Ye Hao took a clap and looked at the oriental cockroach that was smashed by the little fire phoenix. I can imagine what it would be like to wake up in the East. Hey, deserve it!

"It turns out that you are so guilty." Suddenly, there was a deep, dull voice behind her.

This voice is too familiar, and Ye Hao knows who it is.

Her shoulders are stiff, when is the more out of the alley? It is obvious that there are no other people.

I didn’t hear it.

Ye Haotou does not want to leave.

When Emperor saw that she was ignored, the narrow nephew picked up slightly and appeared in front of her with a flash of light. "Can't hear, can't you see me?"

"Who is you?" Ye Hao looked at him coldly.

"I have forgotten it so quickly. It seems that I need to remind you." Modi approached her, and the slender fingers were trying to pinch her chin.

Ye Hao stepped back a few steps and yelled at him with shame. "What do you want to do?"

"Do good things in Tianzhu City, you still ask me what to do?" Modi looked at her like a smile, not that he wanted to pay attention to her, but she was in his city, he was in his heart. Uncontrolled, I want to know what she is doing. When she finds that she is actually tracking the Eastern cockroach, he appears. She has been observing her in the dark and wondering what she is going to do.

"You said that it is a good thing, can you still want to take me away?" Ye Hao cold.

"My Scorpio City and Zhou Guo also have a marriage contract..." Modi said faintly, if the Eastern Skulls had an accident in Tianzhu City, the Zhou Guoguozhu would definitely not give up, although he did not care what Zhou was doing, but he did not want this woman. Too much peace of mind.

Speaking of the marriage contract, Ye Hao remembered that he almost married the man in front of him. "Ah, you don't say that I almost forgot, I don't know which Ye Family girl is lucky enough to marry you. But this is you. It doesn't matter to me with Ye Family."

She is not the real Ye Jiasan girl, and his big guardian law has nothing to do with her.

The faintness of Modi’s twilight is that he let Shen Ying go to see the king of Zhou Guo, let the girl of Ye Jia marry Da Dafa, he does not want to have any involvement with Ye Hao, but since he and the avatar, he has a lot of emotions and behaviors. It is not what he can control.

He loves this woman deeply, and his feelings are strong. Even if he seals the memory of the human world, his emotions are not controlled.

He has to admit that this woman is extremely attractive to him. He is close to her without control and wants to protect her, even if he is obviously rejecting this feeling of disgust.

"What if you are?" Modi asked softly.

He knows that her temper is not obedient, but her current status is Ye Jiasan, if Ye Boshu wants her to marry?

Ye Hao looked at Modi and smiled. "I am married to a cow and marry a dog. As long as it is not married to you."

Modi’s face was so heavy that she flashed a few scenes in her face wearing a red wedding dress. Every scene was she bloomed under her body like a peony flower, glamorous, charming and charming, a smile, a soul, and that It is her style.

"Who can you marry?" Modi's voice was dumb, and she forced her to take a step back.

This situation is inexplicably familiar, Ye Hao remembers that once she was forced into the alley by Murong Cham, now the man in front of him looks exactly the same, but he is no longer him.

Ye Hao’s eyes are a little red, she misses Murong Cham, and sees this man who looks exactly the same as him.

If he is by her side, he must have been able to hear the whereabouts of Ming Xi.

The black scorpion stared at her, and felt a sorrow in her bright and clear eyes. His heart tipped, and the gods lowered his head and kissed her gently.

Really soft! It’s so sweet!

Since she took the initiative to kiss him last time, he has been tickle in his heart, seeing her again, he has for a long time not to hold her under her body.

Every night, she appears in his dreams, time after time...

Ye Hao, the whole person is froze, familiar atmosphere, familiar arms, if it is not clear that this man is not her Azhan, she can not resist his kiss.

"Let go!" She pushed his shoulder.

Modi knew that she should let go of her, but yesterday she was in his arms, he was entangled in her dreams every day, this temptation is too big, he knows this is the feeling of avatar, now She is in his arms, he does not want to push her away.

He wants to know if this woman really can affect him anything.

"Bastard, let me go!" Ye Hao screamed vaguely. He was not Murong Cham, he was Modi, even if the breath was the same... not him.

The Emperor Modi released the spiritual pressure and bound Ye Hao in the hand that beat him. Her back leaned against the wall and the whole person could not move.

His big palm clasped her back of the head and sucked her pink lips, and noticed that she was close to her teeth. He turned dark and bite her lips.

Ye Hao whispered, his tongue tipped into it, and more eagerly grabbed her sweetness.

She wants to push him away, wants to break free, but finds that she can't do it.

It feels like he feels in his dreams. He really wants this woman.

Modi’s breathing was getting heavier and heavier, and the hot and humid kiss fell on her ear. He picked up her clothes and finally held the nephrite as she wished.

Ye Hao only felt resentful and humiliating, tears in his eyes.

"Don't cry!" Modi's voice was hoarse, and he kissed her tears, and the hot body pressed against her.

"You are going to die!" cried Ye.

Modi kissed her again, "Hey, hey..."

Ye Hao was shocked and looked at him incredulously. What did he just call her?

She didn't get it wrong this time, he told her!

How did he know her nickname?

At this time, Modi did not know that he had surrendered Ye Hao’s nickname. A strange emotion encroached on all his thoughts and reason. He wanted to get her, wanted to comfort her, and didn’t want to see her tears.

"Who are you?" Ye Hao asked blushingly, not wanting to admit that his body felt because of him.

"Who am I?" Modi looked up at him. His eyes were deep and dark. The dark red scorpion on the left looked even more strange. His hand left her clothes and arranged clothes for her.

The reason came back little by little, and he pressed the strong emotion.

Ye Hao’s hands were finally able to move. She grabbed his shoulder. “Who are you? How do you know that I am yelling? You... are you Murong Cham?”

There was a clear desire for emotion in the eyes of Modi, but his mouth was floating with a cruel smile. "It turns out that as long as I am Murong Chong, I can touch you."

Ye Hao’s face is paler. “You just called me...”

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