Ye Xie has killed Modi in his heart for thousands of times. It is more than a simple slap. She hates that she is not as good as him. It is like an ant in front of him. This shameless man has a face and let her say. Thank you.

"Kill me?" Modi grabbed her wrist and pulled her over. "Is this your attitude towards the savior?"

"I didn't let you save me." Ye Hao said coldly.

Modi’s lips smiled, and the slender fingers pressed her pink lips. “It’s true that I have been busy with you for several times. I knew that when you last time, I should not refuse. ""

Referring to the last time she took the initiative to kiss him, Ye Hao was so angry that he blushes, "Stop! I won't be with you."

The person she wants to kiss is not him at all! It is Murong Chan.

The smile in the eyes of Modi is even more evil. "Is it? Who are you who want to kiss, who is the one who wants to be with you?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Ye Hao said with a grin.

“Is it Murong Chan?” Modi chuckled. “You are not curious why Murong Chan is the same as me?”

Ye Hao stared at him angrily. "Even if he is your avatar, he is two people with you."

I don't know why, Mo Di did not like her attitude of wanting to clear his relationship with him. "Do you know why my avatar went to the mainland? The avatar is no different from me. He met what he encountered on the mainland." I will feel it, including anything he does..."

Ye Hao’s face was white. Although he didn’t say it too straightforward, she could understand what he meant. She and Murong’s skin, can he feel it?

" are shameless." Ye Hao has not hated a person so much for a long time. Fortunately, Murong Zhan is not here, otherwise he still does not know what will be changed by Mo Di, "Mo Rong Chan grows on the human continent, and you There are two kinds of people at all."

"Is it?" Modi smiled faintly, and he was the same person as him. Even the appearance would not be the same, let alone the temper.

In the heart of Ye Hao’s resentment, she had to admit that he was so abominable when she had not released her suspicion with Murong Zhan.

"You let me go." Ye took his hand and only felt that the place he was holding was uncomfortable.

Modi squeezed her chin. "I will say it again, don't bother again. If there is another time, I won't just let you say thank you."

Ye Hao’s hands were caught by Mo Di, and his chin was pinched by him. She struggled and her strength was too great. She must practice harder, at least not in this man’s face.

Modi looked down at her cheeks that were red because of anger. He had an impulse in his heart. Before he lost control, he let go of her hand and "go."

"Since your avatar is on the human continent, then he and you are two people, you..." Ye Hao walked to the door, but she did not know why her heart was not a good omen, and always felt that Murong Zhan met ink. The emperor will definitely have an accident. She hopes that Modi will never go to see Murong Cham.

"If he does not come back on the mainland, he is naturally two people." Modi said with a smile, "Do you fall in love with my avatar, but I hate it so much?"

"What qualifications do you have compared with him?" Ye said.

Modi just smiled a little and once again felt that he did not let Ye Hao know that he is now right with Murong Cham.

Ye Hao actually wants to know more about him and Murong Cham, but he should not say it.

Anyway, as long as he does not go to the mainland to find Murong Cham.

She walked out of the room with her anger, but found that she did not know which direction to leave.

"Who are you?" A few steps away, a woman with a beautiful appearance suddenly came.

The leaves are dull, and the woman is tall and bumpy. It seems that she lives here. Is it the woman of Modi?

"How come you come out in the room of the city owner?" Yin Siyue looked at the ordinary boy in front of him, as if he had been brought back by the city owner last night.

Ye Hao looked at her. "I am leaving. May I ask where to go?"

Yin Siyue feels that this boy looks a bit strange. He always feels that something is wrong. "You haven't answered my question yet. Who are you?"

"I..." Ye Hao felt that the woman was a bit aggressive and seemed to have an inexplicable hostility towards her.

"She brought me back, you sent her to Baihu Street." Modi came out of the room, his voice whispered.

Yin Siyue hurriedly took a ceremony, "Yes, the city owner."

Why did the city owner bring this boy back? Did the teenager sleep in the room of the city owner last night?

how is this possible! They usually get rid of the room when they enter the city owner. Why can this teenager enter?

"There is a girl." Ye Hao’s work, it’s better to take her out of here.

Modi looked up at Ye Hao with a faint look. He hoped that this time she would not appear again after she got the fire source of the fire phoenix. Every time she saw her, he had some seals that could not control the avatar. If he continued, he would be separated. The memory will come back all the time. With that strong emotion, he can hardly imagine the consequences.

Yin Siyue was reluctant in her heart, but with the instructions of Mo Di, she had to obey.

Modi is too unusual for this boy, is it... Is there any secret that is unknown?

"Follow me." Yin Siyue said faintly, leaving Ye Lan with the city.

When she came in, Ye Hao was so confused that she was held in her arms by the Emperor, so she didn't really see it. Now, when she looked at the tower under the bright sky, she found that it was bigger than she thought.

No wonder no one dares to provoke the city of Tianzhu. This is like a palace-like tower. Only Modi dares to live.

"You used to be in Tianzhu City?" Yin Siyue raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Hao. This young boy was born very well. She had never seen it before.

"Yeah." Ye Hao should.

Yin Siyue snorted. "How did you come back with the city owner yesterday? Wounded? Why did the city owner save you?"

Ye Hao listened to her tone of interrogation and smiled faintly. "The girl is not as good as she asks Modi. You ask too much, I can't answer it."

"You don't even have a title." Yin Siyue is more curious about the identity of this boy. "Don't think that the city owner is looking at you, you can be rude."

"Girl, did Modi have looked at me, it was not my business." Ye Hao said softly.

Yin Siyue intends to go back and inquire about Ye Hao’s identity. “In front of Baihua Street, I will send you here.”

"Thank you girl." Ye Hao said, no matter who this person is, who is Modi, has nothing to do with her.

Yin Siyue glanced at her and prepared to go back to Shen Ying and they asked for it.

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