Ye Hao was so painful that he was convulsing all over the body. He naturally did not have the leisure to pay attention to what the tower looked like. He only felt that the building that had passed through the eye was similar to the palace.

She was hugged into a large yard. She didn't look at the expression of Modi. If she could directly faint in the past, she wouldn't want to get along with Modi.

"The city owner, who is this boy?"

It seems that someone is talking, it should be the Emperor of the Emperor.

Modi looked at Shen Ying with a faint look, "Retreat."

Shen Ying stunned and stood next to him.

"Who is that?" Yin Siyue whispered, never seeing who the city owner had returned, how did he hold a boy today?

“Why do you think I will know?” Shen Ying asked.

Yin Siyue gave him a look. "Are you not all around the city?"

"You don't know, the city owner often goes out alone." Shen Ying said faintly, looking up to the direction of the disappearance of the Emperor.

The city owner seems to value this boy.

Ye Hao didn't even know who Modi was talking to. She was hugged into a large room. The room was large, but the furnishings were extremely simple, and there was a chill of fear everywhere.

She was placed on the bed.

"What do you want to do?" Ye Hao struggled to sit up, she didn't want to lie on his bed.

"Since you don't want to owe me, you shouldn't come out and get into trouble. I warned you." Modi said coldly, "Untie the clothes."

Ye Hao said with a bite, "You give me the blood of the beastmaster, I will come by myself."

Modi’s mouth sneered a little and his eyes were mocking. “Do you think that if you put the blood of the beastmaster on the wound, you can eliminate the mark of the beast?”

Otherwise what should I do? Ye Xie was cold and uninterested.

"If you don't want to be related to me, you shouldn't come here. I have to wonder if you want to get my attention after three times." Modi leaned close to her, his eyes were deep and cold. Staring at her.

"I am asking you to help me? I asked you whether it was before or now?" Ye Haoxing looked at him with a sly look.

Modi’s eyes fell on her pale pink lips, not the same as the red and swollen after the last kiss. He even had the urge to bite her lips as if it would restore blood.

He reached out and grabbed her belt, and pulled the belt away. "Don't be awkward. If there is a way to save you, you won't ask me. Don't think that I am interested in you. For me, you But it is a trouble that can't be lost."

"What are you going to do?" Ye Hao screamed, but the shoulders were so painful that she had no strength to stop him.

"I will leave here immediately after I cancel the imprint. Next time, I will not help you again." Modi said coldly, leaving her clothes off with only one apron, and the wound on her shoulder was completely exposed.

"Do you think that I am rare, can you help me? Modi, you... you roll!" Ye Hao did not hurt his hand in front of him, and his cheeks were so angry that his cheeks were red.

Modi sat cross-legged in front of her. "I don't want you to save you, then return it to me. I saved you twice. You owe me two lives."

"You..." Ye Hao hated to gnash his teeth, and the person who was so good in Murong Cham could be the avatar of this person.

"Hands on your knees and adjust your arms to protect yourself." Modi said coldly.

Ye Hao didn't want to listen to him, but now it has already reached this point. If she refuses, it seems that there is no benefit.

For Ming Xi, in order to be able to go back to see Murong Chong, she endured!

When Modi saw her, she slowly put her hand down, but the whole body was still tight and seemed to be very nervous.

"Relax, adjust the interest." Modi said softly.

Ye glanced at him, closed his eyes and didn't look at him. I imagined sitting in front of her with a piece of wood so that she could concentrate on adjusting her interest.

Modi looked at her with her eyebrows. Her face was pale, her skin seemed to be more delicate than he had seen before, and... the nephrite on her chest seemed to be bigger than he had seen in his dreams.

The tender yellow apron couldn't hold her soft, and it looked like... it was coming out, and as she breathed, the drum and the soft jade were like a pair of rabbits...

Everything about her looks familiar, and he knows that it is the feeling of being separated from him.

This woman used to bloom under him...

What was he thinking about? Modi slammed back to God, pressing down the strong desires of his heart, and a red blooddrop was condensed at his fingertips.

Between the moments, the entire room is bloody.

Ye Hao also smelled this smell, but she was concentrating on adjusting her breath to protect her, so she did not alarm her.

Modi controlled the blood beads to the shoulders of Ye Hao. The blood beads had only a little gap from his fingertips. As the spiritual power increased, the blood beads turned faster and faster, and the scars caught by the beasts broke open again. Yin Hong’s blood flowed out.

The blood was sucked in by the blood.


Ye Hao’s forehead sweated, and she felt that her whole body was hurting. It seemed that something was forcibly leaving her body. There was a smell in her body that was not her, if she was protecting her, at this time Qihai must have been injured.

Time passes by little, the rotating blood beads absorb more blood, and the color becomes more vivid.

Ye Hao is sweat all over the body.

Modi can see the body she can see almost now, and he is not happy with his reaction. He does not like being influenced by people, especially women.

"Oh..." The last drop of blood was sucked away from the wound of Ye Hao. She was sore and groaning. She opened her eyes with difficulty and saw a familiar face that was engraved in her life. "Azhan !"

Modi took the blood beads and took advantage of the softly fallen leafhoppers.

"There is no ink in this world." Modi said softly, frowning at the woman in his arms, he should throw her out, forget, see her so weak.

The wound on the shoulder of Ye Hao had been cured by the naked eye. He hugged her and walked over to the clean room.

There was a flowing hot spring pool in the net room. He frowned and looked at Ye Hao, and it was difficult for him to hold her to the pool to clean the smudges.

"Azhan, Azhan..." Ye Hao cried in confusion, "I miss you."

Modi felt that his apex was so eager to be pinched by a dense needle, and the memory of his body was fiercely trying to break through the seal.

"The troublesome woman!" Modi whispered in a low voice, hugged Ye Hao, and threw her into the quilt and left.

He must stay away from her!

"City Lord, where are you going?" Yin Siyue saw Modi hurried out and smiled and asked him, strange, what about the boy?

"You and Shen Ying go to the flame desert. The anomaly of the beast today is not only because of the bloodthirsty grass, but to find out clearly." Modi said with a blank expression.

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