The usual injury, Lingquan can quickly make it heal quickly, but the wound on the shoulder of Ye Hao seems to have no change at all. Although there is no bleeding, the wound looks very awkward, and the fire is so painful. Start grabbing your own feathers.

"Okay, don't scratch yourself." Ye Hao smiled and stopped it. "When you enter the city, you will be healed again. Now you don't feel pain."

"That **** oriental scorpion, actually used such a mean and sinister means to harm his brother, but also tired of us." Xiao Huohuang angered angrily, if the East 煜 煜 in front of it, it must have flown over to bite him died.

Ye Hao’s eyes are very cold. Today’s account is indeed recorded on the head of the East. In the future, don’t let her meet him, or he must be liquidated with him.

"That is the life of the East, and it can survive in the mouths of hundreds of beasts." The small fire phoenix glanced inside, and although it was not clearly seen by the curtain, it was astonished by the strength of the supreme display today. .

If it is not supreme, Dongfang is definitely dead.

"How come that Modi will come?" Ye Hao whispered, "Is it related to you?"

Xiaohuohuang hopes to have a relationship with it, so that it can still send a message to Modi in space, but it does not seem to be because of it...

"It’s very close to Tianzhu City. It’s impossible for hundreds of beasts to break through and not be alarmed.” Xiao Huohuang said.

Ye Hao thinks it should be the same.

When I came out from the inside and saw the wound on the shoulder of Ye Hao, he frowned slightly. "Let me see."

"Tai Zun..." Ye Hao was a little embarrassed. She thought that Lingquan could cure her wounds, but now it seems that she can't do it. This is the first time that Lingquan can't heal the wound. In fact, she is nervous.

To the top of the light, and the long hair of the waist is draped straight behind the back, only the forehead hangs a hair, the blood and wolverine of a body does not affect his face like the crown of the Qing Jun hero, he Fuzheng Ye Hao's body, focus on Check her injuries.

His treatment is not deep, but the wound can still be cured. He has just tried the treatment, and her injury has not changed.

"The beast has a mark on you." The supreme voice said, "Only by removing the mark, you can completely cure your wounds, otherwise any elixir will be useless."

"Why do they leave a mark on me?" Ye Hao asked wonderingly.

"It may be related to your special physique." The whispered, "Yi Rongdan can only change your appearance, the beast smells sensitive, they recognize you."

Ye Hao round eyes, "What does my physique have to do with them?"

"Eat what you can improve for at least 50 years." Xiao Huohuang said next to him.

"..." She actually became the object that even the beasts wanted to eat. Is she a toon?

Supremely frowning at Ye Hao’s shoulder, “Even if the injury is done, the traces left by the beasts will not disappear, there is only one way.”

"What is the solution?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked.

"Use the blood of the beastmaster to wash away the mark."

"..." Ye Hao was speechless for a while. Is this the solution? I can't do it at all.

Looking up at the little fire phoenix, "Do you see this beast in the mountains?"

"Yeah, I thought it was a small crow." Ye Hao knew that the identity of Xiaohuohuang could not hold on.

"It’s not yet a fire, it’s like a little crow.” I looked at Ye Hao thoughtfully. "You are in good luck. After entering the city, go to the Mocheng master to help, he may have a way to help you."

The little fire phoenix scratched the rut, and the big eyes of the bean stared at it. It was the king of beasts! It is a beast! You are a crow, your whole family is a little crow!

Ye Hao heard that she was going to find Modi to help, and she suddenly had the urge to bear the imprint.

"Too respect, the people inside... is it okay?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

"The injury is a bit heavy. After waiting in the city, he will be healed again."

Ye moved his shoulders and felt that it was not so painful. They still had some distance from entering the city. She said to the supremacy, "Tai Zun, then I will go in and see."

"You take a break for yourself and you will soon enter the city."

"Good." Ye Hao smiled and nodded.

Into the carriage, Ye Hao found that the supremacy had put on the clothes for the oriental plaque, and she only saw what the unconscious big prince looked like.

Just look at him like this, and it is not very similar to the Oriental 煜. The five senses of the East 看起来 seem to be more gentle and gentle, and they don’t know how to be human.

The wound on his body had been bandaged. Ye Hao gave him some spiritual springs and saw a few **** colors on his face. She then sat down and raised her mind.

"Girl..." The little fire phoenix lingered on the legs of Ye Hao. "After entering the city, let's go to the city owner and let him help you remove the mark of the beast."

"In addition to looking for him, is there any other way?" Ye Hao opened his eyes and thought of going to face the Emperor, she had ten million unwillingness in her heart.

"No." Xiao Huohuang shook his head. "If you want to get the blood of the beastmaster, you can only find him."

Ye Hao remembered the indifference when he was looking at her. "He seems to recognize me."

"How can I not recognize you? I am by your side." Xiao Huohuang said, in fact, with the repair of Mo Di, Yi Rongdan had no effect on him.

"You still hurt?" Ye Hao touched the head of the small fire phoenix.

"It doesn't hurt." Xiao Huo Huang said, looking at the injury to Ye Hao's shoulder. "We haven't found Ming Xi, you must protect yourself."

Ye Hao smiled. "I will."

For Ming Xi, she will make herself stronger and will not have anything to do.

"Hey..." The unconscious Dongfang Tiger Beach screamed and struggled to sit up with a hand on his chest.

"Are you awake?" Ye Hao looked at the east and saw him with a look of pain. "The injury on your body is very heavy. It is best not to move."

When Dongfang looked up, he saw an ordinary boy. He looked around. "I didn't die, did you save me?"

"It is the supreme honor that saved you." Ye Hao whispered, "I have only saved you alone. Now we have left the Flame Desert and are going to Tianzhu City."

Dongfang Zhen remembers a scene that happened not long ago. His face is even white. "What about the beasts? Those beasts ate my subordinates..."

"The beast has returned to the ground, and the clothes on your body have the taste of bloodthirsty grass, so that the beasts will be mad." Ye Hao said faintly.

"How is it possible! I have never touched the bloodthirsty grass. I know that the bloodthirsty grass will make the beast go crazy, how can it..." The oriental face changed and "someone wants to harm me."

Ye Hao faintly said, "At least you are still alive today."

The chest of the oriental cockroach violently undulates, and he has already guessed who wants to harm him.

"Tianzhuocheng is here!" Xiaohuo Huang cried excitedly.

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