Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1651: I still want to kill you.

Modi left the tower and went to an inn on Baihu Street, and soon saw the supremacy of the roof.

Supreme is like waiting for him here.

"Ink City Lord, Ye Hao?" The supremacy of a strong breath is close, even if you don't open your eyes, you know who is coming.

"Why did you teach her to cultivate, what is the purpose?" Modi gaze at the supremacy. Two hundred years ago, he saw the last few times. At that time, he was only a warrior who was not a prominent figure. He was able to stand out in the Great Shengzong and save the Great Holy Family.

If it weren't for Ye Hao, he wouldn't go to the top, and hundreds of years ago, the supremacy was rescued in the Yan domain.

"Ink City Lord, this seat does not understand the meaning of your words, Ye Hao has a relationship with the Great Saints, her father and mother are the people of the Great Saints. I saw her talented, so she taught her to practice." To the above, the color is faint.

When Emperor Modi came to the top, he was almost the same height as the supreme, and the two stood together, but he had a kind of overbearing momentum that pressed around.

"The battle with the sorcerer, your cultivation seems to be less than the ancestry." Modi looked at the top, he never looked at the wrong person, the supreme feeling for him is not simple.

Supremely smiled, "It has been two hundred years. If there is no breakthrough in the cultivation of this seat, it is no longer alive."

"Yeah, you are not only alive, but you are not getting old at all." This is his most puzzling place. Even if he cultivated to the peak of the clan, two hundred years have passed, and the supremacy should be middle-aged, not young.

"Isn't the Mocheng Lord not changed anything?"

Modi’s thin lips evoked a hint of inscrutable smile. “It’s been so closed for so many years. Do you value him for Ye Hao’s exit?”

"Yeah, I value her very much." Up to the top, looking directly at the Emperor Modi, "So, the Lord of Mexico, what about her?"

"Resting." Modi said softly.

To the top, "This seat will pick her up, the love of the Lord of Mexico, the supreme will be remembered."

"I saved her, and it was her report." Modi did not like the attitude of the admiral Ye Hao as his person.

"Ye Ye, she... I am afraid that she still has no ability to repay her." Supreme said, "Although she is not my apprentice, but we have a teacher-student relationship, she owes you, I should pay for her."

Modi snorted coldly. "Who is not the one who has the final say."

Supremely frowning, if you can't detect the strange attitude of Modi to Ye Hao, then he has lived for years.

"Ink City Lord, but Ye Hao has offended you?"

It is more than offending him! Since she appeared on the Xuantian continent, his heart has not been calm for a moment.

"Tomorrow I will let people send her back." Modi said coldly, "Supreme, have you been to the Yan domain?"

"Goed." The last pause, coveted, "In that year, the sorcerer was buried in the Xuantian continent. At the beginning of the war, I once caught a group of warriors in the Yan domain. I am one of them."

Modi carefully recalled that year, "I have never heard of an flaming witch!"

"The Mocheng master only cares about guarding the mainland to kill the evil spirits. Naturally, he did not find it. The fire demon is the flaming witch. She shows that she is a man in front of everyone. It is actually a woman."

Fighting with him, and the year of the deadlock is a woman? Modi knew this thing today. In fact, after the war, Xuantian mainland regained peace, he would be bored to get rid of the avatar, he never thought about the details of the war.

Now I want to come, the blaze seems to behave like a woman in some ways.

"The supreme is too respectful, you know so much." Modi looked sharply at the top.

"It’s not that this seat knows a lot because it was once caught in the Yan domain for a year, so it’s easier to detect it.” The whispered.

Modi looked at the top, but there was no flaw in the supremacy, but he still did not believe that he taught Ye Xie to practice without purpose.

Forget it, the reminder he has already reminded Ye Hao, since she still wants to stay on top, he does not have to do anything.

"Scorpio is different from other places. Is it the first time that the supreme is the first time?" Modi asked faintly.

"Yeah, for the first time." The answer is the most ridiculous. It is the first time. When the Xuantian continent began to fight against the Yan area, he actually came several times.

Modi did not say anything, turned and left indifferently.

Supremely looking at the back of Mo Di, the gentle smile in his eyes gradually cooled down.

"He really... didn't discover your difference."



Ye Hao didn't know how long she slept. She felt that the whole body had a kind of unspeakable comfort. The pain in her shoulders disappeared completely. She seemed to be lying on the cloud, just wanting to sleep all the time.

sleep? Shoulder injury?

The indifferent face of Modi got into her mind, and all her sleepiness was taken away. She opened her eyes and found herself in a strange room. When she was half-sounding, she thought about it. This is the room where Modi brought her over.

She hurriedly sat up, and the thin cover on her body was slipped, revealing her white body like a jade, her eyes flashed a horror, and she was busy pulling the quilt over her.

Damn Modi! What did he do to her?

Ye Hao took out the clothes from the space and put them on, and in the heart, the Emperor Modi was in vain.

After being dressed, Ye Hao had the mood to see the surrounding environment. This room... looks like the image of the ink-receiving temple of Mo Rongzhan. The furnishings are simple and concise, and the furniture is black sandalwood everywhere. The room that was not angry seemed more serious.

Is it because the avatar is the same, so even the preferences are the same?

Nonsence! Azhan is much better than Modi, and Modi is a glimpse!

Ye Hao was groaning in her heart. She touched her shoulder and found that the injury had healed. Her face was happy and she immediately went to the door.

Just opened the door and saw a black figure standing outside.

"Don't even say thank you, is this going to leave?" Modi raised his eyebrows and looked at the neatly dressed Ye Hao. She actually wanted to leave?

"I didn't ask you to help me." When Ye Hao saw that he and Murong Zhan had exactly the same face, he remembered that he actually kissed him last time, and she angered and burned it.

Modi sneered, "but I will help you clear the mark and bathe for you personally..."


"I was the first time I saw someone who said that she was so shameful!" Ye screamed screamingly. He didn't mention it. When he mentioned that he actually... bathed her, she wanted to kill him immediately. .

Modi violently grabbed her hand in the palm of her hand. "No woman ever dared to beat me. You actually hit me twice."

"I still want to kill you!" cried Ye.

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