"I have happened in the mainland, I have known people, I know, let alone your name." The impulse of the body of the Emperor has not been completely suppressed, his voice is still very dark.

"You know everything..." Ye Hao muttered to himself. If Modi knew everything, then he should know why she was here.

But he knows what? He is not Murong Cham, how can there be the feelings of Murong Chong on her and on Ming Xi?

Ye Hao looked up at the ridiculous smile on his mouth. If it was Murong Cham, how could she treat her like that cruelly?

"Yes, I know." Modi wiped her tears from her face. His fingertips were rough, and her skin was soft. He wanted to turn and leave, but his feet couldn't move.

Ye Hao sideways to avoid his hand. "How about that, Murong Zhan is still Murong Zhan, you are not him."

"Ye, don't you understand?" Modi said faintly, "I am him, he is me."

He wants to say that there is no Murong Cham in the world, but he still resists it. He always feels that it is not a good thing for Ye Hao to know the truth. If she refuses to go back?

"I won't ask you anything," Ye Hao whispered.

"Where is your son, don't you want to know?" Modi asked her.

Ye Hao suddenly looked up at him. "What do you say? Do you know where Mingxi is?"

"Is it your son, you will leave the world." Modi asked.

"Of course, what is worthy of my love here?" Ye Hao's lips are a little trembling. Does he really know where Mingxi is?

Modi coveted her fresh and clear face. Since she met her, he found that the memory and emotions of the avatar were getting worse and worse. The memory could not be locked up sooner or later. What he pursued was the extraordinary sanctification, the children’s affair. Will affect his cultivation, especially Ye Hao, she let him repeatedly lose self-control, this has never happened before.

Therefore, even if he was influenced by Murong Cham, his heart would not be reluctant, and he would also send her back to the mainland.

"Find your son, I will let people tell you." Modi said softly.

Ye Hao looked at him with no confidence. "Will you tell me?"

"At that time, I will personally send you back to the mainland, and I will never be able to come back again." Modi said coldly.

If she finds Ming Xi back to the mainland, she will definitely forget everything here, especially him. "Good."

Modi looked down at her red and swollen lips, feeling as if something was scratching his heart gently, and he felt inexplicable.

Ye Hao grabbed the robes and looked at him with cold eyes. "Mu Di, even if you know that I am with Murong Cham on the mainland, you are not him. Please don't treat me later...for me..."

"How about you?" Modi asked with a smile.

"Do this kind of disgusting thing!" Ye Hao said with a hate, if her cultivation is comparable to him, she will not let him go.

Modi suddenly chuckled and was amused by her.

nausea? He and her even have children, she actually feels sick.

Ye Xie looked at the smile on his face, and it softened his indifference. It looked more like Murong Cham. She felt a pain in her heart. She didn’t dare to think that Murong Cham and Ming Yu would be doing this on the mainland. what.

"Hey, hey..." The little fire phoenix threw its wings back. It hadn't flown into the alley, and it had already called Ye Hao's name loudly.

The figure of the small fire phoenix appeared in the moonlight. It saw the figure standing in front of Ye Hao, and almost fell in the air. "City...owner?"

"How is the matter going?" Ye Hao pushed the Emperor Modi and walked over to the small fire phoenix, holding it in his arms.

"Take him still in the middle of the desert, at least to wake up tomorrow morning." Xiao Huohuang whispered.

"Good job." Ye Hao smiled and touched the head of Xiao Huohuang.

The small fire, the big eyes of the beans, looked at the powder lips of Ye Hao. "How come you are with the city owner?"

"It happened to happen." Ye Hao said faintly, "Let's go back."

When Mo Di saw that she had calmed down her emotions, I believe that he called her because he knew that Murong Zhan was on the earth in the world. He called her a moment, and felt that he was Murong Cham...

This is an idea that makes him annoyed and disgusted.

Xiao Huo Huang carefully looked at Modi, although it was very curious to know what happened to them, but it seemed to be unable to ask.

Ye Hao did not pay attention to Mo Di, holding a small fire phoenix in front of him.

The faint fragrant scent passed through the breath of the Emperor, and his twilight was so heavy that he suppressed the instigation of his heart.

Until her figure disappeared into the alley, Modi opened the enchantment around the alley, and the shadow appeared on the other side of the alley.

"The city owner, the only small fire phoenix is ​​to put the oriental cockroach into the flame desert." Shen Ying whispered, "I have checked under the genus, the oriental cockroach has a herb similar to the bloodthirsty grass, the two herbs grow similar, but The smell is different, it seems that the lady just wants to scare the oriental cockroaches."

Modi smiled and smiled. It seems that she still knows how to leave room for herself. Even if she kills Dongfang, he will not let Zhou Guoguo do what she wants.

However, in this place of Xuantian mainland, she knows that it is a good thing to protect herself.

"Don't bother, let the Eastern monk receive a lesson." Mo Di looked at Shen Ying.

"Yes, the city owner." Shen Ying immediately understood what Modi meant.

At this time, the oriental cockroach still in the middle of the flame desert was still in a coma, until the next morning, the drug disappeared, and he was awakened by a heat wave.

When he opened his eyes, he was scared by the scene in front of him.

Beast! How can there be a beast!

How could he be in the desert? There is a beast in front of the smelling the ground, as if looking for something.

"Save...help!" The Eastern screamed out and found that his voice was stunned. He wanted to take out the sword and drop something out of his arms.

Bloodthirsty grass? The Oriental cockroach scared almost crying. How could he have bloodthirsty grass on his body?

He quickly stood up and took off all his clothes, so he ran wildly in the desert, and he could not wait to leave the flame desert immediately.

The beast heard the movement and walked slowly toward him.

The Eastern Dragonfly ran to the direction of the city gate, "Help, save lives!"

In the city of Tianzhu, I found the subordinates of the East, and finally found their princes. However, they almost didn’t recognize it. The man who was not wearing anything outside the city gate was really Oriental 煜?

The Eastern Dragonfly was shocked by everyone, and it was embarrassing to dig a hole to bury himself.

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