The little fire phoenix rounded his eyes. "Who is this?"

"You still ask, find out the bloodthirsty grass." Ye Hao cried.

"He is full of the taste of bloodthirsty grass, it must be that the clothes have been soaked with the soup made by the bloodthirsty grass, or it will not attract the attention of so many beasts." Xiao Huohuang said.

Ye Hao immediately took off the clothes of the man and directly grabbed a big **** on him.

Xiaohuo Huang was stunned by the side, it was awful, it was over! The maiden actually took off clothes for other men. When the Emperor remembered the things on the mainland, he must have violently gone and will certainly kill it.

"Supreme, clothes are here." Ye Hao took the clothes to the rut and gave it to the top.

"Who are you talking to?" asked in a low voice.

Ye Hao looked back and looked, "I was a spiritual pet I used to find in the mountains."

There was no question in the supremacy. I took the clothes in her hands and moved her fingers to turn the clothes into a fat white pig, and threw them out to the beasts who were chasing them outside.

Has been alarmed by so many beasts, a pig is not enough for them, not to mention the taste is completely different from the bloodthirsty grass.

"Supreme, what should I do?" Ye Hao asked nervously.

"It's not far from Tianzhu City. I will hold them first. The enchantment of the carriage should be able to support Tianzhu City." The whispered, he was half-stained with blood, but he still couldn't hide the noble temperament of Hua, still still. Like a fairy.

Ye Hao said, "Too respect, you should be careful."

Supremely re-enacted under the wagon cloth, killing the beasts who have already chased them, and being able to kill the beasts with a sword is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

Seeing that the last killing of four beasts in succession, Ye Hao was too surprised to say that she couldn’t even have the ability to confront the beasts in the face, but it was easy to kill them. The difference in strength is too great.

"Come on!" Flying up the carriage, let Ye Hao drive in front of the carriage.

Xiao Huo Huang saw this scene, and the heart was burning like a fire. After this life and death, it was difficult for Ye Hao to be supreme.

The supreme look condensed at the hundreds of beasts in the desert, and he took a deep breath and released the spirit of the sea to the most powerful.

Just as he was about to shoot, a black figure appeared in front.

"City Lord!" The small fire phoenix eyes lit up and whispered out.

The long black figure stayed in the air, he did nothing, just quietly there, the whole body exuded the curse of the monks.

Those angry and violent beasts slowed down.

"The beast has not caught up again." Xiao Huohuang called out Ye Hao. "It is Modi."

Ye Hao looked back and saw only the long, straight back. The beasts were leaning against him, as if they were afraid of him.

"Go back!" Modi's voice rang coldly.

Ye Hao felt a strong pressure in his voice.

The beast slowly retreated, and in the middle of the beast, the king of the beast was not willing to look at Ye Hao, and finally returned to the bottom of the earth.

Supremely, I saw this scene and silently returned to Ye Hao’s side. “It’s okay.”

"Too respect, are you injured?" Ye Hao saw that the blood on his body had solidified, worried that he was seriously injured.

"Not my blood." Speaking softly, looking at Ye Hao's shoulder, "You are hurt, I will show you for you first."

Xiao Huo Huang immediately jumped out. "You don't have to look too much, the girl would have been healed."

Supremely squinting at the small fire phoenix next to Ye Hao, he is no longer an ordinary warrior. Naturally, you can see that this ugly hill chicken is actually a fire phoenix, but it is ancient animal blood. .

"Too respect, I am only a small injury, not in the way." Ye Hao endured the pain, she was just busy fleeing, forgot to heal with Lingquan.

"Why did you alarm the beast?" After Emperor Mou forced the beast to retreat, it appeared in front of Ye Hao.

Supremely handed a gift, "Mucheng Lord, we passed through the flame desert, just happened to encounter the beast was shocked, today thanks to the help of the main city of Mexico, this seat is grateful."

"You brought a bloodthirsty grass?" Modi squinted at the top, his eyes were more gloomy when he saw the wound on Ye Hao.

"It’s his clothes that are all taste of bloodthirsty grass." Little Fire Phoenix pointed at the man in the carriage. "However, we have taken off his clothes."

Modi’s face was ugly and three-pointed. “Why don’t you throw him at the beast?”

"He is the great prince of Zhou Guo." The whispered, "His mother-in-law has had grace for this seat, and this seat cannot ignore him."

Ye Hao has been silent, she is not willing to talk to Mo Di.

"The city owner, can we advance the city?" Xiao Huo Huang whispered, Ye Hao had to go to the healing.

Modi coveted Ye Xie and saw that she did not seem to pay attention to him. He turned his face gloomyly and went to the city of Tianzhu not far away.

"Too respect, is that person in the East?" Seeing the emperor leaving, Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

"Yes, it’s just that the people around him have been killed by the beasts." The top let the carriage go in the direction of Tianzhu City, eight horses were bitten away by six horses, and now there are only two horses, the speed is better than before. Slower.

"Then I know who killed us almost." Ye Hao said coldly, "It must be the East! He wants to kill the East, so people move his hands and feet."

Supremely applied the treatment on Ye Hao. "I will heal you again in the city. I am going to see the East."

If it wasn’t for the mother-in-law of Dongfang, he would not save this young man this time.

It seems that his men are all loyal, otherwise he will not be saved to death, and it is not easy for Dongfang to save a life under the attack of the beast.

"Girl..." The little fire phoenix claw hooked the hand of the hook leaf. "Fortunately, the Emperor Modi saved us, or we will die this time."

"The Flame Desert is his jurisdiction." Ye Hao said faintly, if he really wants to save them, he has already already shot, and will not wait until now.

Xiao Huo Huang sighed in his heart, it seems that Ye Hao is more and more annoying to Mo Di.

What should I do?

"What is the feather on your body?" Ye Hao hugged the little fire phoenix in his arms and saw that there was a scar on his body. He was distressed and hurriedly treated him with Lingquan.

Xiao Huohuang laughed. "I wanted to summon the space to be able to hold the magic weapon of the beast. I didn't find it for a long time."

"Don't do this in the future, there are not a few hairs." Ye Hao sneered, after treating the wound for Xiaohuo Huang, she used Lingquan to clean the scratches on her shoulders.

However, she found that the scars that Lingquan had caught on the beasts seemed to be not very effective.

"What happened?" The voice of Xiao Huo Huang was top-notch.

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