She sighed. "I know, wait until I leave the Great Holy Family and go to him."

"Ming Xi is smart and talented, and he is born with suffocation. How many martial arts practitioners can't convert Aura into suffocating, no one will hurt him." Little Fire Phoenix comforted her.

"Even if there is no news of hatred, I am worried..." Ye Hao said, according to the truth, if the return of the hate, the Xuantian mainland should have news, but now it has not heard.

Xiao Huohuang said, "Hello is definitely not an opponent of Mingxi."

"You have been out for a long time today, go back to the space to heal." Ye Hao gently played the head of Xiao Huo Huang and put it back into space.

It didn't take long for me to come to her.

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