The blue sky and the cloudless sky didn't know that the clouds were coming, the wind was overwhelming, the sand was stacked like waves, and the wind was filled with the beasts of the beasts, making the entire flame desert instantly become purgatory.

Eight horses wearing cold iron armor began to feel uneasy, unable to move in place, the dust storm not far away was approaching, and more and more fierce, the naked eye could not see what happened in front.

"There were so many beasts alarmed." The supreme face was heavy. "We have come to the middle of the desert, and it is impossible to go backwards."

"Too respect, will it be what happened in front?" Ye Hao asked.

"You are waiting in the carriage, I will go and see." The whispered up, enchanted around the carriage, and then flew forward.

Ye Hao really can't worry, let Xiao Huo Huang come out of the space.

"What happened?" Xiao Huohuang was sleeping, suddenly summoned by Ye Hao, and a little dizzy.

"Strike!" Ye Hao held it in the rut. "Seeing no, someone is alarming."

Seeing the change outside, Xiao Huohuang was shocked. It flew high and looked into the distance. "Someone was alarming, and it was not only alarming, strange, how could this be?"

"You ask me, I still want to know why? Doesn't it mean that as long as you don't provoke it, the beast will not be alarmed?" Ye Hao asked.

"So someone is going to provoke it." Xiao Huohuang said, "Don't come out."

The small fire phoenix flew forward. It was originally a beast. Whether it was eyesight and smell, it was incomparable, so it quickly noticed a strange smell in the air.

"Oops!" The small fire phoenix flew back. "Someone took the bloodthirsty grass into the desert. The bloodthirsty grass has nothing for others. For the beast, the smell is strong and irritating, and the beast is crazy." ""

"Who will bring the bloodthirsty grass into the flames of the desert?" Ye Hao did not ask with enthusiasm, really want to knock the man's head open, do not live with others.

Her words just started, the whole ground shook, and the tornado in the distance quickly rolled in their direction.

Ye Hao finally saw what the so-called beast looks like.

In the middle of the tornado, a beast that was thicker than the cows ran towards them from the ground, shaped like a cow, a headed cheetah, a reddish-brown hair, a tail like a flame, wherever the ground came out Smoke and red sand are burned to black.

"This is the beast?" Ye Hao took a breath, no wonder even said that they should not go to provoke, only one is not good, not to mention the beasts.

"Come on!" Xiao Huo Huang urged to stay in place, and must be taken away by a tornado.

Ye Hao personally drove the carriage, injecting spiritual power into the cold iron, and finally prompted those horses to run forward.

The whole desert was shaking, the sand waves rolling, and the beasts of the head and the head appeared from the bottom of the earth.

"What happened in the end? It seems that even the beastmasters are alarmed." Xiao Huohuang called.

Their carriages avoided a tornado, but behind them there was a beast chasing them.

"Look, somebody." Xiao Huohuang called.

Ye Hao looked up and saw that she could only see a few figures in the dust.

"Help, save your life!" Those who saw Ye Hao's carriage, like catching the life-saving duckweed, waved desperately toward her.

"Do you see the supreme honor?" asked Ye Hao.

Xiao Huohuang shook his head. "No, in this case, even if it is supreme, there is no way, unless it is the city owner..."

"Now what the city owner is not here, what is the use?" Ye Hao cried, "Think about how to escape."

"Hide into the space." Xiao Huo Huang immediately said.

Ye Hao cried, "What about the supremacy? Find him first."

Xiaohuo Huang hesitated to look at Ye Hao. "I went into the space to see if there was any way to appease the beast. You... can you cope with it?"

"Yes, the carriage is still enchanted." Ye Hao said.

"Then you be careful." Xiao Huo Huang looked at Ye Hao with concern and looked at the increasingly dangerous beast. It felt that he could only find Mo Di.

The small fire phoenix entered the space and immediately tried to untie the seal, but this time no matter how many feathers it burned, the other half of the space was not opened. The Emperor Modi did not want to be associated with Ye Hao.

What should I do? Little Fire Phoenix can't wait to burn all the feathers on her body.

The leafhoppers outside have escaped several attacks by the beasts. Fortunately, the carriages have enchantments, and the beasts are simply inaccessible.

The few people who had just wanted Ye Hao to save their lives had been bitten by the beasts. Even the bodies were gone. Seeing Ye Hao’s heart trembled, she had never seen such a **** scene.

These beasts are terrible. If it is not the supreme enchantment, she may have become the food of the beasts.


I don’t know when a beast appeared next to the carriage, and I was struggling to hit the enchantment. The violent voice heard Ye Xie’s heart hopping.

The fire in the hands of Ye Hao smashed the past, and the beast took a step back and slammed into the enchantment with more force. The mouth was flowing, the fangs were terrible, and the enchantment had been hit by cracks.

The fire whip seems to have no effect on them!

The two claws of the beast were struck hard in the crack, and the cracks were getting bigger and bigger.

"How can the small fire phoenix not come out!" Ye Hao was anxious, she felt that she was definitely not their opponent.


The enchantment was knocked out.

The beast snorted and rushed toward Ye Hao.

Ye Hao immediately used a spiritual power to condense a shield.

Wherever her shield can withstand the beast, it will be broken at once.

tear! Ye Hao’s shoulder was torn open by the beast’s claws. She hurriedly avoided it, and was about to hide into the space. A silver light flashed behind her, and the beast was split in half.

"Ye, you are all right?" The sword in his hand, the white clothes on his body had already dyed a lot of blood. He stopped at Ye Hao and looked at the wound on her shoulder.

"Too respect, I am fine." Seeing the supremacy of peace, Ye Hao was relieved, and then saw that there was a person coming back. "Who is he?"

"He has the smell of bloodthirsty grass, find out quickly." Supreme said, re-enclose the enchantment around the carriage.

Ye Hao didn't know that the supreme person brought this person back. He had to check whether he had hidden bloodthirsty grass. However, the bloodthirsty grass only smelled when the beast smelled, and humans could not smell anything at all.

She had to summon the small fire phoenix from the space.

"What?" The small fire phoenix has not found Mo Di so far, and has already burned his feathers.

Ye Hao saw that his feathers were a little different, but he couldn’t ask for it for a while. "Look at where there is a bloodthirsty grass on his body?"

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