St. Zongmen is on the east side of Xuantian mainland. In the territory of Nanzhaozhou in the Tang Dynasty, it takes at least a few days to travel from Dashengzong. This is because of the cold iron carriage, otherwise it will follow the normal route. It will take two months.

Scorpio City is between Tang and Zhou. They went to Shengzongmen this time, just to pass through Tianzhu City.

I hope that when you don't meet someone you don't want to see in Tianzhu City!

Ye Hao now thinks that Mo Di feels full of disgust.

The carriage flew for two days. When it was about to go to Tianzhu City, the speed was slowed down and it was settled in a small town on the border of Zhouguo.

Their speed is faster than that that Ye Hao had done before. The armor worn by the eight horses in front of the carriage is injected with spiritual power, so the speed is not normal.

"This is the border city. Let's take a rest and go to Tianzhu City one night." The whispered to Ye Hao.

"Too respect, isn't it easy to enter Tianzhu City?" Ye Hao asked, she felt that since Tianzhu City can become a unique existence of the mainland, it must be different from other places.

Supremely said, "It is really not easy to enter the city of Tianzhu. After the customs clearance, it is necessary to pass through the flame desert. This desert is more dangerous. Therefore, you should take a day off before you can cross the desert tomorrow."

"Flame Desert?" Wouldn't it be a flame everywhere? “How dangerous is it?”

"The crisis is so raging, the beast of the desert is gone." There is no detailed explanation. I just said a few words and turned to go to an inn.

What is the desert beast? Ye Hao listened even more confused, can you make it clear?

However, is it her illusion? How do you feel that your mood is not very good after you arrive here?

Ye Hao shook his head and followed the cautiously into the inn. She thought that her appearance would attract attention, but the people coming and going in the inn did not seem to pay much attention to her.

I almost forgot, she took Yi Rongdan, and now in the eyes of others, her ordinary can not be ordinary.

This feeling is so good, she doesn't have to worry about other people being nervous because she is a phoenix.

When I arrived at the room, Ye Hao went to the space to find a small fire phoenix to inquire about the flame desert.

"The reason why Tianzhu City can become a unique existence on this continent is that there are deserts outside the city. In fact, the desert is not terrible. The terrible thing is the beasts living under the ground. It is easier to pass the consent of the owner of the city. Desert, if there is no words, it depends on luck. If the beast is in a good mood, it will be easier." Xiao Huohuang explained.

"..." Ye Hao felt that he could not accept this explanation. "What does this mean? Tomorrow we have to look at luck through the flames of the desert? Are these beasts raised by Mo Di?"

"Not he raised, but only the Emperor of the Emperor smashed the beastmaster, and the beast would be willing to be the gatekeeper of the Scorpio City." The little fire phoenix waved his hand. "You can rest assured, there is me, it is not difficult to go through the desert." of."

How does she feel that the words of a small fire phoenix are not very reliable? "Is the beast really terrible?"

"There were hundreds of warriors who wanted to invade the city of Tianzhu. They had not yet reached the city gate. They had been swallowed up by the beasts. The beasts were able to control the various storms in the desert, so... it is best not to anger them." Said.

"..." Ye Hao's look is finally heavy, she knows the terrible desert storm, it seems that the beast is indeed scary.

Little Fire Phoenix comforted Ye Hao. "However, as long as we don't let the beasts get angry, we can still pass through the desert."

“Is the beast easy to get angry?” Ye Hao asked weakly.

"It's more violent..." Xiaohuo Huang looked at Ye Hao, and the Flame Desert was really not easy to pass through.

Ye Hao’s headache slammed his brain. “Isn’t the Modi a bad brain, what is it to build Tianzhu City in the desert? Is there no shortage of water and no shortage of food?”

"No shortage, the weather in the city is like spring, not the same as outside." Xiao Huo Huang immediately said, otherwise how to say that Tianzhu City is unique?

"..." Ye Hao once again lost her voice, she should not use the common sense of the human continent to see this Xuantian continent.

Xiao Huohuang said, "The supremacy is not very powerful. If he is there, it should not be a problem to pass the flame desert."

"I hope so." Ye Hao sighed, but today she looks at the supreme face, she thinks there are still some problems.

"There are a lot of warriors nearby. Fortunately, you have served Yi Rongdan." Xiao Huohuang said that it has the instinct of the beast and can sense the breath of other warriors.

I don't know if the city owners in Tianzhu City can sense their arrival. Now that Ye Hao has changed, can the city owner recognize it?

Ye Hao walked to the window and saw it. Although it was already dark, the street was brightly lit. After her cultivation, her eyesight was much better than before. She could clearly see the crowd below.

When people come and go, they are not local people. They are all practicing martial artists. Ye Hao once again rejoices that she is good enough to give her a chance, or she will have a lot of trouble.

Ye Hao was planning to turn around and suddenly saw a familiar figure in the end of his eyes.

"Isn't that the East?" She raised her eyebrows and looked at the long figure who was walking down the street.

"Is that the second emperor who was smashed by the white thirteen?" The small fire phoenix flew over and stopped on Ye Hao's shoulder. She saw the oriental gong. "How is he here?"

"He is also a disciple of the Great Shengzong, it should be to go to the holy gate." Ye Hao said faintly, she did not like the oriental cockroach, except that he wanted to use her as a substitute for yam, and the hidden darkness of his man. .

Not a good thing.

Xiaohuo smiled slyly. "If he dares to bully you, this time he won't even recognize him."

"Speaking, Bai 13 is still still in the Great Sacred." Ye Hao almost forgot him. "I saw him in the mountains that day, I have not had time to ask him."

That day, White Thirteen must have come with the city owner. Xiao Huohuang said, "You can send him a voice and let him know where you are."

She hasn’t sent a voice yet. “White 13 should be with Ye Muxin.”

"Look, the two goods seem to be doing bad things." Xiao Huohuang suddenly cried excitedly.

Ye Hao re-visited the window, and she saw that the Eastern monk was telling a few black people. Although they were far away, they could still see that the black men were military.

"Can you hear what they are saying?" Ye Hao whispered.

Xiao Huo Huang listened to the ear and said to Ye Hao, "He wants them to kill people, but he doesn't know who he is going to kill."

"This second emperor seems to be quite ruthless." Ye Hao snorted.

"Two goods! Even dare to hit the idea on your head!" Xiaohuohuang suddenly became angry.

Ye Hao frowned. "What did he say?"

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