"Your spiritual power has recovered almost, can you leave tomorrow?" The top is still white and snow, and the clothes are as straight as blue.

Every time Ye Hao sees such supremacy, he feels that he is like Zhu Xian.

"Too respect." Ye Hao took a gift. "My spiritual power has recovered. Is it not two days before I set off?"

Supreme said, "Let's set off first, go to Tianzhu City to get the fire source, and then go to Shengzongmen."

Ye Hao’s face was happy, “Okay.”

"Do you like alchemy very much?" For the first time on the face of Ye Hao, I saw such a bright and beautiful smile, a little unexpected.

"Yeah, I like it." Ye Hao converges, and embarrassedly bows his head.

Look at her from the top, "Although, your practice must learn well. After all... You are now walking outside, it is best to have self-protection. You are good at using whip and learning the whip of the next day. Its power is not just that."

"Too respect, I know." Ye Hao nodded, this time with the bandits, she clearly knows that strength is not enough.

"This, you will take it before you leave tomorrow." Supreme handed a jade porcelain bottle to Ye Hao. "The effect of one is about one month, and there are twelve inside."

Ye Hao groaned, "What is this?"

"Yi Rongdan." Supremely said, "After taking it, you will become another person in the eyes of others. No one knows that you are Ye Hao, but you don't know that you are the body of Tongfeng Chalcedony."

"Thank you for being too respectful." This Yi Rongdan is undoubtedly the most useful to her, at least to reduce the danger.

Supremely smiled, "Yeah."

When I watched it and left, Ye Hao went inside the space. "Is there Dan of Dan Rongdan?"

Xiaohuohuang went to the second floor to find Danfang, but after searching for a long time, he did not find Yirong Dan who Ye Hao wanted. "Danfang Dan’s Danfang did not find it, but the Danfang was reborn, but the effect is not the same. "Little Fire Phoenix said.

"This may be the supreme self-refining." Ye Hao said, "When I study, what formula is there?"

"Do you seem to like it first?" Xiao Huo Huang looked at Ye Hao and recently heard her mention it.

Ye Haozheng was studying with medicinal herbs. He did not listen to the words of Xiaohuohuang. "Well, too respectfully teach me to practice. Do I still hate him?"

"We don't know enough about him." Xiao Huohuang said, "I haven't heard of him before. He seems to have suddenly appeared from the Great Saints. Because he guarded the Great Sacred, he was regarded as too honorable." Huo Huang carefully recalled that when she was in Xuantian mainland, she had never heard of the supreme figure. With his cultivation and status, it should have heard of it.

When the evil spirits invaded the Xuantian continent, he should still be a small person who was not seen by the scriptures. It was the dispute between the Great Shengzong and the Shengzongmen.

Ye Xiao smiled. "What kind of person he is not important, only he can help me now."

"What purpose does it have for you?" asked Xiao Huohuang.

"Well, if he has a purpose for me, why bother to teach me how to practice? Doesn't that make me capable of resisting him?" Ye said with a smile. "Now he is not malicious to me, I am not No defense, in short, I am measured."

Since Ye Hao said so, Xiao Huo Huang seems to be unable to rebut, but it feels that there is definitely a reason for the city's main leafhopper to stay away from the supremacy.

It believes in the city owner.

"You can leave here tomorrow, we go to Tianzhu City to find the source of fire, and you can really resurrect the fire." Ye Hao said.

Xiao Huo Huang heard that he was going to Tianzhu City. It was obviously excited. The real power to restore the beasts is naturally what it wants.

On the following day, Ye Hao took a Yi Rongdan before leaving the Xingyun Mountain. She looked at herself in the mirror and it didn't seem to change. Hasn't the effect yet begun?

She looked at it again with a puzzled look and might have to wait.

Supremely took her to leave the Xingyun Mountain. They did not go to the main mountain again this time, but went directly to the mountain of the Great Shengzong.

The mountain has already prepared the carriage, and it seems that the top does not want people to see the identity.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Ye Hao seems to be uncomfortable, and asks her questioningly.

"Too respect, I have taken Yi Rongdan, it seems that nothing has changed." Ye Hao whispered.

Slightly smiled, "In my eyes, you are very different."

She now looks ordinary and inconspicuous. There is no such thing as a beautiful and beautiful city in the past, let alone the body of the phoenix, and the people under the emperor will not see it.

"There has been a change." Ye Hao smiled in surprise. She looked outside. "Too respect, are we not with other people?"

She still wanted to go to see Ye Muxin, I don't know how her recovery recovered.

"You are like this now, not suitable for appearing in front of them, are you worried about your sister?" supreme asked.

"She was injured by the bandits in order to save me, and I will go to the test soon. I am worried about her injury." Ye Hao whispered.

Supremely nodded. "Her injury has been much better, it does not affect the test, she will be seen in a few days."

"That's good." Ye Hao smiled.

At this time, Ye Muxin in the Pharmacy is also worried about the situation of Ye Hao.

"You have been self-satisfied, and worried about the unconscionable person, you injured for her, have she seen you in the past few days?" Ye Mulan heard Ye Muxin want to go to Xingyun Mountain, and he got angry.

"She was also injured, and she must have been healed in Xingyun Mountain." Ye Muxin said that she wanted to visit Ye Hao and wanted to know where White 13 is now.

"What good is she giving you..." Ye Mulan’s words have not been asked yet. I saw the embroidered sword around Ye Muxin and had to swallow it back. "Mother’s message came, this time you go to Shengzongmen, you have to I also bring it."

"No!" Ye Muxin did not want to refuse, "I will not take you this burden."

Ye Mulan got angry and stood up. "How can I be tired? When I arrive at the holy gate, the second emperor is there. You can rest assured that I can't drag you down."

"It turned out to be the second emperor." Ye Muxin licked his mouth.

"This is the order of the mother, you have to promise even if you don't want to agree." Ye Mulan said.

Ye Muxin said impatiently, "Okay, I know, you let go, I want to go out."

She had not seen the pharmacy, she saw white thirteen outside.

"White thirteen." Ye Muxin's face was happy, and he hurried forward. "Where have you been in these days?"

"Below the mountain." White thirteen whispered back, and he glanced at her. "Is your injury good?"

"Yeah, I am going to find an aunt. Have you seen her?" Ye Muxin asked with a smile.

"She and the supreme sage left the Great Holy Family." White thirteen frowned, just saw it in the mountains, although the woman around him looked strange, but the supreme side would not have anyone except the lady. What method should be used to change the look of the lady.

Ye Muxin stunned. "Auntie is gone?"

"When you arrive at the holy gate, you should be able to see her." Bai 13 originally wanted to stay with her lady, and now she can only come to see Ye Muxin.

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