The oriental cockroach was thrown into the flame desert. As a result, the beast was chasing after the clothes. Nothing was quickly passed to Ye Hao’s ear. Of course, she let the little fire phoenix squat on the wall in the morning. Otherwise, Scorpio City is so big, she is not so quick to know the news.

The small fire phoenix painted the sound of the East how to scream outside the city wall, the wolf is like a madman, if it is not just his subordinates, no one knows that it is the second emperor of Zhou Guo, in short, the East 煜 this time The shame is known to the entire continent.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't see it with my own eyes." Ye Hao ate a Yi Rongdan and said with a smile, can't kill Dongfang, this method is very good for revenge.

She would not believe that the Zhou Guoguo will give the throne to a prince who had been streaking in front of everyone. She remembered that she felt happy in her heart.

"What is so happy?" The first step out of the room, seeing Ye Hao's rare face with a bright smile, he asked curiously.

"Too respect." Ye Hao went to him for a ceremony. "I just heard an interesting thing."

I always like to be quiet, I have never been interested in what happened outside, but today I see Ye Hao smile and beautiful, he actually wants to know what is going on, "What?"

"I heard that someone shouted outside the city and took off their clothes. I thought that I could escape the killing of the beasts, and there was no beast in the back to chase him." Ye Yan said with a smile.

Supremely raised an eyebrow, looked at Ye Hao with a clear eyes, about guessing the reason for her happiness, he gently shook his head, it turned out that she was calm and calm, and there was a heart.

Ye Hao was seen with a red cheek, so the superb is so vast, she should know what she did last night.

"Today, I will go to the Mocheng Building. Let's go." There is no blame for Ye Hao. The brother who has framed his own in the East is not right. It is okay to punish him.

"What about Dongfang?" asked Ye Wei. After Modi had done to her last night, she resisted going to the Mocheng Building today. She didn't want to see him.

Supremely said, "He needs to restore his spiritual power today. When we get the fire, we will go with him to the holy gate."

Ye Hao was secretly surprised, and the Eastern Dragonfly could restore spiritual power so quickly? His injury is so heavy, and no therapist has healed him. Is it still a cure?

She remembers that Mrs. Ye San said that the supremely superior is the royal fire and the alchemy.

I walked a few steps to the front and suddenly stopped again. I looked at the small fire phoenix that was parked on the shoulder of Ye Hao. "She has not yet been able to protect you. Although you are not very good now, you are confronted with a strong trait." Still able to recognize you, by the time, she will have a murder."

"I will protect her." Xiao Huohuang called.

"How to protect?" The top hand waved, Xiao Huo Huang was buckled by his neck. "You are forcibly reborn, the spiritual power has not recovered, and it has never been reborn by ancient fire sources. How do you protect her?"

"Too respect!" Ye Hao worried that he accidentally killed the small fire phoenix, "I put it away."

Xiao Huo Huang couldn't find a rebuttal. The small eyes glanced up and looked back.

Supremely, there is still a secret in Ye Hao, but he did not ask more, "Go."

Ye Hao gently patted the palm of his hand, which is to appease the small fire phoenix.

The little guy must be so angry that he is jumping around in the space.

The center of the Mocheng Building in the center of the Four Streets looks like a place to seal the mouth. However, no one in the entire Xuantian mainland dares to touch the seal of the four holy beasts.

From Baihu Street to the front, it took only half a day to finally get out of Baihu Street. This street is very long and long. Ye Hao looks in the south, but I can't see anything. She wants to see what Suzaku Street is like. It.

"The front is the Mocheng Building." The whispered, "You have been here."

At that time, she had the heart to see what the Mocheng Building looked like. Moreover, she felt that when Emperor Modi brought her over, it seemed that it would not take so long. "Tianzhucheng is really big."

"Well, the four streets are the city in the city, there are a few small towns outside, the city of Tianzhu is not much smaller than Zhou Guo." The supremacy is simple.

From the beginning of the flame desert, they entered the site of Tianzhu City. Outside the north gate is a flame desert. The other gates are different. It is said that Tianzhu City is a city, but it is only to distinguish it from other countries. Relationship only.

"How do we get in?" Ye Hao is not interested in Tianzhu City. Anyway, after this time, there should be no chance to come.

They got off the carriage, and the door of the Mocheng Building didn't know what it was made of. The whole body was dark and revealed a crushing pressure.

Standing outside the gate stood two expressionless guards.

Supreme sent a jade card, he came here to seek ancient fire.

"Too respect, what is that?" She saw that the guards had hidden the jade card and did not know what the other party was going to do.

"That is the worship of the Great Sacred." The whispered.

The man of Modi is arrogant and arrogant, and it does not look like someone who will put the Great Holy Family in his eyes.

After a while, the heavy door slowly rose, and a man in gray clothes appeared behind the door.

"In the next day, the second law of the city, the supreme, please." The person who came out was Shen Ying. He recognized the teenager standing next to him and was brought back by the city owner the night before.

Strange, how can the city owner save a young saint?

It’s not right. Last time, he heard that White Thirteen went to the Great Saints to protect his wife. It seems that the wife is following a Taizun cultivation. Is it difficult to be a teenager?

Shen Ying was amazed in his heart for a moment, and soon returned to normal, leading them to the Mocheng Building.

Ye Hao is behind the top, is it going to see Mo Di?

"The supreme is too respectful, the city owner is just in retreat today, I don't know what is going on with you?" Shen Ying asked, his heart was actually very puzzled. Yesterday, the city owner clearly looked very bright and spring, and his mood deteriorated after he returned. I have been retreating inside the underground palace today.

When I heard that Mo Di was in retreat, Ye Hao’s mouth couldn’t help but curl up. It’s great, I don’t need to see him.

"We are coming for ancient fires." The supremacy said, "I want to ask the city owner to use the ancient fire source with us."

"Supremely respected should be clear, ancient fire sources are not everyone can ask." Shen Ying said that only the Tianzhu City in the whole continent has the fire source of the ancient beast and Suzaku, not that no one has ever asked for it. Some people used to ask for fire before moving. Source, the Emperor never refused, but every time the people who ask for the source of fire will be burned to death, so for decades, no one dares to come to the source of fire.

"Look at the fate." Supreme said.

Shen Ying looked at Ye Hao and said, "It’s good to know too much."

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